Loren Bruce Lenz
December 2, 1947 - June 4, 2009

Loren Bruce Lenz
Born in Juneau, Alaska December 2, 1947 passed away on June 4, 2009, in the loving presence of his family. He was 61.
Loren resided most of his life in SeaTac, Washington and was the caretaker of his parents. His dedication to his family was evident in every phase of his life. He was a devoted son, loving brother and proud Uncle. He was very excited that he was going to be a Great Uncle for the 30th time, and told everyone he came across about his family and how much he loved them. He was the 3rd born of 6 children, and was the ‘Keeper’ of our memories. Loren could recall every event of importance and was a constant reminder of how important family is. Loren had a big heart and gave constantly to others. A lover of music, he played his car stereo loudly, and without inhibition
Loren was Alaskan Indian and was proud of his Tlingit-Athabascan heritage. He was a member of the ILWU Local 19 Union since 1967.
He will be sorely missed in our family. This loss leaves an empty space that can never be filled. He told us he loved us everyday that we spoke with him, so there was never a doubt. We love you too Loren, and we will strive to be more like you. Thank you Loren, for all you have taught and given us through your life.
The celebration of Loren’s life will be held at Bonney-Watson Washington Memorial, 16445 International Blvd, SeaTac on Saturday June 13, 2009 at 12:30 PM. A reception will be following. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be sent in honor of Loren to:
National Advocates for the mentally Ill/ Greater Seattle
802 NW 70th St
Seattle, WA 98117
When Loren would see you he would always make you feel as you were so important in his life. He always had a smile on his face and he loved his family very much.
Loren was very lucky to have such a wonderful loving caring family that made his days so full of love and great family get togethers. he will truly be missed by all.
All our love to such a wonderful family.
Mike & Dee White
Your`e in our thoughts and prayers. Love you lots. Denny&Jeannette
We are so sorry for your loss! Loren was a brite spirit with a huge heart, we’re happy to have meet him.
I spook with Loren at the monthly lunchon at Club Hollywood a few mounths ago and I enjoyed our conversation. I worked with Loren many times during the 60s.
Dear Brice & Family:
I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your brother Loren.
I hope the many years of fond memories you had with Loren will help you in this time of sadness.
Alison Hawley-Washington
Des Moines, WA
We are very sorry.We love you family….sincerly…Erika y rachell…Creek Adult Family Home…
I am a good friend of Loren’s sister, Maryann. Maryann and I were very close in high school. I remember Loren’s determination to graduate from high school. He was a sweet smiling guy. Because of my friendship with Maryann-I saw him often- and he was always a perfect gentleman. Maryann, I am so sorry for your loss. I send you and your family my heartfelt condolences and pray that you all find comfort.
Jackie Skolrud
My thoughts and prayers are with and your family. If there is anything I can do, you know I’m only a call away.God Bless you and God Bless Loren!!!!