Kelly Ann Dills
September 18, 1973 - December 24, 2008

Kelly Ann Dills, 35 years, born September 18, 1973 – December 24, 2008, beloved daughter, granddaughter, sister, cousin, aunt and friend. Our bright, shiny, dancing Kelly-Girl passed away peacefully on Christmas Eve at 11:41 am. Her passing was the culmination of a six month ordeal with breast cancer that became brain cancer. Kelly was a beautiful, vivacious, gregarious and generous person. A woman of various interests, who loved to dance and loved camping. She was particularly interested in planting and gardening, and wanted to start her own landscaping business. Kelly was preceded in death by her sister Judith and by both paternal and both maternal grandparents. She is survived by her parents, Dolores and Roy Dills; her grandma Ruth; her brothers, John and William Michlik; her sister and brother-in-law, Elaine and Tim Massey; her uncles, John, Lee and Sean. She is also survived by six cousins and several nieces and nephews. Kelly is also survived and grieved for by her significant other, Miles Tejano. During her 40 day stay at the University of Washington Medical Center and Burien Skilled Nursing Facility, after it was ascertained that the cancer had invaded her spinal column and brain, Kelly had squads of her family and many friends spend hours with her, some who even stayed overnight in her room; mainly Miles, Molly, Mike, Michele, Trevor, Charlene her ex-sister-in-law, Damon, Deanne, Scotty, Molly’s daughters, Bella and Marcy and her 2nd cousin, David, Ryan and many others. Kelly was never alone in her travail. She had so many visitors that some names have been inadvertently not mentioned; but we want to thank each and every person who helped keep Kelly company as she prepared for her passage. Per her stated wishes, Kelly will be cremated and her ashes will be scattered at the Des Moines Marina Fishing Dock, after being kept and displayed at her parent’s home in Des Moines for a period of time. A celebration of her life will be held on Saturday, January 3rd @ 2:00 pm at St. Philomena Catholic Church, 1790 S 222nd Street, Des Moines, WA. A pot luck reception will be held following the service at the Dills family home. Donations for Cancer Research can be sent, in memory of Kelly Dills, to the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, PO Box 19023, Attn: Dr. Eve Rodler, Seattle, WA 98109.
Kelly,…it’s Dad;…I miss you and your Mom Terribly. I think of you both often each day. Peanuts is up there with you now, so give him an ear-rub from Dad. There’s a new Puppy hre now with Augie & me named Tilly. Give your Mom a kiss from me. With good behavior & Forgiveness for my transgressions I hope to be with all of you when the time comes. Watch over me & the Puppies. Love you forever. DAD.
Thinking of you today, missing you Kelly
I am in shock today as I find out my friend has passed. Kelly and I attended Mt. Rainier at the same time. I was a year older. We had a class together and her personality and sense of humor drew me in. Every time we ran into eachother thereafter, we did so with a huge smile on our faces and a big hug. Kelly was quite a bit taller than me, so she would always lift me up when she hugged me. : Kelly, I am so sad to hear of your passing. I know you put up a strong fight and feel knowing you that you were at peace and accepting of what was coming up next. You are a true woman of integrity. Maybe one of the last I know. I will always remember you. I pray for peace for Miles and your family as well. I will see ya when I get there!!! Until then …. much love … Stephanee Hill Ackman
I miss you Kelly. You enter my mind each day and I wander where you are! There are so many things unfinished and I wish you could be here with us. I know you are in heaven with your mom and sister, but I still want you here. I am so sorry that we came back into eachothers lives, so late. I am glad though, that I was able to be there for you and comfort you in your last few months. You were so courageous and never once asked “why me” I did though and I hold your memory close to my heart. I love you.
i will miss you heart is broke.
Kelly was my rock through this past year…sad to loose someone so special…can’t wait to see her on the other side!
Not one memory I have of my Aunt isn’t one that I can either laugh at or that has somehow impacted, in a positive way, the person that I have become. The connection between my Aunt and I was special and I think about her many times every day. We shared so many experiences and so many laughs. She was one of the best friends I have ever had. Aunt Kelly, I will never forget you and I will never let your memory die. I think about you and miss you immensely every day. You are now my angel and I love you with all of me <3 R.I.P
1/14/09 3:40pm
Our cherished,bright,shiny,Kelly
girl. The brightest light in our
“Golden Years”. What we have now is
an unimaginable pain in our hearts.
That aching pain is surrounded by
the vast empty VOID left by the
irreplaceable loss of your shiny,
bracing,heartening presence. We
miss you so terribly. My tears are
obscuring my vision as I compose
this. You will always be our Bright,Shiny daughter, and you will Always be in our hearts
Love,as always, MOM & DAD.
entered 1/14/09 Roy L.Dills
This morning I came and had coffee and a muffin with your mom and dad. It has been a few weeks now since you went to heaven, but I still can’t help but wait for you to call or come by my house. Your parents enjoy visitors coming by to share Kelly stories. You are very much still alive in our hearts. I miss you deeply.
Molly Alvarado
Kelly was a woman with a larger than life personality. You always knew she was in the room. She will definitely be missed by all those lucky enough to have known her. My thoughts and prayers go to Kelly’s family and to Miles.
As I greive for the death of my friend Kelly, I am thankful for the many memories we shared. Remember when…. There was a period of our lives when we were inseperable, and now there is an sense of emptiness and heartbreak. I am greatful for the times that we shared, and will always keep a place in my heart for Kelly and her family.
Terrible news… Rest in peace.
My friend~
I’m still so in shock. I don’t really know where to begin. You were so very special, bright, & shining. You left a lasting impression on everyone you met, no matter where you were a piece of you still lingers. Those of you who knew Kelly know exactly what I mean by thatI miss the laughs, the good times & bad. I’m so very sorry you went through this, I guess you only wanted me to have the good memories… I love you Kelly, I always will. I cherish the times we had together. You will ALWAYS be with me in my heart. Rest peacefully, my friend.
I’m still in shock. It seems like we just went to the river yesterday and everything seemed fine. Kelly was a beautifull, outgoing, strong girl. She was my neighbor and friend. She played with my boys. She loved gardening and was always showing me new plants. Everytime I see your garden I am reminded of what an incredible person you are. We miss you. We love you girl. Our hearts and prayers will forever be with you.
Dear Family of Kelly Dills,
I am sorry about the loss of your loved one. Words cannot describe feelings in a time like this. Many have found comfort in the Bible’s promises of seeing our past loved ones again such as at John 5 verses 28 and 29. Take care of yourselves and keep memories of your past loved one close.
Kelly will be sorely missed and our thoughts and prayers go out to her friends and family during this extremely difficult time.
Katie Lara and Family
Our beautiful daughter Kelly made her passage to a better place on Christmas Eve 2008 at 11:41 am. Kelly was irrepressable, compelling,entertaining,and impossibe to ignore.Her sudden absence from our lives has been devastating.We are hugely grateful for the 35 years of our dancing Kelly-girl that we were given to share, but 35 years were not enough.We love you and miss you Kelly; and you will ALWAYS be in our hearts!
I am Molly Alvarado’s mother and I would like to share my experience while observing my daughter Molly so sincerely participate in Kelly’s journey to be with Jesus who welcomed her home and is ready to share her love of laughter.
Molly allowed her daughter’s Amalia, Marcella and Isabella to particapte in this experience. We as a family looked for the miracles of Kelly’s journey to the other side. We found many. Molly bonded with Kelly’s parents and is commited to a continued relationship with them. Molly met many wonderful souls while spending time with Kelly. When I visited Kelly we sang “Breaking Up Is Hard To Do”, she remembered singing this song with Molly on one of their outings as young girls. Isabella and I prayed the rosery prayer with Kelly and I bellieve our lives were enriched by this experience. I look forward to seeing Kelly when I get to heaven. Thank you for the delightful experience of your life and death, Kelly.
Kelly was the very essence of compassion, style, and beauty. This is my opportunity to say thank you for the way you brightened so many of our lives, even though you only were granted but half a life. It feels like we were cheated because you were taken so young but I am grateful that you came along at all. We have all despaired at this loss over the past week and only the memory of our bright shiny dancing Kelly girl will get us through this pain. She was at her most beautiful and radiant time in her life when she discovered her illness, and I am proud at the strength and grace she displayed in her final days of life. Unique, complex, extraordanary, and irreplacable, her beauty, both internal and external, will never be extinguished from our minds.
I love you Kelly!
—Molly Alvarado
There are so many memories of Kelly that will remain. They are all important to us. The good times, her smile, her humor, the Hilarious jokes & improve. The bad…mostly her courageous fight with the “ugly monster” cancer.
My beautiful warrior has moved on to the heavens above to watch over us and to cheer us on.
Thank you Kelly for sharing the space with me. I love you Sis.
Spumanti toasts forever…Elaine
I miss you Kelly and am so grateful to have had the opportunity to witness your grace. I love you!
I still think of you and miss your laugh. I miss our deep conversations about love and all the things we planned to accomplish in life… were too young to leave. I love you Kelly.
I did’t know you Kelly i grew up with your uncle Sean , sorry for your passing so young, i lost my daughter Lisa in 2008 she w as 40 . I know how much your folks miss you . 206 718 7403 Peace! God Bless.
I miss you and Peanut so much. I never got to see you before you were the best step mom ever though..I wish we could go back to when I was 7 or 8 and we used to have just me and you days where we would just wing it sometimes. I really miss you and hope you’re doing good up there..
I want to thank you for being in my life you were the one that made my insides work. You were so pretty that you turned everyone’s head. I would have married you in a heart beat and I know you got me. Say hey to Mikey Haines for me you both wentmway too soon…It makes me motivated to get my job donemheremwhatbever it is…I think you would be proud tho its nice to be able to talk to again tho. Love and miss you. Yo
July 31st 2017 starring at Safeco Field 8pm
Monzturr Performs with the best in the business
2069196819 that’s me Yo
Losing contact turned out to be the worst thing I could do. My heart aches for the Dills family. Roy, you taught me how to fish small mouth bass @ Lake Osoyoos, Dolly..your warm smile and heart always made me feel welcome. To my wonderfull freind, goofy, funny, happy, always had me smitten, and on my toes..Kelly. I am glad to have know you, and my last memories with you in my life, will be of joy, fun times, and helacious moments. It is a great loss to this world, yet heaven, got the best. Love you always – John
I still think about you almost all of the time. I had always seen you as the one true parental figure in my life and I still miss you. I can remember planting flowers with you in front of the house and your parents teaching me how to do the sudokus in the newspaper. The hardest part of it all is that I never got to say goodbye, or even know what happened. I will always remember you as the best mom ever.
Kelly was a woman with a larger than life personality. You always knew she was in the room. She will definitely be missed by all those lucky enough to have known her. My thoughts and prayers go to Kelly’s family and to Miles.
As I greive for the death of my friend Kelly, I am thankful for the many memories we shared. Remember when…. There was a period of our lives when we were inseperable, and now there is an sense of emptiness and heartbreak. I am greatful for the times that we shared, and will always keep a place in my heart for Kelly and her family.
Terrible news… Rest in peace.
My friend~
I’m still so in shock. I don’t really know where to begin. You were so very special, bright, & shining. You left a lasting impression on everyone you met, no matter where you were a piece of you still lingers. Those of you who knew Kelly know exactly what I mean by thatI miss the laughs, the good times & bad. I’m so very sorry you went through this, I guess you only wanted me to have the good memories… I love you Kelly, I always will. I cherish the times we had together. You will ALWAYS be with me in my heart. Rest peacefully, my friend.
I’m still in shock. It seems like we just went to the river yesterday and everything seemed fine. Kelly was a beautifull, outgoing, strong girl. She was my neighbor and friend. She played with my boys. She loved gardening and was always showing me new plants. Everytime I see your garden I am reminded of what an incredible person you are. We miss you. We love you girl. Our hearts and prayers will forever be with you.
Dear Family of Kelly Dills,
I am sorry about the loss of your loved one. Words cannot describe feelings in a time like this. Many have found comfort in the Bible’s promises of seeing our past loved ones again such as at John 5 verses 28 and 29. Take care of yourselves and keep memories of your past loved one close.
Kelly will be sorely missed and our thoughts and prayers go out to her friends and family during this extremely difficult time.
Katie Lara and Family
Our beautiful daughter Kelly made her passage to a better place on Christmas Eve 2008 at 11:41 am. Kelly was irrepressable, compelling,entertaining,and impossibe to ignore.Her sudden absence from our lives has been devastating.We are hugely grateful for the 35 years of our dancing Kelly-girl that we were given to share, but 35 years were not enough.We love you and miss you Kelly; and you will ALWAYS be in our hearts!
I am Molly Alvarado’s mother and I would like to share my experience while observing my daughter Molly so sincerely participate in Kelly’s journey to be with Jesus who welcomed her home and is ready to share her love of laughter.
Molly allowed her daughter’s Amalia, Marcella and Isabella to particapte in this experience. We as a family looked for the miracles of Kelly’s journey to the other side. We found many. Molly bonded with Kelly’s parents and is commited to a continued relationship with them. Molly met many wonderful souls while spending time with Kelly. When I visited Kelly we sang “Breaking Up Is Hard To Do”, she remembered singing this song with Molly on one of their outings as young girls. Isabella and I prayed the rosery prayer with Kelly and I bellieve our lives were enriched by this experience. I look forward to seeing Kelly when I get to heaven. Thank you for the delightful experience of your life and death, Kelly.
Kelly was the very essence of compassion, style, and beauty. This is my opportunity to say thank you for the way you brightened so many of our lives, even though you only were granted but half a life. It feels like we were cheated because you were taken so young but I am grateful that you came along at all. We have all despaired at this loss over the past week and only the memory of our bright shiny dancing Kelly girl will get us through this pain. She was at her most beautiful and radiant time in her life when she discovered her illness, and I am proud at the strength and grace she displayed in her final days of life. Unique, complex, extraordanary, and irreplacable, her beauty, both internal and external, will never be extinguished from our minds.
I love you Kelly!
—Molly Alvarado
There are so many memories of Kelly that will remain. They are all important to us. The good times, her smile, her humor, the Hilarious jokes & improve. The bad…mostly her courageous fight with the “ugly monster” cancer.
My beautiful warrior has moved on to the heavens above to watch over us and to cheer us on.
Thank you Kelly for sharing the space with me. I love you Sis.
Spumanti toasts forever…Elaine
I miss you Kelly and am so grateful to have had the opportunity to witness your grace. I love you!
I still think of you and miss your laugh. I miss our deep conversations about love and all the things we planned to accomplish in life… were too young to leave. I love you Kelly.
I did’t know you Kelly i grew up with your uncle Sean , sorry for your passing so young, i lost my daughter Lisa in 2008 she w as 40 . I know how much your folks miss you . 206 718 7403 Peace! God Bless.
I miss you and Peanut so much. I never got to see you before you were the best step mom ever though..I wish we could go back to when I was 7 or 8 and we used to have just me and you days where we would just wing it sometimes. I really miss you and hope you’re doing good up there..
I want to thank you for being in my life you were the one that made my insides work. You were so pretty that you turned everyone’s head. I would have married you in a heart beat and I know you got me. Say hey to Mikey Haines for me you both wentmway too soon…It makes me motivated to get my job donemheremwhatbever it is…I think you would be proud tho its nice to be able to talk to again tho. Love and miss you. Yo
July 31st 2017 starring at Safeco Field 8pm
Monzturr Performs with the best in the business
2069196819 that’s me Yo
Losing contact turned out to be the worst thing I could do. My heart aches for the Dills family. Roy, you taught me how to fish small mouth bass @ Lake Osoyoos, Dolly..your warm smile and heart always made me feel welcome. To my wonderfull freind, goofy, funny, happy, always had me smitten, and on my toes..Kelly. I am glad to have know you, and my last memories with you in my life, will be of joy, fun times, and helacious moments. It is a great loss to this world, yet heaven, got the best. Love you always – John
I still think about you almost all of the time. I had always seen you as the one true parental figure in my life and I still miss you. I can remember planting flowers with you in front of the house and your parents teaching me how to do the sudokus in the newspaper. The hardest part of it all is that I never got to say goodbye, or even know what happened. I will always remember you as the best mom ever.
For some reason I thought of you today. I am now 47 but still remember our times as elementary school kids at the ymca. You were such a great friend my best friend even back then. I have never forgotten the best beef jerky you used to bring from the Green River deli that you would get with your grandpa. I remember you found me during the MySpace days and we had a quick convo but that was it. Today I was saddened to find this obituary however it brought me joy to know your last days were filled with so many people that loved you. Just know I’ve never forgotten you and you were always carried in my heart. Until we meet again Kelly! Hugs
Hey Kelly,
I’m so glad we had those forty days together. You were so gracious in all that you went through and I admire you so much.
Love you,
Hi Kelly, I am your cousin. I don’t recall if I ever got to meet you because I am quite a bit younger than you, but I am your uncle Sean’s daughter. You look like such a bright light in this world and it would have been so nice to have known you.
Love, and RIP