Marcus Xavier Rusbuldt

April 24, 1992 - June 4, 2017


Marcus Xavier Rusbuldt

 Marcus was called home early at the age of 25. During his life he always offered an opened hand with any assistance he could offer. There was never any request too small or too big for him to help with.  There was no repayment ever needed, your company was enough for him. He always brought a cheeky smile and a punny joke along with him. Marcus was one of the few people who would ask for your advice, listen to it, and report back at a later day to tell you thanks. His motives were always sincere and his attitude was always positive. He was raised to always take the high road. His family regarded him as a dependable member. Random visits were always welcomed and enjoyed. To have known Marcus was to have a blessing in your life, a son, a brother, or a friend on call whenever you needed it.

 He was born April 24th 1992 in Puyallup, Wa to parents Ben Rusbuldt and Jennifer Powell. As a child he was perky and inventive. Marcus experienced a number of hardships and never let those define him. He kept the family smiling and moving forward.  

 In his academic life school always came easy and he caught on quickly to new subjects.  Marcus always arrived early to school and took extra classes.  In Junior high he quickly made friends and always offered project help.  In high school he was a star football player and enjoyed playing the game. Towards the end of high school he decided to persue auto mechanics.  Taking extra classes and working on his own vehicle to gain more experience. 


In his adult life Marcus had a few odd jobs before landing his current job at a major car dealership.  Starting low on the totem pole he gained certifications and climbed the ladder. He quickly became part of the family at the dealership and they all shared a very special bond. He had a very bright future ahead of him with his career and will very much be missed.

 If there is anything the Marcus can leave us with, it would be to not get bothered by the negativity of the world.  Smile and help those around you always. When you can offer 100% of yourself to those around you, in the end it 

makes you a stronger, better, more respected person, loved by all. 

 He will forever be missed but never forgotten.


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Jared Hiatt
Jared Hiatt
5 years ago

You don’t come across many people like Marcus in this life. He was exceptionally good-natured, and hard working. During the time we worked together he was always eager to help, even when the task was complex and difficult. He never complained, and just had a knack for being positive. When work wasn’t busy he would lighten the mood with jokes and small talk. It was an absolute pleasure getting to know Marcus and to work with him.

Debbie Druschba
Debbie Druschba
5 years ago

Words cannot explain how lucky I was to be your Auntie! It was you who granted me the pleasure of being an Auntie. Though nothing in comparison to your momma, I was thrilled to spend time with you!! You always found a way to sucker me into going to new places, trying scary rides and Brandon and Ashlee really looked up to you. I’m not surprised of how many you touched, your smile and kindness lead the way and it’s no wonder you were the leader bike because a leader you were and will always be to me. You and my niblings are the reason I wanted so badly to be a mom. You made loving you, caring for you and watching you grow, well, you made it so easy. Some of the best moments of my life happened when we were all together! Camping in a soaked tent didn’t slow your momma down (we stayed, and you and your mom were so excited). Though I complained a lot about those wet campouts, I would do anything to have them back. Marky Mark, you hated me calling you that, I now know why we stayed. You and your mom taught me to chance the rain, build sand castles in the wind and drive it like you stole it through the Alder curves (ya, momma can drift!)!! You taught me that papa and bama are ok when fishing if you act like you dropped it!! I remember when me, you and Brandon threw bread to the mean geese at the park and had it lured in your mom’s back seat!! Brandon and I always got in trouble, that face of yours spared you many times.

I can’t say goodbye. I will tell you I will see you later! Thank you for being you!! You set the bar high! Loved your job, your roomates, your friends, your co-workers and most of all you loved your family!! Just like your sister, in a short time, you left a legacy!! No matter who it was, you made everyone feel important! The last time you came to see you cousins and me, you had to go because you were going on a fishing trip with your dad! The time before that, you were having dinner with your mom and brothers and sister. I love you Marc

Steven Hank
Steven Hank
5 years ago

Ben, we extend our deepest sympathize during this difficult time. We will always be here to support and help you. Any time you need to sit and talk or whatever you need.

From your friends and co-workers at FedEx Freight.