Lucia Burrows
September 10, 1928 - June 12, 2009

Lucia Burrows, beloved wife, mother and friend, left this world on June 16, 2009 due to complications following bypass surgery. She is survived by her husband of 52 wonderful years, Richard Charles Burrows, her daughter Julie Williams, and son Gregory Burrows. Additional local family includes Julie’s husband Jim Jimmy, her step-grand children Ginny, Cameron and Daryl from the Williams side, and her step grandchild Kennedy from Gregory’s side. She has an extensive extended family throughout the US as well as many other countries around the world, primarily in her native home of Colombia .
The eldest of 5 children, Lucia was born on September 10, 1928 to Walter and Julia Ballesteros in Bogota, Colombia. She was followed by her brother Oswald Joe, and sisters Gisela, Julita, and Clarita. She later came to the United States as a college teenager, and then returned in her late 20’s, subsequently meeting her life-long partner, Richard, in Chicago.
Richard and Lucia fell in love, and were married on May 4th 1957. They soon started a family, with daughter Julie being born on January 6, 1960, and son Greg on December 20, 1963. This started Lucia’s life long dedication to her husband and children, and never was she more happy than when she could make them happy.
Lucia was also a dedicated provider, not only taking care of the family’s needs, but also working part and later full time for Seafirst Bank later Bank of America. She eventually retired, having spent her last years proudly working as Executive Secretary to the manager of the First and Madison branch in Seattle.
Throughout her life, Lucia remained in contact with her extended family, frequently visiting with her siblings and family around the world. She always maintained that connection despite the distance, and never did she allow them to be far from her thoughts.
As her children grew up and began lives of their own, she remained connected to them through her frequent weekend dinners, special occasions, and impromptu offers of ‘lunch’, which always ended up as an extended visit to ‘just catch up.’ Lucia never tired of hearing what was going on, good or bad, and of offering her love and wisdom to help the situation or to rejoice in the successes. When the kids were living in the home, the family would take major vacations to a variety of places. She and Richard continued this together, and later Julie and she made visits to places in the US, Colombia and Spain to maintain the close connection with family. She also developed and maintained some close friendships, most notably with her friend of over 40 years, Linda Vaughan, and later Linda’s great life companion, Jack. Many hours of pinochle and Scrabble cemented that bond forever, not to mention some wonderful dinners.
Five years ago, Richard and Lucia completed their ‘dream home’ in Bonney Lake, bringing the family close together again, living only a block away from Julie, and with Greg not far away. Lucia soon made her loving presence known as she walked her ‘other son’ Cisco around the neighborhood, meeting everyone she came across. She was always ready with a smile and a wave to every passing car or person in the yard, and once again she impacted many , many people with her love, grace and sense of humor. Always interested in people, Lucia had a ready ear and a quick wit, making her easy to talk with and find things in common.
Lucia never looked or acted her age. Without a doubt, she was 80 years young and a vibrant, engaged person who loved life, her family, and her perfect little ‘Cisco.’ She especially enjoyed her garden and yard, taking great delight in growing everything from veggies to flowers. Anything with flowers and color made her smile, and she would spend countless hours digging holes, watering plants and planning the next great endeavor. ‘I love flowers!’ she would always say, as she enthusiastically led you around the yard to see her latest triumph. The flowers will probably miss her as much as we do!
While Lucia has left this world, her presence and love never will. It continues on in every person she touched, and there were a great many… many more than we can possibly list here. Love and dedication to family and friends are her legacy, and there was never a day when she did not make that apparent to any and all. That Light will never be extinguished because she showed us all how to Love, and her Love, given and shared with and now between us all, is eternal. Keep that Love in your heart, and Lucia will be there.
Greg Burrows
Richard Burrows
A Eulogy for Lucia Burrows
by the Rev. Dr. James Kubal-Komoto
Delivered at Bonney-Watson Parker Chapel
Burien, Washington
June 16, 2009
Lucia Ballesteros was born September 10, 1928, in Bogota, Colombia. She died June 12, 2009. She was 80 years old. She is survived by her husband, Richard; her children, Julie and Greg; her step-grandchildren Cameron, Daryl, Ginny, and Kennedy; her brother, Joe; her sisters, Gisela, Julia, and Clara; as well as many nieces and nephews.
Lucia was born into a prosperous family with roots in Austria and Spain. As the oldest of five children, Lucia was always devising games to play with her younger siblings, especially Joe. Joe also remembers tremendous quarrels with his sister, but when his father sent them both to sit together in a closet ‘until they could learn to get along,’ Lucia and Joe would just sit and laugh.
As she grew older, Lucia was an excellent student, talented pianist, and had a wonderful ear for languages.
Lucia’s father was a very prominent leader of the Theosophical Society in Colombia and, in fact, all of Latin America. Yet because of Colombia’s ubiquitous and sometimes intolerant Roman Catholicism, Lucia’s family often experienced hostility from other families and even from members of her extended family.
As a result, Lucia grew up feeling isolated from others outside her immediate family; and as hard as it is for us to believe, she grew up thinking that she was not very attractive or bright, despite clearly being both.
When she was 16, her father made the decision that Lucia should become an executive secretary and even though she hadn’t yet finished high school, he sent her to attend Bryant and Stratton Business College in Chicago and to live in Wheaton, Illinois – – where the Theosophical Society’s U.S. headquarters were – – with a family that belonged to the Theosophical Society.
After studying in Chicago, she returned to Bogota and began working for an international oil company as an executive secretary and eventually worked for the company’s chief executive officer. She was very skilled and successful in her job, but as a young, unmarried woman, she still lived at home and yearned for more freedom than was possible in Colombian society at that time.
So at the age of 27, she decided to return to the headquarters of the Theosophical Society in Wheaton to spend a summer.
When she arrived, a young man named Richard took her bags to her room. Richard had just recently arrived himself a few days before, having recently returned from serving in the U.S. armed forces in Korea.
Not long after that, Richard asked Lucia out for coffee, and she turned him down flat; and yet over that summer, they gradually got to know each other, attending meetings together, sharing meals together in the dining hall, walking together on the grounds of the society.
By the end of the summer, friendship had deepened into love. Richard bought a $50 ring – – all he could afford at the time – – and proposed in the dining hall. This time, Lucia did not turn him down flat. They agreed that she would return to Colombia for several months, and if they continued to feel the same way for each other, they would get married. They were married on May 4, 1957, in Bogota, and then again on June 5 in Wheaton, and their marriage would last for more than 52 years.
Richard decided he needed a job, and found a teaching position in Mabton, Washington, near Yakima, and then another in Moclips, Washington, before finally moving to Seattle’s south suburbs and settling into a psychologist career of many years with the Highline School District.
At about the same time, Lucia and Richard were starting their family. Lucia gave birth to Julie in 1960 and Greg in 1963.
Being a mother gave Lucia great joy, but before Greg even started school, Lucia decided that she also wanted to return to work, and she did, working both part-time and full-time as an executive secretary at Seafirst Bank for nearly 30 years.
However, Lucia’s real purpose in life – – her real passion – – was taking care of her family. For Lucia, nothing was more important than family, and taking care of her family – – in big ways and small ways – – was how she showed her love.
Growing up in Bogota, Lucia had never had to clean or cook because her family had maids, but Lucia had a spotless house and became an excellent cook. Every day, she made breakfast, lunch, and dinner for her husband and children. For Lucia, it was important that every meal be not only nutritious but well-balanced, and that every member of her family was well-fed.
She spent more than 50 years trying to fatten up Richard, and only achieved some moderate success recently.
Though, in general, she hated machines, she became skilled at the sewing machine and made beautiful clothes for herself and her family.
There were also the countless small things she did. For example, Greg remembers on cold mornings when he was growing up, she would sometimes put his clothes in the dryer before he woke up, so they would be warm when he got dressed.
Lucia’s son-in-law Jimmy knew that if he had a sock that needed darning, if he left it out on the kitchen cabinet, Lucia would snatch it up during her morning visit and it would magically re-appear, well-mended, a few days later.
Lucia also put a great deal of effort into keeping connected with her extended family. Differences which had kept the family apart during her father’s generation were eventually overcome, and it was Lucia who always insisted that extended family write letters, visit, and get together with one another.
Close friends were also important to Lucia. She and Linda were friends for more than 40 years; and Linda told me that in addition to spending lots of time together and having lots of fun together, Lucia was the most supportive person she knew.
And of course, during the past several years, Cisco, also became a very important part of Lucia’s life.
In addition to her love of family and close friends, Lucia also had a love of beautiful things – – especially things that were visually beautiful. Nothing made her happier than seeing any kind of plant in bloom, and she also loved beautiful clothing and jewelry – – not as things to possess, but as delights to the eye.
Lucia wasn’t a perfect person.
Sometimes her concern for her family’s well being could seem a little overwhelming. ‘You want more of that?’ she would ask at the dinner table, and before anyone ever had a chance to answer, there was ‘more of that’ on your plate. She would tell her son as an adult, ‘Greg. It’s cold. Go put on a sweater.’ And any question about a family member’s well being was followed up by, ‘Are you sure?’
Lucia was certainly strong-willed and perhaps sometimes over-controlling, but if so, it was only because she had high standards and wanted the very best for those whom she loved the most.
Lucia was also a very thrifty person. She hated waste of any kind. During showers, she would turn the water off and on several times to save water. She gave Richard a difficult time for spending too much on books and CDs, and she and Richard would sometimes have thermostat wars. ‘Aye, mi amorcito, it’s like a sauna in here!’ she would say, turning the thermostat from 68 to 65.
But again, if she was thrifty from day to day, it was only so she could spend money on big things for her family, like the long trips she and Richard took to Africa, Mexico, up the Amazon and to Colombia and Spain or the long trips she took with her daughter Julie to Spain and to Colombia,.
For her love of family, for her love of friends, for her love of beauty, for her love of life itself, it is for these things she will be remembered; and it is for these things and many more that she will be deeply missed.
Aunt Lucía enlightened all persons around her. I still remember her words of wisdom when she gave me advice many years ago of how to see and remember things in a positive way. And I can still also hear the tone of her voice full of sweeteness while she gave me such generous present. This will stay with me forever.
Dear Uncle Dick, Julie and Greg,
The memorial is beautifully written. We are all blessed, even more so for you three to have known Lucy as part of the family. Lucy was such a warm outgoing person. Her optimism for life bubbled over to those around her. She will surely be missed and I feel so sorry for your loss.
The memories of Lucia with you, Gregg and Julie are very special. We will always cherish the “amistad” and affection of the times we shared. The happy memories of Lucia will never be forgotten.
Your love and kindness will stay por ever with all te people who had the pleasure to met you here in this world. I and my family Diana, Juan Diego y Santiago had that privilege!!
Plaese, Uncle Dick, Julie and Greg, with your respective relatives, you know that you will be always welcome in our house in Colombia.
With Love.
Santiago, Juan Diego, Diana y Andres Los Vitos
Now that you leave I just want to thank you for your presence in our lives. I feel happy for you shared with us your vitality, enthusiasm and desire to live. Thanks for your love with my son Zuhué and thanks for your generosity. Lucita, we got on hold our visit to you, but such is life, often there is not a later. With all my hearth I wish peace and love accompany you in this trip and we stay with your love and joy to follow our journey. I love you.
Pilar, June 16th 2009
Dear Lucita:
I read in one book that the body is like a tree´s bark; in order to transcend to a light dimension one has to leave that bark. You were a person that no matter your age had a lot of fun, did not worry and you didn’t look like you were old. You taught me how to enjoy things in life. We loved you.
David Zuhué
To Dick and family, what a beautiful Memorial to Lucia. I only recalled meeting her once when you and she were visiting Mom and Dad here in Forest Grove. After reading this I feel as if I know her. What a Blessing that you had each other all of these years.
Lucita´s absence has been felt deeply, in deed, by her relatives here in Colombia. We miss her in many ways, specially her loving advice and also her joy of our achievements. Luci became Maggie´s best friend, confident and a second mother, they exchanged long letters and calls from Lucita to know what was going on. She visited us in our new house and blessed our home, something we are proud of! . We want to express our sincere love and affection to Richard, Julie and family, and Greg and family. As well as her brother Oswaldo, and sisters Gisela, Julita and Clarita.
Reciban nuestras más profundas muestras de pesar por el sentido fallecimiento de la querida tía Lucía, que deja un gran vacío entre las personas que le conocimos. Un miembro de familia irremplazable.
En estos momentos de dolor les acompañamos con solidaridad.
Con aprecio,
Antonio Valenzuela Ballesteros, Yoshita Catarí, Arturo y Guillermo.
“Once in a while a friend is found who’s a friend right from the start,
Once in a while a friendship’s made that really warms the heart.
Once in a while a friendship’s found to live a lifetime through.
It really does happen, just once in a while.
It happened to me and to you. “ Author unknown
My dear Lucia,
We met 43 years ago and raised our children together, shared holidays, rejoiced during the happy times, commiserated during the tough times and always kept the many confidences we shared just between the two of us. But it was during the past 26 years, when Jack became such an important part of my life, that the four of us became inseparable. You and Dick embraced Jack and we spent so many memorable evenings playing games until 1 or 2 in the morning after wonderful dinners beforehand. We also shared birthdays, holidays, movies, restaurants, short trips, etc. I doubt any four people looked forward to and enjoyed spending time together as much as we did.
I miss you more than I ever thought possible – so much I want to share with you each day. I have no regrets and would not change a thing about our friendship. No one will ever be as supportive, interested and happy about the way my life has turned out as you were. We were each other’s biggest fans! I admired your many talents and was in awe of your energy and dedication in taking such loving care of Julie, Greg and Dick while working full-time. Then, you were always there for others when they needed you. We loved each other very much and I am so grateful we spent so much of our lives together. Until we meet again, Linda
For Lucía
Last Tuesday after a short visit my last words to Lucia were “We love you, you know.” And she said to me, “I love you too.” And she squeezed my hand. And in the end that’s all that really matters to give and to receive love for Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to love each other.
For the past three years I have had the privilege of having almost weekly lunches with Richard and Lucia. Lunches that turned into conversations about art, philosophy, politics, world events, religion, science, and many National Geographic Articles which Lucia loved. Oh they weren’t just ordinary lunches, our Lunches would last from 2-4 hours and I don’t think we ever got tired of solving the world’s problems. I was always greeted first by Cisco and then with the gracious smile of Lucia. And a hardy “hello” from Richard.
I watched Lucia and Richard banter back and forth in a loving way that can only come from years of happy marriage. I was always fed beyond measure even when I brought freshly baked cookies, there were always more in the cookie jar to eat.
Lucia loved her garden and just three weeks ago we walked together admiring all her beautiful flowers and she pointed out each and every one and every chance I got I would bring her flowers from my garden too. How she beamed with each new gift, often just one bloom, which she would proudly display in her kitchen.
She was a gem and will be deeply missed and her spirit will live within me always.
My Dear Richard,
Words can’t express the loss you and your family must be feeling but know that part of Lucia lives in me too and that I will be there to share in your grief and in our healing and to celebrate a life lived to its fullest and I looked forward to many more lunches with you and Cisco and may God’s gentle mercy guide you through this time of sorrow and hold you in his gentle hand.
Your Friend and neighbor,
Words of Remembrace spoken at her Memorial, in honor of my sister Lucia. – Tuesday, June 16, 2009
As Lucia’s only brother, I am here today representing her large extended family in two Continents, in Colombia and in Spain. My three remaining sisters, Gisela, Julita and Clarita, plus their families, wanted us to know that they are here with us today, in this place, united spiritually in spite of the distances. Lucia’s love and concern for each one of us in this extended family was very genuine and sincere. In turn, waves of love are coming from them , arriving at this moment and surrounding Richard, Julie and Greg. In the Valley of the Shadow of Death we are not alone, as Psalm 23 so powerfully proclaims. Lucia has left us with a message : Love for one another is not an abstract thought, but a living practicing reality. Today we honor and cherish Lucia’s life, as a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend. As my sister she was always there for me, and with me. Now, I say : Lucia, you live in our memories of you. We love you, and all these members of the extended family surround you, and yours, with that same Love that you so abundantly gave us. May Eternal Light Shine upon you and give you Peace. Amen.
Como unico hermano de Lucia, estoy aqui hoy representando toda su gran familia extendida sobre dos continentes, en Colombia y Espana. Las tres hermanas sobrevivientes , Gisela, Julita y Clarita, y sus respectivas familias, quieren que nosotros sepamos que todos ellos estan con nosotros en este lugar, aqui, hoy, unidos todos espiritualmente a pesar de las distancias.
El Amor e interes que Lucia tenia por cada uno de nosotros en esta extensa familia, eran muy genuinos y sinceros. En su turno, olas de Amor estan llegando de alla en estos momentos y abrazando a Richard, Julie y Greg.
En el Valle de la Sombra de la Muerte no estamos solos, como lo proclama elocuentemente el Salmo 23.Lucia nos ha dejado un mensaje : el Amor del uno hacia el otro, no es un pensamiento abstracto, sino una realidad practicante. Hoy hacemos homenaje y apreciamos le vida de Lucia, como hermana, como esposa y madre, como amiga. Como hermana ella siempre estuvo presente conmigo. Ahora yo le digo : Lucita, vives en nuestros recuerdos. Te amamos, y todos los miembros de tu familia extendida te rodean no solo a ti, sino a los tuyos, con el mismo Amor que nos diste en abundancia. Que la Luz Eterna brille sobre ti y te de Paz. Amen.
Brother Oswaldo Joe Ballesteros, 16 Junio 2009
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My mother loved me, she loved her life and her family each and every day. There was never any doubt, family was number one. She had an unforgettable wonderful influence on my life and I am so grateful that she was my mother.
My mother gave me the gift of sensitivity. From her I learned to be aware of the needs of others and to help whenever I am able. Because of her I am able to hug, to hold and express my love openly to those close to me.
As I look back I can see where I took my mother’s love for granted whether it be the perfectly well balanced meals she made us every day, or the purple crushed velvet hot pants she made me that I so desperately wanted. No matter how tired she might have been she never gave less that her best to us.
As I got older I began to treasure my relationship with my mom. She’d been my teacher, my role model, my friend. She was my biggest fan, but I was also hers. I had the opportunity to travel with my mom on several trips to Colombia. I was able to see, feel and experience the roots of her love and what helped make my mother the woman that she was. I will always cherish those memories.
I could never thank my mother enough for all that she gave me. All that I can say now is that I loved her with all my heart, I am grateful to her and I cherish the closeness that we shared. I was incredibly lucky to have been gifted with a mother like her and I will miss her and love her each and every day.
Love you my little mamita.
Dear Lucita,
As my “second Mom,” dearest aunt, deep counselor, great confident and tomato plot weeding partner I will miss you hugely, but I will also keep holding you in the center of my hearth. Not long ago you were with us in the Colombian coffee land defying the strength of a bull with bravery and resolution as you always faced any challenge. There you were all by yourself in front of a huge audience at a park´s show. At the end of the episode everybody gave a strong applause to you and you proudly declared that you were just 80 years old. Today we give a stronger applause to the way you lived. You left home being young and conquered new horizons working hard and intelligently in the US where you met Richard a great companion and a wise father and you both grew a wonderful family with two wonderful kids. The sense of excellence, responsibility, hard work and persistence are values that sustained your way of living.
I was very lucky when I had the opportunity to live in your home during part of my student´s times in Seattle. I will not forget our placid talks in your solarium watching the sunset over Puget Sound, projecting our sight to the space beyond the mountains. Neither I will forget your solidarity and character supporting me in recent harsh situations without making any calculations or thinking before in personal conveniences, facts that I read as an expression of genuine love, moral strength and human greatness.
Today tears and smiles bump in the contradiction of two feelings: On the one hand sadly losing our dear Lucy from this physical world, and on the other hand having a refreshed and transcendent presence of somebody that will dwell our hearts until the end of our days.
When I was in Seattle abuelito Walter, your Dad, Papacito as you called him, died and we had to send our farewell words by mail. And now I tell you the same words I used then: Buen viento y Buena March Que llegues muy alto y muy lejos pues aquí queda eternamente tu legado en el reino sutil y sagrado de la intimidad. Good wind and Good sea. That you go very high and far since here your legacy stays eternally in the subtle and sacred kingdom of intimacy.
Your nephew Walter-“son”
Translation of the Poem sent by Diego Martinez, on June 16, 2009
Lucita :
You are a precious light which shines up on the Sky.
Also like a candle on a table which warms up our hands
You are a sweet word which helps dry our tears,
A happy moment, as a smile of a baby in our arms.
The years passed by you and made you even more beautiful.
Your native land cries today because of your departure.
You are giving back to the Sun its most precious treasure,
A life fully lived, with dignity and purity.
You were a sensible woman, quite valiant also.
Your actions will prevail in our memories forever.
To the ones who are yours, we express solidarity in their pain.
This land will always receive them with love and warmth.
Our homes will always be their homes
Our Families their families
Our successes their successes
Our strength their support.
We miss you so much……..
Lucita querida
Eres una luz preciosa que brilla en el firmamento,
Una vela en la mesa que calienta nuestras manos,
Una palabra dulce que seca nuestras lágrimas,
Un momento feliz como la sonrisa de un pequeño bebe en los brazos.
Los años pasaron por ti y te hicieron aún más bella.
La tierra en que naciste llora tu partida,
Porque ha entregado al sol su más preciado tesoro
Una vida plena, digna y pura,
Una mujer sensata y valiente.
Tus obras prevalecerán en nosotros para siempre.
A los tuyos, nuestra solidaridad con su dolor
Ésta tierra siempre los recibirá con amor y calidez.
Nuestras casas siempre serán sus casas,
Nuestra familia su familia,
Nuestros logros sus logros
Nuestra fortaleza su bastón.
Te extrañaremos,
De Diego, Tomás y Ana María
Farewell from Julia to Lucita:
In my heart is engraved your image as a “child-mother”, when you in your loving arms as a child of about 10 years of age used to pick me up, when I was a fat baby. You rocked me, gave me the bottle and then placed me in the crib quite carefully.
Later on you tried to teach me to play the piano, with an iron discipline which fitted you and not me. But you were also my second mother, my hairdresser, my “image advisor”, and in our youthful chats while you did your embroidery or crochet, I with two needles used to make fun of you because you were saying that you did not want to contribution to the world overpopulation and that you were going to have only one or two children. And I to contradict you said I wanted to have many and that I would send them to you if I could not handle them………
The years passed and the “prophesies” were fulfilled, with us becoming great confidantes and friends beyond the ties of blood – with my husband, sons, daughter-in-laws and grandchildren we bless you a thousand times……We miss you and with all our soul we say to you:
Lucita: “Bon Voyage” – Surely you will find even more Love and more Beauty, more Order and Wisdom in your new state of consciousness…. See you soon…..We will see and meet again in the next family constellation, God willing.
En mi corazón quedó grabada tu imagen de “madre niña” cuando en tus tiernos bracitos de niña de 10 años me alzabas siendo yo una bebé rolliza y pesada. Me mecías, me dabas el teterito y me dejabas en la cuna con cuidado.
Luego mas adelante trataste de enseñarme a tocar el piano con la disciplina férrea que tenías para ti y que no cuadraba para mí. Pero eras también además de mi segunda madre, mi peluquera, mi “asesora de imagen” y en nuestras charlas juveniles mientras tejías tu crochet o tu frivolidad, y yo con las dos agujas, me burlaba de ti porque decías que no querías contribuír al aumento de la población mundial y que solo ibas a tener uno o dos hijos. Y yo, para contradecirte decía que tendría muchos………y que si no podía con ellos, te los mandaría a ti……
Pasaron los años y las “profecías” se cumplieron y llegamos ser grandes confidentes y amigas mas allá de nuestra hermandad cosanguínea….Y con mi esposo, hijos, nueras y nietos hoy te bendecimos una y mil veces, te extrañamos y con todo el alma te decimos:
We are sincerely saddened by Lucia’s passing.