Kathleen Mary Boyle
February 26, 1928 - March 11, 2009

Kathleen Mary Boyle
Kathleen Mary Boyle of Federal Way, WA passed away peacefully at her home, at the age of 81, on March 11, 2009. She was born Feb 26, 1928 in Rongotea, New Zealand, the youngest of three children born to Mary Ann and William Edward Slattery. Her family descended from Counties Galway, and Tipperary, Ireland.
Kathleen grew up on a dairy farm in New Zealand. She first came to the US in 1958 and returned in 1960 to marry her beloved John Francis Boyle. Kathleen and John began their life in Los Angeles, CA where they had four boys. In 1969, the family moved to Federal Way, WA to be closer to relations.
Kathleen was an active member of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish and was widely loved by all who knew her. She and John enjoyed many years of dancing and socializing with friends and family. She faithfully corresponded with each one as well as traveled extensively to visit them. She was a loving mother and grandmother.
She is preceded in death by her husband, John Boyle, brother, Maurice Slattery, and sister, Molly Carruthers. She is survived by her son Sean Seattle, WA, son Terry, his wife, Adua, grandchildren, Kevin, Kathleen, and John Winnemucca, NV, son Kevin Kirkland, WA, and son Timothy, his wife, Linda, grandchildren, Aileen, Frances, and John Seattle, WA. She also has numerous surviving nieces and nephews in New Zealand, Australia, Ireland and the US.
There will be a viewing on Sat, Mar 14th from 2:00 to 5:00 pm at Bonney-Watson, 1535 SW Dash Pt. Rd, Federal Way. The vigil will be held on Sun, Mar 15th at 7:30 pm and the funeral mass of Christian burial will be held on Mon, Mar 16th at 10:30 am. Both will be held at St. Vincent de Paul Parish, 30525 8th Ave S, Federal Way.
To the Boyle “Boys” and the grandchildren: I feel the loss of your dear mother each day – and I know I will for some time to come. She was a true friend, a beautiful lady, a gracious hostess and a loving mother and grandmother.
Her love for John RIP was evident to her dying day. Thank God they are together again-he must have missed her greatly! Her legacy will live in each of you forever. My deepest sympathy as you grieve. I know that, for me, a deep hole has been left in my life by her passing.
I sure enjoyed our visit in your front yard when I was out walking. &enjoyed when we worked in the same building.Sorry I didn’t know you were ill or I would be sure and visit more. Many Blessings go with you. You are a beautiful person.It was a joy to know you.
Dear Sean, Terry and Adua, Kevin, Timothy and Linda and families,
We were so sad to hear of Aunty Kathleen’s death. She was a beautiful lady in every sense of the word. Her nieces and nephews throughout New Zealand have been reminiscing about her visits here and also of the great welcomes we had when visiting the US. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
To Sean, Kevin, Terry, Tim..I send you my deepest sympathy on the deat of your mother. I was her Pastor for many years and she surelywas the woman of faith. R.I.P
Kathleen, you are an amazing woman, displayed a positive attitude towards life with a strong spirit who led an interesting life outside of most people’s comfort-zones with all your early travels before settling down in North American to start your wonderful family with the late John Boyle. You remained happy and peaceful right to the time to left for the next world. I will treasure the memories of my time spent with you and you were very welcoming to having me stay in Seattle and I felt part of the family. You are survived by four wonderful sons who will carry on your legacy.
Here is a Baha’i prayer:
“O my God! O Thou forgiver of sins, bestower of gifts, dispeller of afflictions! Verily I beseech Thee to forgive the sins of such as have ascended to the spiritual world.
O my Lord! Purify them from trespasses, dispel their sorrows, and change their darkness into light. Cause them to enter the garden of happiness, cleanse them with the most pure water, and grant them to behold Thy splendors on the loftiest mount -‘Abdu’l-Baha
To Sean,Terry,Kevin,Timothy,daughters-in law & grandchildren,we were saddened to hear of your mum’s passing,you are in our thoughts and prayers at this sad time,we were privileged to have known and met her over the years,love to you all.
From the Boyle & melly family.
My mom Arlene Creighton enjoyed you mom so much. I talked to her last year to let her know that my mom had passed away and I enjoyed our visit. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. She was a wonderful person.
We offer our condolences to the family members of Kathleen Boyle. My Mother Mary Boyle Poyorena does not have email and offers her condolences as well. We have many great memories of Kathleen and I recall the first time I ever met her when I was about 10, I loved her smile and especially her accent. God Bless Your Family
From the Gagner family,who is leftSister Lillian,Maribeth Pederson,Sally McGlynn and myself Don.We extend our sincere condolences to the Boyle family.God Speed
We send our condolences to the wonderful family members of our loving neighbor Kathleen Boyle. We will dearly miss this classy women. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this time. God Bless You!