Martha Ann Taylor
December 9, 1941 - August 2, 2007

December 9, 1941 - August 2, 2007
“I can't think of anything more that could have been done at a time when I needed help and care.”
Jean P. Seattle
“We received outstanding service, from front desk to funeral director to family service and beyond.”
Deborah M. SeaTac
“The staff went out of their way to show us kindness and helped with several additional needs.”
Norma N. Auburn
“The staff was prompt, courteous, helpful, and most of all, caring.”
Leslie W. Tacoma
“They really care for people and go out of their way to make things easier.”
Kathleen S. Federal Way
“The funeral home is a nice, warm and inviting place. Thank you for your kindness in our loss.”
Deborah N. Burien
“We are so pleased with Bonney Watson. They were very professional in every way.”
Anita H. Normandy Park
Another angel to watch over you.
My sincere condolences.
To our won Pastor & Mother Mary Ann Taylor and family, Family and Friends of the deceased Sister Martha Ann Taylor
Whereas on the 2nd day of August 2007; according to the devine plan of our Heavenly Father, Sis. Martha Ann Taylor was called from our midst and
Whereas we, The Original Temple of God Church, Pastor and congregation want you to know that our hearts and prayers go out to you and your entire family.
We understand how you feel. Most of us have sat in the very same seat so we can honestly say to look to the hills from whence cometh your help. All your help comes fro the Lord. You must believe that God knows your hurt and He will ease your pain. Look around, you will see the angels He has placed in your midst to help you get throught this.
Words cannot express the way we feel, but we want you to remember that if you trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding; that if you acknowledge the Lord, He shall direct your path.
We know you will miss her for she played an intricate part in all of your lives in different ways. Keep her memory alive by loving one another, praying for one another, and being the family she would be proud of.
Be it resolved that today, August 7, 2007 we will pause in our daily activities to pay tribute to the memory of Sister Martha Ann Taylor and that the love she had for all of you shall be an inspiration to those remaining to continue her legacy. And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be given to the immediate family and another kept in the church archives.
We say to you all; Earth has no sorry that Heaven cannot heal.
Respectfully submitted and signed,
Bishop Jettie Taylor, Jr.~Pastor
and the Original Temple of God Congregation
TO: The Entire Family of Mrs. Martha Taylor
especially her children: James, Annette,
John, Sheila, Darryl, Terry, Schwanda and
The concerned children, grandchildren, and great~grandchildren of the late James & Willie Mae Jamison Uncle & Aunt of Mrs. Martha Taylor convey our sincerest condolences in sharing with you in the loss of your beloved mother and loved one.
We commit your family to a God who is able to keep and encourage your soul on this day of tribute and honor of your dearly beloved. Please know that we love you and will be praying for your strength and comfort today and during the days that lie ahead.
Prayerfully & Lovingly Submitted,
Your Cousins
August 7, 2007
May God comfort you during this difficult time. If there is something that could be done to help, remember all you have to do is ask.
With Understanding
God bless you
Ivan & Corinne Montgomery & Family
P.S. Cyline sends her love to you all.
May God comfort you during this difficult time. If there is something that could be done to help, remember all you have to do is ask.
With Understanding
God bless you
Ivan & Corinne Montgomery & Family
P.S. Cyline sends her love to you all.
With Sympathy
Sharing your sorrow in the loss of one so dear, and sending deepest sympathy.
God bless you all
The Marie Moody Family
With All My Love and All my Heart
You have my condolences
Linda D. Clark
To Honor A Life Well~Lived
Your loved one has gone home now, and Heaven is rejoicing at the return of one good soul.
And so we, too, rejoice in the legacy of this life so well~lived.
There’s joy in Heaven…
May there be peace for you.
Love, Paulette Morgan
As we gather together in celebration of our loved one, sweet angels surround us all…
and we raise up this joyful spirit in the name of love and glory, the angels carry this blessed soul home to heavenly peace!
Brother-in-law James, I love you. You remain strong as Ms. Martha would want you to do. God has called her home to a much better place. I’m here now and forever.
Even in your sadness, may you find comfort in knowing that the angels must be smiling because your loved one is among them now.
Julia/The Jeffersons
Taylor Family,
Whatever soothes your spirit, comforts your soul and brings you peace…that’s what you’re wished at this sad time.
Love Ya!!
Angie, Myron, Jr, Malcolm & Michael
Blessed is he…
whose hope is in the Lord his God,
the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them~the Lord, who remains faithful forever ~Psalms 146:5,6
As you go through life’s greates sorrow~
the loss of some you love~
may your own faith in God sustain you…
bringing you comfort today, courage for tomorrow, and hope in your heart always.
With Deepest Sympathy and Prayers
Nate Green & Family
Sheila & Family`
Your mother will always live in your heart,
in your memories, and in the way you see the world.
May you find comfort in her soft presence all around you.
Sue’s helpers & Sheila’s friend
In Sympathy and Friendship
No one can experience this sadnes as you do,
For your feelings are unique and very personal to you…
No one ca begin to know exactly how you feel,
Except to know that sorrow such as yours is deep and real~
But if you need some comfort and some help to see you through,
Just know how much you’re cared for by those who think of you.
Keeping You Close in Thought
Bless you & yours
Love, Ronald
God Keep You Close in This Time of Loss
Offering a heartfelt prayer in sympathy today
That God will bless and comfort you in His own loving way.
We Love you, always there for you. Your “family”, your friends,
Rev. David Bowman, Debra Green~Bowman, Gira Johnson~Bowman & Lil David Bowman
The Taylor Family thanks you for your love, prayers and expressions of kindness through flowers, food, listening ear, warm hugs and all that you’ve done during this time of celebrating the life of our “mommy”. She was a rare jewel and our time with her was so precious. Your actions remind us of how blessed we are. God’s peace & blessings…
Gifts of flowers, food, time, monies & love…
Angela Morgan~Green a friend that’s sticks closer than a sister! You have been such a treasure…words can’t thank you enough! Paperdolls for now…one day angels with our girls…but not for a long time.
Art and Linda Ray
and the Grace Bible Felllowship Audio Visual Ministry Team
flowers & encouragements
E.R. Family John
“We are deeply sorry for your loss. The entire E.R. Family. flowers & encouragements
Love, Brenda Smiley Flowers & eouragements
Beverly, Ronald & Venus Always the source of strength, love & consistancy
The entire Steele Family our family!. God bless you Mother Florida Awesome Food!
D’Mark Poole Transportation & kindness
Val Our other sis…you gave her flowers while she could enjoy them…your kindness is blessed!
Pastor Kirkland A. Smith & The Grace Bible Fellowship Family Love & prayers ~ you showed our family that no mountain was high enough or valley low enough ~ thank you for God’s Word of hope. His peace & blessings to you, Sis. Q & the entire GBF of Antioch Family
Rev. Tony Brooks Your spiritual guidance, times of prayer and beautiful flowers that brought radiance to her room are forever cherished and in our memories. God bless & prosper you & yours!
Shaun Blankenship God’s angel. May his peace & abundant blessings fill you always. Thanks to the family for their patience!
The Tarheels Family Encouragements
My Prayer are with you all doing this time.
God Bless
My condolences to the entire Taylor family.
For the Lord is good,and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. ps 100;6. May the Lord comfort you in your time of mourning. God bless.