Larry L. Lynne

March 26, 1942 - November 4, 2009


Larry L. Lynne, of Sedro Woolley, WA passed away on November 4, 2009 at Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle. He was born March 26, 1942 in Seattle and raised in West Seattle by his parents Norm and Esther Lynne and graduated from West Seattle High. After serving in the Armed forces Military Police, Larry joined the Seattle Police Department.
Larry is survived by his ex-wife and good friend, Cathy Lynne; his daughter Beth Banks, son-in-law, Dean Banks and three grandchildren, Madeline, Lauren and Dylan Banks all from Snoqualmie, WA.
Larry was a Seattle Police Officer for 28 years. He was a sports fan, enjoyed fishing, cross-word puzzles and ‘Rolling to Reno’. He was an intelligent, witty, generous and compassionate man and he will be greatly missed by his family and friends. A family service will be held at BONNEY-WATSON Washington Memorial, 16445 International Blvd., SeaTac, WA 206 242-1787 on Friday, November 13, 2009 at 12:30 pm. A celebration of his life will be held on Sunday, November 15, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at The Flying Pig Brewing Co., 2929 Colby Ave., Everett, WA 98201. In lieu of flowers, donations are welcome to Virginia Mason Foundation, P.O. Box 1930, Seattle, WA 98111 or

I will miss my father deeply. Some of the treasures I will miss most are the simple phone calls on my way to school. First, he would reprimand me for breaking the ‘hands-free’ cell phone law then continue to listen…..My dad was a great listener, except when it came to my lectures about taking care of him. He listened carefully and would ask more questions about the subject at hand. He rarely talked about himself, always pressing for more information about you. If you were to make an off-hand mention of needing something, even if it was some time ago, he made a mental note and would see to it that this need was filled.

My dad was my biggest fan and loved hearing about Dean and the kids. Dean was the son he never had. Being a huge sports fan, you can imagine the joy my dad felt watching Dean play college and minor league ball. It was not unusual for my dad to shed tears of joy for a game played, a story shared, or at the presence of a family event. Being 6’2′ and quite a large man, my dad was not embarrassed to cry in front of people. I was always so surprise by this.

Intelligence is a word that comes to mind about my father. He knew something about everything. He was well-read and could finish the most difficult cross-words puzzles with ease. If you had a question about anything, he was the person to call.

‘One-liners’, my dad had the best! I wish I could remember them all?…..He also had a photographic memory and I will truly miss his reference. If I had a question about an event 20 years ago he could recall how we got there, what was said and what we ate for dinner on that particular day. This might very well sadden me the most as I will never recall ‘our history’ as he did. This type of reference will forever be gone with his passing.

No one prepares you for the loss of a parent and words simply can not describe the pain my family and I feel. My hope is to keep his memory alive through story-telling with my children. Please feel free to share your story, thought, or even a couple of words about my father, so that I may continue his legacy.

I will miss you Dad! Love, -Me

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Cynthia Parker
Cynthia Parker
5 years ago

Your father and I lived next door to each other from 1948 Age 5 until about 1958. As the only girl in my familhy with two big brothers I was a Tom Boy. Larry was my best friend. We had so much fun together. I am saddened by the news that he is no longer with us. He will always been in my heart. My dad always called him Larry Lee Lynne. We’ve ridden bikes together, played football and baseball, played war in the vacant lot by our house, slept in the pup tent in the backyard with my brother, reading comic books and drinking home made root beer. So many memories. He made my childhood a good one.

Cynthia Parker

cheryl forfang formerly johnson
cheryl forfang formerly johnson
5 years ago

a really fine tribute to your father, beth, hope you are all feeling the thoughts of those who can’t be there to give you a hug – your dad made lasting impressions on people he met, as i’m sure you know – my kids often talk about the great games, etc., that he had in the basement – it was the most fun they had in washington

Peggy Garcia
Peggy Garcia
5 years ago

Were do I start. Time seems to have gone by in a flash. I began working at the 911 Center in 1978 as a quiet, shy 20 year old. As I began to know my co-workers, Cathy stood out as, “the person to know”. I’m not so sure she was all that excited to befriend a “rookie” at the time, but our friendship blossomed. Larry was part of the package. It didn’t take me long to figure out that all his bellowing and bellyaching was just a cover for the big teddy bear inside. He was bigger than life. My tender beginnings had not prepared me for Larry’s, “Rollin’ to Reno” trips! All I can say is, “my oh my”! In 3 short days I learned how to gamble, find cheap “good groceries” aka food, and laugh until my stomach hurt. Larry proudly parading around with his “winnings” trays of silver dollars, is a picture I will never forget. cont…

Peggy Garcia
Peggy Garcia
5 years ago

He always said to me, ‘what do you think, kid”? Frankly, I didn’t know what to think! I was just in awe. Over the years Larry, Cathy, Beth and I became “family”. We shared much laughter and tears and have so many memories. Now they continue with Dean, Beth, Madeline, Lauren and Dylan. Larry-I’m so sorry you won’t be here to share in their lives. I know how much you loved them though and I have no doubt you’ll be, “on watch”. Thanks for watching out for me all those years, too. By the way, be sure to scope out all the “good groceries” for us. Rest well, Larry. Love ya – Peggy aka “kid”

Pat West
Pat West
5 years ago

Larry, I have always said that when someone who has been in your life passes, we must remember all of the great memories that person has left with us. Well, you have certainly left me with many memories. One of the best was our trip to Reno and Jeni won that huge stuffed lion and you cried because you were so happy for her! And then what we went through to get that silly thing home, but you made room for that thing in the car to get it home! I also had so much fun when you would take Cathy and I on our Saturday “field trips” to purchase more ceramics for our craft sales. Yes, “Crappy Creations” made us enough money to take us to Reno! Thank you for being my friend and including myself and Jeni in your family. You will be missed. My thoughts are with you, Cathy, Beth and family. Love all of you, Pat

PattyJo And Lew Bodman
PattyJo And Lew Bodman
5 years ago

Cathy,Beth,Dean,Madeline,Lauren and Dylan,

My heart goes out to all of you. He will be missed by many….

I rememember spending many of nights in the basement listening to that old juke box, looking at all the collections Larry had in his cases he always had a story to tell about each bottle each slot machine and all the rest of his collections. Remembering all the parties and pot luck dinners.What good times to be had.I often think of Larry when I work out in my yard.

PattyJo And Lew Bodman
PattyJo And Lew Bodman
5 years ago

Cathy,Beth,Dean,Madeline,Lauren and Dylan,

My heart goes out to all of you. He will be missed by many….

I rememember spending many of nights in the basement listening to that old juke box, looking at all the collections Larry had in his cases he always had a story to tell about each bottle each slot machine and all the rest of his collections. Remembering all the parties and pot luck dinners.What good times to be had.I will always remember!!!!!!!!!

Hugs, Lew,PattyJo,Lewis and Jake

Steve, Laura, & Kelsey
Steve, Laura, & Kelsey
5 years ago


Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. Hope all the good memories help to get you through these days and the future. Love, Steve, Laura, and Kelsey

Nick Yazzolino
Nick Yazzolino
5 years ago

I want to share my personal favorite memory of Larry. From the early beginning I had Larry planning something up his sleeve for me at the age of 1 and on until 21. He gave me silver dollars for the age that I turned up to 21. The plan was to take me to Reno on my 21st B-Day with the money from all those years. There were 3 key ingredients for the trip according to Larry that he always mentioned we would do when we got there. They were: to drink beer, gamble, and chase women. I had a girlfriend future wife so the latter was the only one we did not do a lot of okay, none. I thought this was the coolest thing ever…

to be cont page 2

Nick Yazzolino
Nick Yazzolino
5 years ago

Page 2 continued:

At the time I didn’t realize it as much as I do now, but I had a seasoned veteran show me the ropes of Reno inside and out. He knew everybody and everything. He would tell me detailed stories for hours, literally, and it was hard keeping up with him because If you blink for a second will you be lost in the story and it will go over your head. Truthfully, it often went over my head anyways :. Larry was extremely witty that sometimes all I could do was nod and smile like I knew what was going on. It was the best trip ever for my 21st B-Day. The memories I have of Larry and that trip will be forever imprinted in my brain and I feel so lucky to have been able to spend the time with him that I did.

We all miss you very much.

Love Nick and Lindsay Yazzolino

Bob Garcia
Bob Garcia
5 years ago


Thanks for teaching me the ropes in Reno. I’ll hoist one to you next time I’m at La Strada. You will be missed.

Michael & Shannon Pusich
Michael & Shannon Pusich
5 years ago

Dear Beth..there are no words to express the sadness felt with the loss of a parent. We are so sorry, but know he was full of joy and pride having raised such a beautiful daughter inside and out. After reading about Larry’s quick wit, humor and love of Reno and gambling, I’m sure he will enjoy hanging out with my Dad “Lucky Rudy”. It will be fun to cash in on their winnings when we are all together again! God bless.

Mary and Jim Banks
Mary and Jim Banks
5 years ago

Dearest Larry, We are thankful for the most wonderful gift you gave our family, BETH! You and Cathy raised a wonderful, caring daughter. She has given us the opportunity to really get to know the softhearted “Gentle Giant” that you were. We always enjoyed seeing you on family holidays. Your happy witty conversations and bubbly laughter will be missed deeply. Your memory lives on through Beth, Dean, Madeline, Lauren and Dylan.

Dane  Bean
Dane Bean
5 years ago

I’m sorry to hear that Larry has passed. We worked together in ‘Edward’ Sector for many years and he was a good friend. Larry was the best at the quick comeback as has been noted, and made many a stressful situation bearable. They just don’t make them like that anymore. He should be remembered as a good public servant who was compassionate when appropriate, but just to those who needed it. I went fishing once with him to BC and it was a road trip not to be forgotten! His family should be proud, and we will always have fond memories of our acquaintance with Larry.

Renee Lawson
Renee Lawson
5 years ago

Cathy, Bethie & family,

We were very saddened to hear of Larry’s passing and send our love and condolences.

He was a great guy and loved all of you very much.

Here’s to all the good times.

Renee & Gene

Carol A Marier
Carol A Marier
5 years ago

So sorry to hear of the Lynne familys loss. Larry was a funny man. I was a police dispatcher with Cathy, and because of her I knew that Larry was not nearly as grumpy as he sounded on the radio. He had a voice as big as he was. I know he loved his family. Bye Larry.

Caren Maldon
Caren Maldon
5 years ago

We are so sorry for your loss. Even though I have not seen Larry in quite some time, I do remember his layed back personality and deep fondness for Beth and all of his family. Our deepest sympathies to one and all – remember the good times and all of the cherished memories that will stay with you forever.

Suzanne Taylor
Suzanne Taylor
5 years ago

I started cleaning and doing odd jobs for Larry nearly 10 years ago. My kids were 5 months old. Larry was a very kind, wity and generous guy. My kids loved him. i always knew my kids were welcome there while I was cleaning or doing whatever he needed me to do. My son Devon really enjoyed talking with him because all of Devons questions would be answered and Larry never got tired of them. I felt like I knew Beth and her family because whenever I came over i always got updates on whose birthday it was and all the latest updates on the grandkids. I really will miss Larry and his “one liners” boy did he have some good ones. I send my condolences to his family and am very sorry for your loss. ttfn! :-
5 years ago

Beth, Dean, Madeline, Lulu & Dylan- Our hearts go out to you at this time. We feel blessed that we were able to share many holidays with Larry. He was a remarkable Father & friend. We hope you find comfort in the memories….We love you, Katie, Ed & kids

Marlene Hettinger
Marlene Hettinger
5 years ago

I am a neighbor of Larry & he was such a great guy!! He had such quick wit & was a great “hero” to my children. He loved to talk & would talk for hours if you had the time… He was so funny & had a BIG heart! My son, Derik, grew up knowing Larry & loved him very much. Derik is now in AZ going to college. He is saddened to hear of Larry’s passing. He will miss his friend & mentor. We will all miss Larry! He has been a wonderful friend to our family since my children lost their dad 7 yrs ago. I am truly sorry for this loss, for his dear family but also his many friends who will never forget him. We will really miss you, Larry! This is a very sad time for us!

Mary Ann High
Mary Ann High
5 years ago

Dear Scotty, Beth & family,

I’m truly sorry to hear of Larry’s passing. Although my times with him were few, I thoroughly enjoyed him! I remember many years ago when the “gentle giant” entered your lives. It was truly wonderful to see you happy, Scotty, not only for yourself, but for Beth. He seemed to instantly love & adore her…proud to be a father! This blessing in your life obviously extended to the next generation as I read the loving notes from Madeline, LuLu, & Dylan. May the memories of good times overcome your untimely sadness. Take Care.

5 years ago

I will miss sitting around the dinner table with Papa. The Holidays will not be the same without him. He would always give me puzzles and coloring pages. I always enjoyed it when he called me “Slick”.

I will miss him forever! Love Lulu.

PS – I will keep the nightlight he gave me on forever.

Pat Wheeler Stensel
Pat Wheeler Stensel
5 years ago

I saw the obituary in the Seattle Times and am so sorry for your loss. I graduated from West Seattle High with Larry. We both attended First Lutheran Church and dated for some time. back in the day I am pleased to hear that he had such a great family and that so many people loved him.

Chris, Teresa, Brittany & Alex Peterson
Chris, Teresa, Brittany & Alex Peterson
5 years ago

Larry you will be missed by many! Our love goes out to you Beth and your family.

5 years ago


I love you and will miss you very much. Will you please pet Jake and throw the ball to him in Heaven.

Love Dylan

curt & jackie christopherson
curt & jackie christopherson
5 years ago

I wish we would have kept more in touch in our retirement years. Time goes by so fast. your cousin Curt

5 years ago

Papa Lynne,

I will miss seeing you every Christmas Day morining watching TV while my parents are still in bed. I will also miss going to your house sweeping the deck, pretending to cut hair on the barber chair, and eating deli sandwiches with you. You always put a lot of thought into your Christmas presents for all of us kids. I was fortunate to be the first grandchild and able to enjoy fishing at Ross Lake Resort and the tulip festivals. I will miss your smile and think of you everyday.

Love Madeline

Kimberly Thoreen Bell
Kimberly Thoreen Bell
5 years ago

Hi Bethie – Thanks so much for sharing and I am so sorry for you and your family’s loss. I was very moved by your words about your dad and what a special way to remember him by sharing what meant so much to you….as often is in life, it is the little things that matter so much. Thank you for reminding me of that.

Kaitlin’s soccer team – the Scorpions – had their end of season party last night and someone started playing “Rock you Like a Hurricane” and “There’s Noone Like You” for us parents. I smiled inside and thought of you and those records up in your bedroom as 7th graders and how much we loved hanging in you dad’s downstairs 50’s Diner. I also always thought it was special that your parents were in such helping professions as a police officer and 911 dispatcher. Your dad made a difference in his life.

Prayers and thoughts with you today and in the coming days.

Love you, Kim

Heather  & Peter O'Meara
Heather & Peter O'Meara
5 years ago

Dear Larry,

You raised an amazing daughter. Her commitment to family and friends is unsurpassable. She must have your intelligence and photographic memory. She always remembers the funny details of our kids play dates and school adventures together. We are praying for strength for her and her family, but you already know the kind of strength she has. Keep your light shining upon her, Dean, Madeline, Lauren & Dylan. She will know in time that you are always there and her burden will ease. She has much love and support that will get her through this journey. Peace

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
5 years ago

The leoff 1 corps is getting thinner. Working 1st watch with Larry and unwinding after work were memorable times. However the 1st watch parties that Joyce and I hosted were even better. Jim & Joyce

Dean Banks
Dean Banks
5 years ago

I’m truly grateful to have had such a caring and thoughtful father in law. No matter the subject, he would always listen and show the same excitemnet as if he were there. I remember the fishing trip that Walt, Larry, and I took to Canada. Yes, we went fly fishing, and Larry actually camped in his van We all remember the captain chairs and the cooler he carried in it everywhere he went, full of beer, of course. Larry had the time of his life as I caught all the fish, but that didn’t matter, “the guys were fishing”.

He was one of the funniest, yet smartest men I’ve met. His presence in our lives will be missed deeply. You are with us forever! Love Dean

Margaret, Michael & Ethan Covey
Margaret, Michael & Ethan Covey
5 years ago

Our prayers and thoughts are with you.

Peter & Maria Recchi
Peter & Maria Recchi
5 years ago


Your father sounds like such a wonderful man. We are so sorry to hear of his passing and if there is any thing we can do for your family please know we are here for you. Our heart goes out to you, Beth your words about him were beautiful and we will pray for you all.


The Recchis

Dionne and Jeff Veitch
Dionne and Jeff Veitch
5 years ago

Beth and Family, Your dad sounds like a remarkable man. You were blessed to have him as a father just as he was blessed to have you as his daughter. It sounds like his best traits were passed down to you. In our prayers,

Dionne and Jeff

Angela Jacobsen
Angela Jacobsen
5 years ago

Dear Beth, Dean and family,

We are sad to learn of the loss in your father’s passing. Know that your family and your father are in our prayers and thoughts. With all our love,

The Jacobsen’s

Cathy Lynne
Cathy Lynne
5 years ago

I met Larry in 1974. I was a police dispatcher and he was a grumpy old cop working downtown King Sector. Our 1st face to face meeting was over a drink at the Greek Village, the local police watering hole. He was complaining about being dispatched to a Burglary report during his dinner hour earlier that day. He informed me that he and his partner always ate dinner at 1800 Hrs, back in the kitchen of the restaurant. The owners were thankful that 2K1 was always there to protect and serve. I believe the meals were large, portions, hot, and free of course. I didn’t know that food was to play an important role in our lives. We married in 1975, Beth was 6 yrs old and flower girl in our wedding. Larry was now a husband and DAD to Beth. We honeymooned in Nevada. Larry introduced me to the one armed bandits and I was hooked.

…to be continued…

Cathy Lynne
Cathy Lynne
5 years ago

Page 2 continued…..We enjoyed traveling the U.S. Our 1st trip was to Disneyland of course. We traveled to the midwest to visit family and we squeezed in a trip or “many” to Reno. When we returned from trips, Larry would give a fork by fork description of vacations to family and friends. He could remember what you ate, where you ate, and what date you ate and he could remember it for years. I laughed about Larry having a 2nd career writing a book for travelers, titled “How to eat your way through Reno on $5 a day….to be continued….

The Wente Family
The Wente Family
5 years ago

Cathy, Beth, Dean, Madeline, Lauren, and Dylan,

Larry Lynne sounds like a remarkable person. What a blessing he was to your family! May peace surround you during this sad time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Cathy Lynne
Cathy Lynne
5 years ago

Page 3 continued..Larry and I were married for 20 years. He worked Queenanne, Downtown, Ballard, Broadway and just one 8 hr. shift in Rainier Valley. Larry retired at 50. We parted ways a few years later but remained friends and shared many good times with Beth,Dean and grandkids. We will miss you, Love Ya!

P.S. I know you will love Heaven. I hear they have great micro-breweries, slots that pay off and some fine dining! Save me a barstool!