Keith G. Jenson
August 23, 1938 - December 10, 2008

Born August 23, 1938 is Ottosen, Iowa and passed away peacefully on December 10, 2008 in Seattle, WA.
Keith grew up in the small farming community of Bode, Iowa with his parents Ernest and Marjorie Jenson. He and his younger brother Jerry Jenson rose before dawn every day to milk the cows and do other farm chores.
As a young man Keith was drafted into the US Army where he served honorably for a term of five years.
Keith was devoted to his career at Graybar Electric where he was employed for forty-four years. He enjoyed the varied positions he held and the many coworkers, friends and business acquaintances he made throughout the years.
He also enjoyed a full life outside of work with many other interests and hobbies.
Keith was an avid sports fan. He enjoyed watching his favorite professional sports teams, which included the LA Lakers, the Dodgers and the Rams.
He was a championship basketball player in high school. He played fast pitch softball for several years and was an ace pitcher. He also was an excellent bowler and bowled in leagues for many years.
Keith really enjoyed music. Neil Diamond was one of his favorites. He also liked old rock-n-roll music.
He was a big fan of the Linder & Brock vocal group who later became Vocal Trash. He did a lot of promotional work and sales for the group. He occasionally helped to coordinate equipment repairs for them. He was also a collector of videos and DVD’s. His favorites were classic horror movies and old westerns.
Keith was a loving partner and more recently, husband of Janet E. McCall. He also loved his cat Jasmin who will miss him greatly.
A memorial service will take place on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 1:00 PM at Bonney-Watson Washington Memorial Funeral Home, 16445 International Blvd, SeaTac, WA 98188.
Thank you to all of you who signed the guestbook. I love all of you and appreciate your kind thoughts. How Keith loved his family and friends! He didn’t always express his feelings out loud, but the caring was there. My family and his have brought me much comfort. God bless all of you!
I am one of Keith’s sons born in 1961 in Dodge City Kansas. My mother was Keith’s first wife, Phyllis. I have not been able to contact Keith for many years. I would truely appreciate it if anyone could email me with some details of Keith’s death and past health concerns. As a son, I would really like to know what medical conditions he had to stay on top of these potential issues in my life. Please email me at: if you would be so willing to proide some helpful information.
I hope to see Keith in Heaven!!
Mike Jenson
Janet and family,
I’m so sorry to have missed Keith’s memorial service yesterday. I met Keith back in 1978 when I started at Graybar and have worked with him both in Seattle and Anchorage. I know he will be greatly missed by his Graybar family. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Keith and I shared our love for the music of Neil Diamond. I remember him telling me that he stood in line for “hours” waiting to get tickets for one of his concerts. I will miss him.
Keith and Jerry and my brother Fred and I were close neighbors throughout our grade and high school years. Keith was born the day before me. He was a great athlete and scholar. I haven’t seen him since graduating from high school but have kept up with his life through conversations with Jerry and his mother and father. We share your sorrow as our high school class gets a little smaller.
Edward and Linda Johnson
Janet, please accept our condolences. Keith and I worked in Graybar L.A. and in Seattle. I remember Keith always reminding me whe Neil Diamond would be in town since he knew that my wife Sandra was a Neil Diamond fan. I also had the pleasure of playing a few games of racquetball with him.
Keith will be missed.
Dear Janet. I am so sorry for your loss. Keith was a great guy and fun to be around. I will never forget the long trips we took over to Eastren Washington to see Linder and Brock. I new we would get there safe and sound. He will be missed by so many friends and family. Take care Janet and know that Keith is at peace now. Love, June
Keith was the next oldest of my first cousins. We lived in the same community and attended the same schools. I saw Keith quite often in school and church, at his family farm and at extended family gatherings, but being a couple of years ahead of him in school we had different friends. I remember Keith as quiet, bright I knew this because my mother was his teacher at some time during elementary or secondary school and she commented on how smart he was, thoughtful, shy and athletic. He loved all sports, but I particularly remember his love of baseball. In the early years he carried his mitt wherever he went and dreamed of being a professional baseball player. After graduating from high school we traveled separate paths taking us to different places around our country. Not until Keith’s parents celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary in October 2007 did I have a face to face visit with Keith and Janet after more than 50 years apart. I very much appreciated that opportunity to visit with Keith and to meet Janet for the first time. It was the most substantive conversation we ever had and I am very grateful for that time together. My memories of Keith are not many due to our long time apart, but what I have are good memories. May you, Janet, also remember the good times with Keith. I pray that also for Marge and Ernie and for Jerry and January The comfort and peace of the Lord Jesus be with you.
Becky and I are so sorry for your loss, January I only saw Keith when our families got together at Grandpa’s or at Ernie and Marge’s farm. I remember we played outside a lot and had some good times. I am 4 years older than Keith and went in the Air Force right after high school so never saw Keith again but was kept somewhat up to date by Jerry. You are in our prayers.
I’ve known Keith since he transfered up to Graybar Seattle from L.A.
He was a great Graybar employee and an awesome co-worker. I worked with Keith in a number of different capacities including being his supervisor prior to my transfer to Tacoma in 2003. Keith always put Graybar and his Graybar friends high on his list of priorties. I am truly sorry Keith didn’t get to retire and enjoy some of the great life after Graybar!
I will always remember the great Linder & Brock concerts with Keith & Janet!
We’ll all miss you, Keith. God Bless you!
Your Graybar friend,
Mike Denbo
Sorry to hear of your loss. I knew Jerry and Keith from Bode/Twin Rivers HS. I remember our folks getting together all the time, God rest their souls.
Janet and family, I’ve known Keith at Graybar since 1979. I have counted Keith as a good friend all these years. He will be greatly missed by me and many folks at Graybar. It will be a privilege to attend Keith’s memorial service tomorrow. My prayers are with you during this difficult time. In the days ahead the two Mikes, Peter, and Jeff at Graybar stand ready to help you with anything you might need assistance with.
At this time of sorrow may you find comfort in your memories of Keith
My deepest sympathies are extended to all of Keith’s family and friends. Keith is with God, who will heal all sorrows and give you memories of Keith that you will cherish forever.
God bless you.
Dear Janet,
Please accept our condolences and may God be with you and strengthen you.
We met Keith over 20yrs. ago and became best friends. a person could not ask for a better friend than Mr. Jenson. He had a Heart of Gold and a personality to match. We traveled to a lot of places to see a band called Linder and Brock and shared tons of Happy memories. We will miss him Greatly. We know that he is now in a better place in Heaven where all good friends go. We spent countless Saturdays playing Dominos and othe games and going out to dinner. If you knew him you also have lost a Great Friend. We Love him and will miss him Dearly. We have been blessed to have had him for a Friend. God Bless Him and Keep Him Love Tony & Marcia.
Keith will be missed by so many people; his quiet sense of humor and love of family and friends made him a favorite of us all. We have been away from the group for a few years now, with just a few visits to remind us of all the fun we used to have together with Keith and Janet, Tony and Marcia, and Tom and Jann, but we will never forget Keith. Our love and prayers go out to Janet and the family, and I know Keith is at peace, suffering over, and probably looking for a good game of dominos. We love you Keith.
Susie and Carrie
Our hearts go out to the Jenson family. Working with Keith was always a pleasure and having the opportunity to become friends with him outside of work I will always treasure. Keith enjoyed playing softball and was a pitcher. I will always remember catching for him and so will my hand. In the Fall of 1983 I introduced Keith to Janet. It was a good match and love endured.
With sympathy and prayer.
Keve and Jeanne Anshutz
Uncle Keith was a huge football fan. I remeber when the Seahawks and the Denver Broncos were both in the AFC West I would love to call or write him after the Broncos win and he would do the same the one or two times the Seahawks won.
Last fall when we saw him the last time my daughter was 10 months I still remember the look she had when she saw Keith. I am sure she was thinking are you my Grandpa. Uncle Keith, and my Dad look just like their Dad that she had to wonder:
Janet I wish we could be there with you and Dad this week but since we can’t know that we are all thinking about you and share your loss!
Steven, Kristin Jenson,
Caroline, Samuel
Janet, We are sad for you. Keith always has held a special place in our hearts. Many hours were spent at Cliff’s home playing ping pong on the dinning room table. Our sympathy and prayers, Love, Cliff and Kay