Leland J. ''Lee'' Edwards
March 20, 1932 - July 8, 2006

Leland J. “Lee” EDWARDS
March 20, 1932 – July 8, 2006 Age 74, passed away on July 8, 2006, losing a long and fierce battle with interstitial lung disease. He is survived by his loving wife, Joyce; he was preceded in death by his eldest son, Greg. Leland also leaves a son Todd Brenda of Yakima, and a daughter Carrie Steve Mallory of El Cajon, CA. He was proud ”Grampa” to his eight grandchildren; Amy, Brianna, Quinton, Jamie, Stephanie, Brandon, Kale and Kamryn, and five great-grandchildren and daughter-in-law Raeann. While predeceased by his brother Alvin, Leland is survived by his beloved sisters Wilma Leroy Morford, Dolores Ray Shuel of Yakima, Wanda Ervin Sperle of Union Gap, and many nieces and nephews. He is also survived by stepchildren, Marcia Harmon of Portland, OR, Kathleen Jun Shimazaki of Portland, OR and Marty Stella Strohecker of Atlanta, GA.
Leland was born in Portland, OR to James and Pauline Edwards. He spent his early years there, later moving to Yakima with his family where he lived for many years. He served in the Navy during the Korean Conflict, and was a member of Burien Post 134 of the American Legion. Leland learned the floor-covering trade, then it was off to Hawaii where he worked and played. He eventually came to Seattle, putting down his roots in Burien. He worked all over the Puget Sound Area covering floors, tubs and counters until his retirement in 1998. Known widely in his trade as ”Lee, That Ornery Old Tile Dude”, a title he wore very proudly, and one which he tried his best to live up to, Lee was still noted for his fine work.
An avid hunter and fisherman in his younger days, Leland also had a great fondness for Nascar racing and actually raced on the Yakima Speedway for a few years. Later, he could usually be found glued to the TV on race day. After his illness denied him many of the things he liked to do, he still burned his candle as brightly as he could, even while fighting for breath and his mobility. Leland still talked of all the things he was ”gonna” do, refusing to accept the fact that he never would.
The family will be forever grateful for the valiant efforts made by the Highline Hospital medical team to save Leland, and the caring, efficient way they made him as comfortable as possible during the last difficult hours before he was folded into loving wings and borne gently upward.
A memorial service celebrating Leland’s life will be held on Saturday, July 22 at 1:00 PM at the Bonney-Watson Parker Chapel, 900 SW 146th, Burien. Remembrances may be made in Leland’s name to the Highline Medical Center Memorial Fund. Please sign the online memorial guestbook at www.bonneywatson.com.
“UNKA LEE”….You are forever in my fondest memories of your billy-goat gruffness in a very compationate way and your mischievous laughter! My world has been a much better place with you in it and will continue to be with my memories of you like yesterday. I think of you and there you are with that great expression and unforgetable laugh. You brought so much brightness into peoples lives. There will never be another “Unka Lee” so we will be forever grateful for the time we had with you and be better for it!
Love you and will always remember you!
Thanks for the laughs and the memories,
It is hard to accept the passing of a family member. I know God has taken you, without pain and suffering to a better place. Leroy and I will miss the good times we shared, there were plenty of those. We will miss you!!!!God bless and see you when the time comes to meet up Yonder. Love, Wilma
Joycee Baby, You we’re alway by his side during the good and the bad times. We had a good time in our party days and Lee too. Your Best Friend, Dee
Sorry to hear about Leland. We knew Leland for many years and my husband raced with him at Yakima Speedway. Lots of fun was had.
I will always appreciate Lee for how well he cared for Mom throughout their marriage. Her patience while caring for him in ill health has been truly inspiring.
Although we shared different paths in life, I’ll always love you for who you were. My Father, My mentor, My Idol and Our grandfather. Dad you will be deeply missed by all of us. I’ll always love you dearly and keep all of my memories of you alive in my heart. until we meet again. Todd
My Father will be missed by all that knew him. He was a real character with a soft heart, stubborn as a mule and a no nonsense approach if he was in disagreement….he spoke his mind. I have been told I have the same traits and proud they came from my Dad. I’ll always cherish the visits I had with him and hold that special place in my heart for him. I know he had a long battle with his illness, yet kept us all dear to his heart. I love you Dad and I will miss you. I will be seeing you again one of these days. Love ya…your Daughter…Carrie
I love you Brother and feel blessed to have been your sister. I also cherish the good times we shared as we were growing up and through the years of our life.
Until we meet again in our Heavenly Father’s Home.
Love Your Sister Wanda.
I have no sympathies to share about Uncle Leland, just a celebration of memories of Uncle Leland’s life.
I remember the tricks Uncle Leland use to play one me when I was just a kid, especially one that involved a particular wood doll that I was extremely scared of. One time in particular was at a Christmas gathering at my Grandma’s house when Uncle Leland hid the doll in a toy truck I got for Christmas and told me to look in the truck toolbox. As I looked in the toolbox there was that doll that scared the living hell out of me. Uncle Leland bellowed out with his extraordinary laugh and I did not think he was going to stop. I never forgot that time and neither did Uncle Leland nor did other family members that were present as they continue to joke about it today.
Uncle Leland was an ornery but good-hearted man that that expressed his opinion in Uncle Leland’s way by saying what was on his mind and saying it the way it was and not worrying about being politically correct. I do not see a problem with that for I am also that way.
A Good Hearted Man Uncle Leland Was!!!! I remember a time I was down on my luck and needed a place to stay until a few paychecks could help me back on my feet. Uncle Leland and Aunt Joyce opened up there home to me so I would not have to live on the streets or a dive motel that might as well would have been like living on the streets. Thanks So Much!!!!
I love you Uncle Leland and I will see ya again one of these days in Heaven.