Margaret Ann Lariviere

June 4, 1935 - August 15, 2017


Margaret (Peggy) Lariviere passed away peacefully on August 15, 2017 at St. Francis Hospital in Federal Way, WA. She was born to LeRoy and Alvina Hussey in Grand Forks, ND on June, 1935. She attended schools in East Grand Forks, ND and graduated in 1954.


She married her husband, Lyle Lariviere on Sept 13, 1958 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in EGF, MN. They moved to Seattle in 1959 where they raised their family of four children. She is survived by her husband, two sons Guy and Jay and a daughter Renee, her sister Sandra Tupa and three grandchildren Vitoria, Sissel and Victor Lariviere. She was proceeded in death by her daughter, Peggy Ann, her parents and her brother, Thomas.


Peggy was a devoted mother and housewife throughout her married life and was loved by all who knew her. She was noted for her fine cooking and shared her special receipts with her friends. She was a member of St. Theresa’s Guild of St Vincent De Paul and volunteered her time to helping at all church functions until her health limited her involvement. 

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Judi Victor
Judi Victor
5 years ago