Lynn Enfield Dixon
July 1, 1946 - September 21, 2019

On Saturday, September 21, 2019, Lynn Dixon, loving husband of Christine Dixon, and father of three amazing children, passed away peacefully, after a valiant battle with brain cancer, at age 73. Lynn is now off on his next big adventure.
Lynn was born on July 1, 1946 in Vancouver, WA to John and Bessie (Phillips / King) Dixon. After graduating from Roosevelt High School in Seattle, he served in the United States Navy as a Cryptology Technician from 1963 to 1969 aboard the USS Oriskany and the USS Hancock. However, as he told his Hospice team near the end of his life, “As a young man, I was no choir boy.”
He attended Seattle Community College and Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, where he majored in Photography, one of his many passions. Lynn’s primary career was at GM Nameplate in Seattle where he started in screen printing and worked his way up to Project Manager while juggling a young family, flying small aircraft, riding in the STP, working on his treasured vehicles, motorcycles, camping, running, hiking, skiing, scuba diving, soccer, and sailing. He also worked at Unigard Insurance in the early 70s, the TSA after 9/11, and Enterprise Car Rentals.
Lynn had a passion for life. His energy knew no bounds. He was a straight talker, a man who enjoyed delving into his hobbies and friendships with intensity. He was organized and detailed to the nth degree. I can hear his voice to this day, “If you are going to do something, do it right.”
Many will remember the first nonprofit Ride and Rally for the Troops in 2004 out of Destination Harley Davidson which he and Christine organized. It was a resounding outpouring of the motorcycle community coming together to support our military.
His children will remember his seemingly endless explanations of any and everything. Yet he was also the type of dad who would spend his last dime on that special pair of soccer shoes you wanted and never miss a game.
An only child, Lynn was preceded in death by his parents, John and Bessie, and his first wife, Cherie Grassi (Buck); mother of his oldest daughter, Andrea. He is survived by his loving wife Christine, and his children (from his second marriage to Kathleen Kelly), Ryan and Melissa, seven grandchildren on the Dixon side and four grandchildren on his wife’s side, with more on the way.
A celebration of life will be held in the spring of 2020. You may post memories, stories, pictures and video at his page on the Bonney Watson memorial site: Rest in Peace Lynn. We love you now and forever.
Lynn wrote a poem (of sorts) for me when we were first married and he would recite this poem to me every night before we fell asleep and every morning when we woke up. It is nothing fancy, but it means the world to me. Lynn would say, “I love you, I like you. I admire and respect you. I adore you. I cherish you. I trust you. Now and forever. For all of our yesterdays, todays and tomorrows.” And these are the words I said to him everyday this summer while he was in hospice care. And these are the words I will say to him everyday to come.
Lynn was always so honest with me about life, and tried to help me figure out what I would love to do in my adult life. I loved how he woould always tell you how it is and not sugar coat anything. He made me think very hard about what I would like to do in life. He always told me, “You know I can be mean sometimes, but I still love you.” That will always be in my head and always make me smile. I always said, “I know Lynn. I love you too! You’re a great guy!. I’ve known him for almost 10 years and I am so glad he was in my life. Thank you Lynn for always loving me no matter what and being like a father figure to me. I will miss you lots.
The time I spent with Lynn, although limited, was always pleasant. I, especially, appreciated his willingness to always lend a helping hand to my granddaughter, Noelle, and TJ and John. He will be missed.
We all had the pleasure of getting to know Lynn when he would bring his truck to our diesel repair shop in Enumclaw. I spent a lot of time personally getting to know him just chatting in the front office on many occasions. Lynn had a heart of gold and was always so kind. He talked so sweetly about his wife and kids you just knew how much they meant to him. I held his dog so many times when he would come in the office, he loved that dog so much, it was really sweet to see the bond they had. Lynn took the time to come and see us a month before his passing, I was supposed to have that day off but came in to work 1/2 day and I am so Thankful that I did. I got to hug him and let him know how special he was and how much he meant to us. Christine and I had a good cry in the parking lot while helping him get into the truck he loved so much. All of us at Plateau Diesel will miss this special person and want his family to know that he will never be forgotten. You all are forever in our thoughts and prayers.