Julia Lorraine Quinton

December 8, 1922 - February 12, 2015


Julia L Quinton peacefully passed away February 12, 2015 at her home in Seattle at the age of 92. She was born in Lewisville Idaho as the only daughter of Will and Cora Havens. Judy is survived by her brothers, Lamar and Clair Havens, children Randall and Sherrie Quinton, six grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

She was a woman of great energy, generosity and determination, who always enjoyed a good laugh. Judy led an active life of travel and service. She was a co-founder of the Quinton Instrument Company. She had an interest in drama and musical theater both in front of and behind the curtain. She was a driving force at the Civic Light Opera theater.

Funeral services will be held February 21st at 11:00am at the Discovery Park Ward building at 2415 31st Avenue West in Seattle with interment in Lewisville Idaho.

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Tom Adams
Tom Adams
5 years ago

Sherrie and Randy,

My condolences to both of you. My goodness, earth will miss one of it’s finest citizens. Bless her heart. I hope to attend the service.

Jennifer Boyack Porter
Jennifer Boyack Porter
5 years ago

Randy & Sherrie –

I LOVED your mom – she was such a fantastic, wonderful woman and will be missed.

Much love to you and your families.

Joan Speer Rogers
Joan Speer Rogers
5 years ago

What a classy lady — she always put together Ward Docials and cultural events. I remember thatshe taught us it was ok to clap in the chapel — any time other than sacrament meeting:) Condolences to your family from ours.

Cecil McCann
Cecil McCann
5 years ago

We will forever be grateful to Judy for being the first to get to our 4 year old son when he fell into the water between their boat and the dock!! Very scary moment for us. Thank you again, Judy. We loved her sense of humor and many talents. We are so sorry for your loss, Randy, Barbarba, Sherrie and families. Dick and Cecil McCann

Nora s.Chan
Nora s.Chan
5 years ago

Sister Quinton was my role model. I love her sweetness,

Her smile and kindness always makes me feel welcome in Church. Unfortunately our Ward was splited but I will always remember her friendship.

5 years ago

May the peace God gives sustain your family during this difficult time. Lean on one another as the days ahead become too hard to bear alone. Share your memories, they will be a source of joy. Seeing the promises in God’s Word the Bible will help you to gain strength and fortify your hearts, granting you comfort. (2 Thessalonians 2:16,17; jw.org)

Larry Spokoiny
Larry Spokoiny
5 years ago

Great lady who almost singlehandedly kept CLO/SMT alive during some trying times. I was privileged to be on the CLO Board with Judy for several years. She will be missed. RIP.