Laverne Aileen Barnett
February 2, 1922 - December 19, 2006

Laverne Aileen BARNETT
2/05/1922 -12/19/2006. Laverne passed away peacefully with her family by her side. She is survived by her husband of 31 years, Wallace Barnett. A loving wife, Laverne enjoyed traveling, family gatherings and homes with Wallace, both in Federal Way and Arizona. Laverne and Wallace shared many memorable years together. Laverne leaves one son, Doug Parker of Tukwila, three daughters, Sharon John Mooney of Seattle, Kristi Michael Dahlgren of Renton and Kathi Sonny Papka of Aberdeen; also two stepdaughters, Dianne Frank Arvon of Bellevue and Cheryl Barnett of Bellevue, along with three siblings, Harold Lavonne Baird of Centralia, Isabelle Dewey Fryer of Bellingham and Robert/Ralph Gloria Baird of Edmonds. A wonderful mother and grandmother, she had 14 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren whom she adored and many nieces and nephews. She will be in our hearts always, remembered by all for her wit, compassion, calm quiet nature and lifelong friendships. Memorial service to be held by family on Saturday, January 13th at 12:30 PM at Bonney Watson Washington Memorial, SeaTac, WA. Please sign the online memorial guestbook at
I’m one of those boys that Kristi talks about in her mother’s memorial. When I was first introduced to the family some 20 ODD years ago nobody explained to me that it was like the mafia. Once you’re in you’re in and you can never get out. And Laverne was the head of family in her always quit, calm, classy way. No matter where I went there were always family members around. I renew my license, grandson Mike is there, I launch my boat, grandson Jesse is there, I go the 4th ave. Costco and grand
daughter Keri is there, I live near Alki beach, blocks from Wally and Laverne’s old place and Kristi and an Aunt are there. And what do they all talk about?? Kids, grand kids, and Laverne.
Laverne was one of those people that you meet in life and don’t or can’t forget. I believe that everyone who meet Laverne left a better person and if not a better person, at the minimum left with better manners.
I know she left a big hole in Wally’s life and big beachcombing or shopping shoes to fill in the kids and grandkids life.
We will all miss her and wait for the sounds of dance shoes and laughter that whispers on the night air.
We will miss you very much
Until we meet again
We love you
Laverne, I miss you. You were more than a friend and after this year losing my mother, stepdad and son I feel as though I have lost another special person in my life. Laverne, you were the most patient, loving person I knew. I will miss our lunches and our visits very much. Vence and I feel for Wally as we know that you were his life and you will be greatly missed by all of us.
Patricia & Vence
Laverne My favorite mother-inlaw
Thank you for your understanding,love,and friendship. When Kathi said we were going to your house for the weekend,I always looked forward to going. You always cooked something good and new on Sunday mornings. Holidays were special in the family. You turned a Birthday into Birthday week. Kathi and Kris tried to turn it into Birthday month!!! Thank you for the wonderful gifts that I recieved from you. You always picked the perfect gift. You were the Queen of shopping. Some people said they disliked their Mother-inlaw. I said I would not trade mine for anyone for she is perfect. Thank you for always respecting me for I have always respected you. You will always be in my heart. You will always be my mother-inlaw. God bless you
I Love you. Douglas
Laverne’s memories are so close at hand. Locked in our minds….as long as we are here.
We think of all the shared trips we had with Laverne and Wally. Always fun, unforgettable times. Sharing many laughs. A big part of sharing laughter with them was,in fact, hearing Laverne’s sudden burst of laughter. mostly at something Wally was kidding her about! You just knew that she was really loving the moment! We will never forget the sound of it.
Laverne made everyone feel comfortable, no matter the circumstance.Always pleasant, kind, and good humored. Always in the true sense, a LADY. It hurts to know she is gone, but a relief to think she is suffering no more.
Our deepest sympathy and love to you Wally,-and to Ted, Sharon, Kathi, Kris, Diane, and Cheryl. We will always love and miss her.
Dear Wally and Family,
Know that God’s love enfolds you as you mourn your loved one. In your grief I pray for the blessing of God’s comfort on each one of you. May God welcome your loved one, Laverne and embrace you in love. With prayers and deepest sympathy, Sonja Proffitt Countryman
Laverne was a beautiful person, not only on the outside but the inside also. She was always very thoughtful to me and my daughter Stephanie. She was always there if I needed a shoulder to lean on in the rough times and someone to celebrate the good times with. I know she is now in a place without pain or the feeling of loss or apprehention. I feel like she’s dancing around heaven free & happy…probably wearing a red dress. I’m forever grateful for my time with you Laverne…Thank you. Lovingly Shirley Parker
Dear Wally,
Just heard the news of your wife’s passing. My deepest sympathy to you and your family at this difficult time. May God send His blessings on you and your family. You are in my prayers.
Grandma – There are no words that I can find to express how much I am missing you! You hold a special place in my heart and the memories of our time together will be with me always… I love you!
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on the snow.
I am the sunlight on the ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you wake in the morining hush.
I am the swift, uplifting rush of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there. I do not sleep.
Grandma Laverne,
Some of my fondest childhood memories were time spent with you. I miss the walks on the beach and the swedish pancakes in the morning, and xmas at your house. I loved coming to your house to stay. When I smell the sound and hear the seagulls I’ll think of you.
Love Jesse Fleischer
Wally, You & Laverne were such a big part of my life, even though it was years ago, when I was married to Ted. I live in the same area as Kathi and she has kept me informed of what’s been going on when I run into her. My fondest memories of Laverne are of Christmas and how she loved to celebrate the season, also of all the yacht trips and how she always made sure we had enough food!!!..She was the sweetest and most understanding mother-in-law one could have, I will never forget her. Love Karen
You have been a wonderful sister. I think of the many good times we had as children and also grown up. We had a few arguments but mostly minor. I remember when you belonged to the 4H knitting club. You decided to knit a dress. It had a slight full skirt and when you put it on it kept stretching longer and longer. So needless to say you didn’t wear it. It was a pretty dress anyway. We as the four siblings had a great time kidding around. We will miss you greatly but know you have shed your pain and are in a happy place. Have loved you much. Isabelle
You will always be in my heart. God Bless!
Aunt Laverne,
My memories of you are of a strong, yet caring woman who would fight for what she believed, but laugh heartily at the unimportant stuff. I am sure you have created many memories with your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren that will influence them in their lives ahead. I too was fortunate to have a strong, yet compassionate grandmother in your mother and I fondly remember the times I spent with her. I truly believe you are in a peaceful place and I pray that God comforts your family while they miss your presence.
Jesse has told me a lot of fond memories spending time with you growing up. I am thankful to you for my husband and the wonderful family that I married into. I am also thankful that our children had a chance to know you. We will miss you Grandma Laverne!!!
Love, Salina
I have fond memories of being at your house making apple sauce with your grandchildren,and Auntie Kris, I also thank you for the shopping trips and the wonderful memories.
Dear Mom,
Thanks for having twins, Kathi is always with me.
Thanks for brother Doug & sister Sharon.
Thanks for Irene, Mary & Cheryle.
Thanks for nursery rhymes & forgive Sharon for changing the words.
Thanks for letting us sing all the way to Bellingham.
Thanks for working hard & sacrificing to provide a safe & secure home.
Thanks for teaching strength,independence,respect and love.
Thanks for birthdays that last weeks, we will keep that tradition going.
Thanks for family holidays at grandma’s & Isabelle’s.
Thanks for picnics with family & friends.
Thanks for vacations at Birch Bay, roller skating, horseback riding, sandcastles & boys.
Thanks for vacations at Ocean Shores, bonfires, skim boards & boys.
Thanks for vacations at Sun Lakes, swimming, playing cards and boys.
Thanks for ferry rides and many times with
Dad & grandparents on Hood Canal.
Thanks for trips to Woodland Park Zoo, rides on the merry-go-round, rides on the ferris wheel with you, cotton candy and a monkey on a stick.
Thanks for school shopping, winter coats and saddle shoes!
Thanks for rides on the monorail, Seattle Center, Worlds Fair, the circus and playing in the fountain.
Thanks for Christmas Season downtown Seattle, window shopping, dress shoes at Frederick & Nelson with a burger & coke at the soda counter at the drugstore.
Thanks for roller skating, ice skating, movies on Saturday nights and boys.
Thanks for not getting mad when Dad taught me to drive the corvette at S.I.R.
Thanks for letting me go with Dad & Doug racing on the week-ends.
Thanks for letting me go with Sharon, Gene and boys camping and boating.
Thanks for sharing your heart, being a wonderful mother & friend, a loving grandmother and great-grandmother.
Now you are free of pain, smiling, young, beautiful and dancing again, in heaven.
You are always with me mom, I love you, Kristi
Aunt Laverne,
Thanks for all the memories growing up! You moved to the Seattle area and our times were fewer, though a lot of fun, cause it was usually a special occasion, when the families got xmas You were always cheerful even in the face of adversity. We may not of visited with you as much as we would have wished, but you were always in our hearts, and you leave us with a lot of fond memories. My wife Patricia looked forward to visiting with you and she will miss those visits. We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to Laverne’s extended family.
Aunt Laverne, always smiling and joking, endless rolls of toilet paper from GP. Great family gatherings at Grandma Bairds and cousins who always let me know how backwards and behind the times life was in Bellingham. Marilyn and I will always remember getting together with you and Wallace in Phoenix and going out for pizza at the place with the pipe organ. What a great time we had. We’ll miss you. We know that you are in a better place and that we’ll see you again one day.
Let there be endless beaches, malls and children for Grandma Laverne. Alki will always be special to me. Im thankful there was time shared between you and my son.
We will think of you often and reflect for years to come.
Mom – How I miss you.I remember how you looked when I walked into a room, always delighted to see me.I really hope that my children see that look on my face when I see them.You were always the best example to all of us,you were compasionate,generous,strong in your convictions and very loving.We had alot of time together this last year to prepare for your passing and we made good use of that time.I’m ready to let you go,but I will never let go of all the treasured memories.You are and always will be my sunshine. Love Kathi
My personal sympathy to you and your family. I am sure this is a terrible loss and my prayers and thoughts are with you at time of grief.
Although I did not know Laverne personally, she is the mother of my two sisters who I have only known a short period of time but have become very dear to me. At this point in time. I cannot imagine life without them.
Thanks Laverne for my sisters!
Hi Aunt Laverne,
Ok, I’m a bit late signing this guestbook. 6 1/2 years late to be exact. I just finished reading this and it again brought tears to my eyes.
I think about you a lot, and I miss you more. There are so many good memories that I have growing growing up thanks to you and mom. We had wonderful family holiday’s together at Gram Baird’s, Harolds, your home and our home!
You always brought “Sunshine” and thanks to you and mom, the song “You are my Sunshine” will forever bring back happy memories and put a smile on my face.
I will always remember you flying to Nevada to drive home with me so I didn’t have to drive alone!
As many have already said, thanks for the memories. Say hi to Gram and Grandpa Baird, and Dad for me.
Love always, Kim