Leon Cheeks, Sr.
June 13, 1945 - November 24, 2006

Leon Cheeks, Sr., passed away peacefully at his home with his family by his side Friday, November 24th, 2006. Leon is survived by his loving wife of 37 years, Ae Chong; his daughter, Kimberly Cheeks; two sons, Leon Jr. and Jerome Levar Cheeks; nine grandchildren, Dominique, Marciano, Deon, Deandre, Devante, Isaac, Nia, Elijah and Kylayah; four brothers, Larry, Louis, Alvin and Anthony Cheeks and numerous nieces and nephews. A prayer service will be held Tuesday, November 28, 2006 at 6:00 pm at BONNEY-WATSON Federal Way, 1535 SW Dash Point Road, Federal Way, WA 253 839-7317. Military Honors and Committal Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, November 29th, 2006 at 10:30 am at Tahoma National Cemetery, Kent, Washington.
Dad as outgoing as I am, I am a tad bit shy and I was unable to share with everyone how much I love you and adore you. I wish that I did not have this stage fright because I am not on stage but in front of you, but even still while you were alive I had a hard time sharing my feelings with you without getting choked up. I love you with every ounce of my being, when the sun rises I will think of you, when the sun sets I will think of you, though I hurt because I miss seeing your face and hearing your voice, I can only dream to see you again until it is my time to meet you in heaven. I remember thinking when I was younger that I wanted to go before you so I wouldn’t have to experience the pain of losing you, well here I am and well I am experiencing a serious loss. I feel that a part of me that made me who I am is gone but I can only hope that my children will love me as much as I do you. Thank you for giving me strength and comfort right now because you know I couldn’t do this without you, God and our family.
I love you Pappy-ole! :
Leon, We had alot of good time together you and will be greatly miss.
Dad, I long to hear your voice, I went to your house and wanted so badly to see you standing there, I feel sad but I am not allowing myself to grieve for some reason. I worry that I might lose my mind. I know you are better off, but mom is so lonely and sad, Leon is beating himself up and Jerome well he is Jerome. I have good days and bad, though my life finally is great and all things seem to be coming together I am sad that you aren’t able to share that with me or see me not struggling. I wish that I would have pursued this much sooner in life but that was not the way it was supposed to be. I am trying to take care of mom but its hard, I am not you. I can’t imagine loving someone so much and for so long to end up losing them. It makes me not want to be with someone for that very reason, but its too late. Thank you for always inspiring me that true love exists and being that example for me. I love you and miss you so much. Kylayah sees your picture and says Poppa. I wish you guys had more time with each other.
Kimberly – aka Big Mouth
Dad, God saw that you were getting weary
When a cure was not meant to be
So He sent His angels to comfort you in the shelter of their wings
You wouldn’t give up and we didn’t want to lose you this could never be
But God said it was time, drew you near, and closed His arms around you
And whispered “Son, come to Me.”
Dad you are my inspiration and you have been rewarded with peace
No more sadness, all these tears they will have to cease
Because God loved you so much He gave you much needed rest
And now you are welcomed into heaven by Grandpa Leroy, Grandma Ida Mae and Uncle Jerry for this we are surely blessed.
Absent in body, present with the Lord Dad you will be in our hearts forever. We love and miss you very much!
Lovingly Yours
I love you, dad.
Dad I remember you bought me a Mickey Mouse watch and a ring and I got jacked.
I remember I couldn’t go to sleep and mom and you played catch with me.
I remember a dog named Blackie tried to bite me all the time and whupped him with black beauty.
I rember a dog named Happy. He wouldn’t come out the dog house. You told me mom ate him.
I remember being your Korean translator.
I remember my friend playing at the airport and I told him I’m going to America.
I remember mom said she smelled poop. I pooped in my pants on the plane ride over to America.
I remember in California taking Kimberly to the horse stable, and I got whupped.
I remember a blinking red light at the top of a building. Mom was in the hospital with the twins.
I remember we used to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken and Jack in the Box everyday.
I remember when I first learned hou to ride a bike, you came home from work, and I took the bike at the top of the hill and I crashed.
I remember the Pinto, when the rims got stoled.
I rembember when you let Kimberly pee in the Pinto at the laundry mat.
I remember the drive to Washington when Kimberly and I ate cookies for dinner.
I remember meeting Uncle Floyd at the Chevron station because we were lost.
I remember getting 10 kicks in the butt for kissing Suzy.
I remember when Jerome was born you came into Kimberly’s room being all happy, and you gave us gum cigars.
I remember when you took me to the basketball cour at Camelot and we played ball on our way home you tried to long jump, you went straight up in the air and sraight back down, and you pulled your butt muscle.
I remember playing catch you used to always make me run to the mailbox you told me that I couldn’t catch a sack of balls.
Dad thank you for all the fond memories, I miss you very much, you will always be in my heart. I love you.
Your son,
Leon Jr.
I tried my best not to cry in front of my dad. My dad told me it’s okay to cry, real men do cry! I wish that I knew then then what I know now. I’m crying in the inside and outside. I don’t know what to do. I miss you very much. I love you dad. Thank you for 37 wonderful years. I’ll see you soon.
P.S. I can’t believe your gone!
P.P.S. Goodbye is not forever!!
I tried my best not to cry in front of my dad. My dad told me it’s okay to cry, real men do cry! I wish that I knew then then what I know now. I’m crying in the inside and outside. I don’t know what to do. I miss you very much. I love you dad. Thank you for 37 wonderful years. I’ll see you soon.
P.S. I can’t believe your gone!
P.P.S. Goodbye is not forever!!
Dear Grandpa,
We all love and miss you so much, and we all can’t believe you are gone.Me and Devonte hope that you’re in a very peaceful place, and we hope that you’re looking down at us saying”WOW, I miss them too” and I hope the angels met you with peace.If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t all be here right now, and we thank you for that, and you are a very strong man, because you went to the war 3 times, so our uncles, your brothers, wouldn’t have to go to the war and I know that they really appreciate it. You are such a warrior for everything that you have done in your life and we know that grandma really appreciated that you fought for her, and just so you know one of the soldiers gave grandma the American flag, that they put and folded on your casket and you probably appreciated them doing that for you and her.Our dad,your son, talked about you being a strong warrior and we know that it was true. See you when we head for heaven and we want to be greeted by you,Grandpa Leroy, and more angels from the Cheeks family. So you know, you looked good in the suit that you were wearing at the funeral and Aunty said” You smelled like you usually do”.We all cried for our loss of you. You were such a warrior to us and the rest of the Cheeks family and probably people that we don’t even know.
You are a warrior, we love and miss you very much.
Dear Grandpa,
We all love and miss you so much, and we all can’t believe you are gone.Me and Devonte hope that you’re in a very peaceful place, and we hope that you’re looking down at us saying”WOW, I miss them too” and I hope the angels met you with peace.If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t all be here right now, and we thank you for that, and you are a very strong man, because you went to the war 3 times, so our uncles, your brothers, wouldn’t have to go to the war and I know that they really appreciate it. You are such a warrior for everything that you have done in your life and we know that grandma really appreciated that you fought for her, and just so you know one of the soldiers gave grandma the American flag, that they put and folded on your casket and you probably appreciated them doing that for you and her.Our dad,your son, talked about you being a strong warrior and we know that it was true. See you when we head for heaven and we want to be greeted by you,Grandpa Leroy, and more angels from the Cheeks family. So you know, you looked good in the suit that you were wearing at the funeral and Aunty said” You smelled like you usually do”.We all cried for our loss of you. You were such a warrior to us and the rest of the Cheeks family and probably people that we don’t even know.
You are a warrior, we love and miss you very much.
I feel like I’m in a bad dream. Please wake me up dad. I miss you so much, I don’t know what to do. I love my kids, but I want to be with you. GOD please give my dad back! You took him too early. All I want for Christmas is my dad, If there were a GOD? Why are you making me hurt so much? All I want is my DAD! What am I going to do? Dad you are my idol and my role modle my everything. I’m sorry for not being there for you! You will always be with me. I wish you were still here. I’ve never been so hurt or empty in my life. I miss you so much. Words can’t explan how I feel. I would do anything to have my dad back. Like Nia would say your the best! I love you, I can’t wait to see you again.
In 1945, June, 13th there was a warrior born named Leon Cheeks Sr. He was raised by his grandparents. Then in 1967 he went to war for 12 years so that his brothers would’t go to war and there names are, Jerry, Larry, Louis, Alvin and Anthony. In 1969 Leon married this girl named Ae Chong and a boy named Leon Cheeks Jr. In 1973 Leon and Ae had this girl named Kimberly Cheeks. Then in 1979 Leon and Ae had another boy named Jerome Levar Cheeks.Jerome was lucky to be here because Leon and Ae had these twins but they died. Leon Cheeks Jr. had his first boy in 1992 named Dominiqe Dupruis Cheeks and in 1994 Leon Jr’s second boy named Deon Terell Cheeks. Dominiqe and Deon’s mom is Michelle Myers. In 1996 Leon Jr’s third boy named Deandre Leon cheeks and a year later in 1997 Leon Jr’s fourth boy named Devonte Leo Cheeks. Leon Jr’s first daughter in 2002 named Nia Noel Cheeks. Kimberly Cheeks first boy in 1993 named Marciano Quanzonez and Kerberly’s second boy 1998 this boy named Isaac Phillips. In 2005 her first daughter named Kaylya. Jerome Cheeks first boy 2004 named Elijah. In november, 24th Leon Cheeks Sr. died in peace with his family by his side everybody was shocked. Leon Cheeks Sr. is a warrior. Illusted by Devonte Cheeks a.k.a Bruce Lee Roy
Popoe we all miss you so much but dad is taking it much much worse and we all hope that you are in a better place now. When I was at the viewing I held in the tears when I saw you and when they were doing the songs. I really tried not to cry and it was a very bad day for all of us on that day thank you for a wonderful life and for going into the war 3 times sincerely Deandre a.k.a the professor
Grandpa I really miss you alot. I hope that you are in a better place watching over us all now. You will always be known as a soldier and that was cool that you went to the war three times so your brothers didn’t.I can’t wait till the day that I will be able to see you again in heaven.
No more tears, Dad I just let you go, I didn’t want to. But if your staying here because of me, I let you go. I hope GOD let you into heaven. No more pain or suffering. I think you just told me it’s my time to grow up and be a man. I can never take your place. I promise I’ll do the best I can to raise my kids and take care of mom. I miss you dearly, I can’t even begin to explain. I wish we had more time together. I’m very sorry for being selfish. Dad I never knew how sick you really was you never let me know. I’m like you in a way I keep my feelings inside too, that’s not right! I wish you let me know how you really felt about me, or how sick you really was. I love you daddy! I can’t wait to see you again.
Dad , me and Devonte was looking at pictures he told me that I looked just like you I never realized that. I miss you very much. I have dreams about you everday. Mom misses you very much also. I love you dad.
Dear Poppa, a while back you passed away and I still can’t believe it. We were so close, and even in spirit we’re still close. I remember that one year when it was fourth of July and the whole family was at your house having a wonderful time, and Devonte and myself took the chance to go outside to play catch and i tripped on something, probably was my shoelace. when I fell on the cement a pebble got stuck into the palm of my hand and I ran inside and told you and we walked to the bathroom and you said open my hand and I did and you poured rubbing alcohol onto the wound and I started to scream and cry and you told me to stop acting like a girl. So when all that pain was over you popped the pebble out of my hand and placed a band-aid on it and kissed my hand. I still remember that til this day. Me and Devonte are like brothers now as you can see from above, i really miss you and I bet the whole cheeks family does as well. See you soon, and could you possibly save me a spot in heaven. I would much appreciate that 🙂
Hey popoe, Isaac and I were on the internet and we happen to come across this page. So we’ve decided to take this time to let our feelings out. I am having a hard time in my teenage years and I really wish you were here so you could guide me through the process. But you always told me that the Cheeks’ blood is very thick and we could always get through anything. You also gave me the courage to take pride in the Cheeks family. Even when people teased me about my last name, they still had to respect me because I was never the one to hide who I really am.
I miss and love you with all my heart, popoe. I can’t wait until you greet me at the pearly gates of heaven.
From yours truly, Devonte – aka Bruce Lee Roy