Linda Ruth Guadiz
June 27, 1944 - January 18, 2006

Des Moines resident Linda Guadiz, a devoted wife, cherished mother, grandmother and sister, left this life Wed., Jan. 18.
She was born June 27, 1944, in Atoka, Okla., the sixth of seven children, to Lee and Ruth Woolard Nevills.
She always said she went to college to get her MRS degree, but graduated from Oklahoma Christian College in 1966 with just a bachelor’s degree in History.
After teaching middle school briefly in Topeka, Kan., she joined the Air Force in 1969 to see the world. Instead, she married a handsome young Captain Robert Guadiz of Kipu, Hawaii, four months after meeting him on a blind date. That union produced numerous moves, six children, and 35 years of marital harmony. During that time she filled the role of homemaker, mother, teacher, grandmother and friend.
Linda obeyed the gospel in her youth and never left that faith. Her delight was in the Lord, and she meditated on his law, day and night. She was a lifelong member of the church of Christ, and a dear friend to her sisters and brothers in Christ at the Burien congregation.
Her love was for her family, and she was never so happy as when she was in the midst of it. Although a strict parent, whose expression of love was sometimes imperfect, her love itself was always true.
She treasured the simple things in life: beans and cornbread and buttermilk, orange cake, a good cup of tea, collecting silverplate, teapots, books, and watching A&E’s Pride and Prejudice. She read voraciously, to herself or out loud, to whoever was in the room, and never left a crossword puzzle until it was at least halfway filled out. She loved singing the old hymns, and hearing her children sing them to her.
She will be missed dreadfully by all those who knew her. Our time with her was too short, but we were so blessed to have her as our own. We will meet her again in heaven.
She was preceded in death by her parents and a sister, Marjory Lee Drake.
She is survived by husband Robert Guadiz of Des Moines; son and daughter-in-law Robert and Violet Guadiz, and their children, Holly Gantt and Michael Guadiz; daughter and son-in-law Sally and Josh Perkins, their son, Jacob Perkins; sons Tyrone Guadiz and John Guadiz, all of Des Moines. Daughter and son-in-law Martha and James Manry, and their sons, Jack and Woody Manry, and daughter Amanda Guadiz, all of Wichita, Kan.
Surviving siblings include Fred and Joan Peck of Oklahoma City, Okla.; Joe and Betty Nevills of Crowder, Okla.; Tom and Janice Nevills of Wichita, Kan.; Gerald and Nancy Kinman of Keller, Texas; Martha Allen of Memphis, Tenn.; dozens of nieces and nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews.
Our thoughts and prayers to you and your family. The scripture says; “I am leaving you with gift peace of mind and heart, and the peace I give isn’t fragile like the peace the worlds gives, so don’t be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27
We will continue to pray to your family.
Love and Prayer,
Bill,Carol, Kyle and Chloe
Dear Bob & all the family. We love you. We have thought about you and pray for God to comfort and sustain each of you. We will miss Linda’s quick laugh, funny messages, Phone calls and visits when we did get to see her, but don’t you know she is enjoying heaven and seeing loved ones.
She will be singing I bet you. We just pray God’s help with earthly sorrows.
We love you all. Joe and Betty
The measure of a mother is in the character of her children. We mourn with you. Love, Todd, Dallas, Erin & Abby
The last time I saw Linda was in our church building and she was holding hands with Amanda. I will always picture her sitting with Amanda and Bob.
We have been thanking the Lord that Linda helped provide such loving people as Martha and Amanda for us.
We love all of you and may the Lord bless the continuing influence of Linda’s life.
Grant, Carol and Ellie Goodvin
John 17:1-3
After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: “Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give ETERNAL LIFE to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
Dearest Robert,
Our hearts and prayers go out to you and your family in this time of grief. May our Father’s love and grace be with you all, especially, now and always.
Marcelino, Elena, Marnie, Joyce, and Marc Jr.
We are so sorry for the loss of your mother/wife. My mother grew up just miles from your mother/wife in Wapanucka, OK.
You are all in our prayers
This world is a lonlier place without Linda. Her loving and sweet spirit was shared by so many individuals. Her family is strong in commitment to serving others,as was she, through their faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. Tom Nevills
Bob and Family,
So sorry to hear about Linda. I would have liked to attend the funeral, but I am in the Dominican Republic on a mission trip.
So sorry for your loss,
Kyle Nevills
My time here in Colorado has been filled with sorrow upon hearing of your loss. I only had the pleasure of meeting Linda upon a recent visit to Wichita, however, her daughters are a true testiment of how wonderful of a mother she was. Our prayers from my family and I are with you all.
My sweet sister, Linda, died last Wednesday 1-18-06. We didn’t have her long enough with us but we loved her so much. I know she’s in Paradise and I’m happy for her but, oh, so sad for those of us who knew and loved her so much. Her husband and children and brothers and sisters rise up and call her blessed. Sweet Linda, I love you. Rest in peace. Joan
Dear Bob and Family,
We’re thinking and praying for you and your family. I’m so glad that I had the chance to see all of you at Grandma Ruth’s funeral. We will miss Linda and pray for all of you in the upcoming weeks and months.
We love you,
Wayne, Kerri, Zachary, Nicholas, A.J. and Seth Nevills
Scriptures tell us that you know the tree by the fruit it bears. While I have not had the opportunity to truly know Linda face to face I have come to know her through Martha and Amanda. Their loving and caring heart along with their devotion to God are a true reflection of their mother and father. Linda’s approach to life and God’s plan for her are evident in the lives of Martha and Amanda. As a husband I cannot imagine the pain that must be felt to loose the love of your life after so many years. At the same time I know that God’s will is being done in our lives and he does amazing things. May God forever hold you and the entire Guadiz family in His loving hands.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Even though I didn’t know your Mother from everything I have read in your e-mail she was an amazing women!!!
Love In Christ, Angie Winstead
Dear Markee,
It is with great sadness that I received the news of the loss of your mother. Even though I only met her only one time at your wedding, I could not help but feel sad. I pray that our Lord, the giver and taker of life, will comfort you and your family during this time. May he give you peace until you see her again. I want you to know that I will be praying for you. Love,
We were so shocked to hear of Linda’s illness and now passing. Linda will be missed by so many friends and of course by her family. We’ve prayed for all of you every day since we heard the news of Linda’s hospital admission, and will continue to pray for your strength and comfort. On the evening that Linda passed away, Lauren asked if we could send Linda a letter in heaven and wondered how we could get it there? I told her we could talk to her at night when we pray, and I was certain that she could hear us.
Beth NevillsFabrick
Our deepest sympathy to you and your family. We were really shocked to hear of Linda’s passing. We had hoped that you, Linda and the kids would’ve had some time to stop by here on the way to Oklahoma. Our fondest Aloha to Linda.
We were extremely sorry to learn of Linda’s death and regret deeply that we didn’t get to meet Linda. From your letters it sounds like she was our kind of person–enjoyed A&E, teapots, church and family times together.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
The year ahead will be difficult but in time memories will help heal a broken heart.
Love, Bill and Libby
Bob and Family,
With deepest sympathy. We share your shock and sorrow for losing Linda, so dear and young.
Blessings are the memories that can be cherished forever.
Your friend,
Bob, words cannot express my shock, grief, and symphathy for your loss of Linda. Please accept our heartfelt touch of Aloha from the entire Apana Ohana to the Guadiz Ohana.
Regards; Your classmate in Kindergarden, Best Friend in childhood, and Partner in Christ. Mel.