Marie Georgette Jean, SP

April 12, 1921 - October 5, 2014



Georgette Jean, SP

(Sister Jean Wilfrid)


Sr. Georgette Jean, a Sister of Providence for 74 years, died Sunday morning, October 5, 2014, at St. Joseph Residence, Seattle, WA, at age 93.  Vigil Service: Thursday, October 9, 2014, 7:00 p.m., and Funeral Mass: Friday, October 10, 2014, 11:00 a.m., both at St. Joseph Residence, 4800 37th Ave SW, Seattle, WA.  Burial will be at Calvary Cemetery, Seattle. Bonney-Watson Funeral Home, Seattle, is in charge of the arrangements.  


She was born April 12, 1921, the sixth child of 14 children to Wilfrid Jean and Alvina (Quellet) Jean of St. Antonin, Riviere du Loup, Quebec, Canada. At the age of 11, her mother died suddenly. Sister Georgette’s, aunt, Sister Ernestine Jean, SP came and helped. Sister Georgette never forgot the Sisters’ care and devotion.


She entered the novitiate of the Sisters of Providence on May 18, 1940, made her first profession of vows on November 19, 1941, and her final profession on November 19, 1944. After final vows, she began nursing studies at Seattle University, Seattle, WA, graduating with honors and a BSN degree in 1949. She became a US citizen in 1947.


Sister Georgette’s early ministries included:  helping in the infirmary and kitchen, and with the elderly at Mount St. Vincent, Seattle, WA; and was a companion to little boys at Providence Academy, Vancouver, WA. Other ministries included: nurse, supervisor, administrator, St. Elizabeth Medical Center, Yakima, WA.; nurse, Providence Hospital, Everett, WA; nurse, Sacred Heart Hospital, Medford, OR; educator, nursing students, Seattle University; director, clinical unit, Providence Hospital, Seattle, WA; and supervisor and administrator, St. Joseph Medical Center, Burbank, CA. She also served on the General Council, Sisters of Providence, Montreal, and as the Local Superior, Our Lady of Providence Province, Winooski, VT.


She is preceded in death by her parents and several siblings. She is survived by her brother, Julien Jean, Quebec, Canada.


Memorial contributions may be made in her honor to the Sisters of Providence Retirement Fund, 1801 Lind Avenue SW, #9016, Renton, WA  98057-9016. 


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james (jim ) fleming
james (jim ) fleming
5 years ago

Sister Georgette was a very special friend from our other family. Special in many ways that cannot be put in writing. My prays and remberence will always be with you Georgette. God love you.

Jim Fleming, Yakima

A. Sherman Hill
A. Sherman Hill
5 years ago

I was a physician working at Saint Elizabeth Hospital from 1965 through 1995. I came to know Sister Georgette shortly after I arrived and was immediately and continually impressed with the skill, and understanding and patience with which she managed that hospital. She knew all the physicians, all the nurses and laboratory technologists and everyone who worked there and often at night I’d see her walking the corridors and talking to employees listening to complaints with understanding and solving problems before they became significant.

I visited her in Quebec and toured the headquarters of the Sisters of Providence and learned something of the history of that order.

I count it a great privilege to have known her.

Kristine E. Beaulaurier Sims
Kristine E. Beaulaurier Sims
5 years ago

During my High School years- 1960’s, Sister Georgette encouraged me to attend St. Elizabeth School of Nursing. She was so wise, to do that. I loved Nursing, working 43years,enjoying every moment of it. I will always appreciate her influence on me. My prayers are with her family.

Kristine Beaulaurier Sims, R.N., C.N.O.R.

Hello to her niece, Peurette Laundry (please forgive my misspelling) . She and I were room mates the year she lived in Yakima,Wa. My warmest condolences to your family.

Suzanne Landry
Suzanne Landry
5 years ago

Dear Aunt Georgette,

I knew for quite a while that I did not have much longer with you as your were slowly losing your health. I will miss our exchanges and conversations.

Even though you were far away, I always felt close to you. You have always been special to me and had a special place in my heart. You have been a source of inspiration in many aspects of my life especially in my educational life. You have led by your humility and examples. You have been a guiding light.

My professional commitments prevented me to attend your funeral mass in Seattle. I am deeply sorry.

I will miss you.

Your niece, Suzanne

Leslie Paddock
Leslie Paddock
5 years ago

When I began my nursing career at St. Elizabeth I was impressed by the way Sister Georgette would quietly walk the halls visiting with patients, families and staff. I think she kept us all on our toes, because you never knew when she would appear. Her kindness and caring was an example to us all. I wish her family comfort and peace.