Marsha Ann Flores

February 7, 1946 - January 26, 2016


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Elizabeth Croonquist
Elizabeth Croonquist
5 years ago

My sincere condolences in the loss of your mom. She was a strong woman of faith and she never gave up on anyone or anything. She was so proud of her 4 handsome sons, and she was undaunted in raising them single-handedly. What an inspiration she was to us all. She had a huge heart for missions and an undying vision for God’s Kingdom to advance. Marsha’s gone home now to receive her reward. May God be your comfort and strength during this time of loss. And may you continue in the wonderful legacy of strong faith that your mom has given to each of you.

Kathy Vandneberg
Kathy Vandneberg
5 years ago

Thinking of all of you and the legacy of tenacity Marsha left behind. She was passionate in her pursuits of God and very determined to raise her 4 sons according to their best abilities. May you be comforted by our Savior for your loss. sincerely, Kathy

Nancy Horne
Nancy Horne
5 years ago

Prayers for God’s comfort and great love to Marsha’s family as you say goodbye although just for awhile. We know we will all be together again with great rejoicing for all of eternity, but our hearts are broken until that day. Marsha was so full of love and laughter, the consummate friend who gave of her time and talents never expecting a return. As God’s minister, her love of the Lord and His people was the very heartbeat of all she did and she ministered His word with wisdom, compassion and accuracy. If you had ever been prayed for by Marsha, you went away feeling loved! Prayers to all who loved her.

Cathie Christie
Cathie Christie
5 years ago

Dear Boys, well Gentle Men really… Only two of you know me, I bever had the pleasure of meeting the rest of you because relly only two if you were around the house when I first met your Mom in the Fall of 1988…when Emmanuel was first ministering here in our area.

The Marsha I met was pals with Karen Young & they & several other ladies traveled around together from prayer meeting to ministry meeting to another prayer meeting….& it didn’t take long & I was traveling all those crazy hours right with them….

Marsha loved the Lord with all her heart, but you boys were her LIFE & she LOVED you & talked about and prayed for Him to supply you all with every good blessing & to bestow all of His provision, guidance, wisdom & protection…that you would all have lives full of all the health, joy, happiness possible & that you woul all filfill your destinies & learn to love & trust Him as she had. And truthfully, as another single Mom, head of household, its the very best we can do for you, your own families & your futures.

I’m honored that I got to know your Mom, but not as well as some other ladies in our sphere. I believe if possible she will still keep an eye on you as bedt she can, but will be trusting that you all four develop your own strong steadfast personal relationship with your Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus & the Holy Ghost all who are available to you at any and all times….!

Blessings to you all Gentlemen, I remain available to you for earthly peayer cover as she would have done gor me & mine…! I love you all in the Lord, Cathie Christie

Stephanie Raquer
Stephanie Raquer
5 years ago

I knew Marsha when we attended Eric Cowley’s church so many years ago. I remember that she opened up her home to the entire church for a short time after we stopped meeting in public buildings. Marsha was concerned for the Lord’s work and that we have come together for His purposes.

She always spoke so highly of her four sons and loved them deeply. I pray for the family who will miss Marsha, the strong matriarch and warrior for the Lord. She loved the Lord mightily. Stephanie Raquer.