Leato Seumae
September 8, 1956 - June 26, 2020

Born in Manu’a, American Samoa as Leatonauga’atuitoga Seumae on September 8, 1956 to Togia and Aganoa Seumae. Later in his life, the 63-year-old husband/father/grandfather/great grandfather was later known as Seumae or Uncle Seu. He was known to be a man of a few words, humble and observant. His silence spoke volumes when he wasn’t spreading the word of God or encouraging others to do their best in their own lives. Never judging, always patient. He treasured family and family-time above any and every possession. As God willed, he was called forward by our Heavenly Father on June 26, 2020. He is survived by his loving wife, Toga; his trio of daughters, Brenda (married to Fia Faletogo), Charlotte (married to Jay Hayes), Elizabeth; his son-duo, Sorenson (married to Melissa Sakahara) and Maulalo; his rambunctious grandchildren, Shylah, Isyss, Londynn, Heaven, Peresepa, Samarious, Kassinova, Renjiniko; and his great granddaughter, Reign Amazing.
Love you Daddy, the view is undoubtedly more beautiful from where you are now, please watch over us as we continue to honor your memory. Love you so much.
I love you so much pops. Don’t worry, everything you’ve hoped for has happened and we’ll make sure to maintain those wishes. Every coffee I make reminds me of you, until then, with love pops I’ll see you soon.
Hey Dad..Not a day goes by that we all aren’t thinking of you. I miss my casino loving smoking partner. I miss your not so funny jokes. But most of all I miss you. I love you with all of me❤️Until the day we reunite I will have these beautiful memories of you to keep me busy. Love you beyond infinity Dad❤️
I love you papa, thank you for doing everything for us and fly high, I’ll forever remember and love you my papa.
In the shade, among the leaves
Throughout the blades of grass that you had mown last week
I search for you there
While driving, you in the passenger seat
Joking about slot machines and babies and YouTube
I imagine you there
In the mornings, in the kitchen
While waiting for the kettle to boil for our daily coffee
I hear you there
When Mom laughs, when Mom sings
When Mom does daily, and especially Sunday, prayer
I feel your presence there
The backyard grass has not grown
Passenger seat is empty
No one to drink 7am coffee with
Mom aches for you during prayer
We remember you most, here
With us
I love you, Daddy
Our Papa ,
A journey it has been with you .
All the memories made, will be forever cherished .
The humorous side you’d show us.
The loving & caring things you’d do for our family .
5pm family prayers , you gather & lead us altogether in .
The mornings/nights you would sit in the living room , talking with nana about anything .
The Vienna you & Baby Reign would share with each other .
The little funny conversations you’d hold with Reign .
We miss all of it Papa .
You may be gone out of our sights, but never from our hearts .
Fly high above , shine the brightest for us papa .
Me and Baby Reign miss you & love you Papa .
Hey Daddy,
Crazy I’m now just writing this. Yet, I feel that it was time . I’m thankful to Father God that I had 42 yrs of my life to have you. I miss you’re presence and voice. It’s rough and hard without you. I also miss your words of wisdom. Daddy you always try to make us laugh with jokes and silly dancing. I miss you at 5pm family prayer, even when we missed it , you still pray for us all. Since you’re passing my childhood with you are very strong in memories . I love you and so blessed to have such a wonderful father as you. I hope to see you again. Yet,Dad I know you wouldn’t want me too be sad with you gone,I’m trying to heal and accept it. I hope when judgement day comes that we all be in the Kingdom of Heaven . For now goodbye. We will take care of mama for you. Watch over us.
Happy Birthday Dad!
Everyday I think of you and miss you. Words I wished I had told you often? I love you.
Love you Dad, Happy Birthday!
Hey my handsome papa, I find myself reading your obituary once everyday, I miss your laughs I miss your jokes but most of all I miss you. I have so much to tell you and way more I love you’s 🤍 I’ve come so far papa and I know your up there watching over and protecting me as I go on 🙏🏾 I love and miss you so much papa keep flying high till god reunites us
~ your heavenini💜
Happy Thanksgiving Dad, the food is delicious, wish you were here to eat it with us. Love you.
Merry Christmas Dad!
I miss your prayers, Christmas lights and present organizing. I love you and miss you.
Happy New Years Dad, though the years may continue on, you remain as you are in my heart and memory; beautiful and strong. Love you.