Mary Ann Meyer, SP
December 9, 1924 - November 16, 2015

(Sister Rosalia)
Sister Mary Ann Meyer, age 90, a Sister of Providence for 71 years, died November 16, 2015, at St. Joseph Residence, Seattle, WA. Vigil Service: Wednesday, December 2, 2015, at 7:00 PM, and Funeral Mass: Thursday, December 3, 2015, at 11:00 AM, both at St. Joseph Residence, 4800 37th Avenue SW, Seattle, WA. Burial at Mother Joseph Catholic Cemetery, Vancouver, WA. Bonney-Watson Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Mary Ann was born December 9, 1924 to Joseph Meyer and Rosalia Wagener. The youngest of four children, she grew up on the farm in Washougal, Washington, where she went to grade school. In the eighth grade she was invited to attend Providence Academy in Vancouver, WA and graduated in 1943. In July she entered the Sisters of Providence in Seattle, WA, and subsequently became a novice on January 18, 1944, professed first vows on July 19, 1945, when she received the name Sister Rosalia, and final vows on July 19, 1949.
In 1955 Sr. Mary Ann received a Bachelor of Arts-Education degree from the College (now University) of Great Falls, MT, and in 1967 a Masters of Arts-Education degree from University of Portland, Oregon. In 1971 she was inducted into Alpha Delta Kappa, an Honorary Sorority for Women Educators; and chosen president-elect in 1976 by the local Alpha Rho Chapter.
From 1946-1963 Sr. Mary Ann taught in Sisters of Providence Schools in Washington: Yakima – St. Joseph Academy/Grade School, Olympia – St. Michaels School, Walla Walla – St. Vincent Academy, Moxee – Holy Rosary School, Vancouver – Providence Academy, and Seattle – Holy Family School; in California: Sun Valley – Our Lady of the Holy Rosary School.
Then from 1963-95 she held several Administration positions as Elementary Supervisor for Sacred Heart Province and Sister students at Providence Heights College of Sister Formation, Issaquah; Title 1 Project Director for the Issaquah Public School District, Religious Education Director, St. Anthony’s Parish, Renton; Pastoral Associate, St. Mary Parish, Aberdeen; and a volunteer at St. Michael Parish, Olympia.
In June 1995 she retired in Olympia, WA, where she enjoyed walking, reading, socializing and spending time with family; then in March 2008 she moved to St. Joseph Residence in Seattle, WA.
Sr. Mary Ann is preceded in death by her parents, sister Irma Munch and brothers Leo and Louis. She is survived by several nieces, nephews, and numerous great nieces and great-great nieces and nephews.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Sisters of Providence Retirement Fund, 1801 Lind Avenue SW, #9016, Renton, WA 98057-9016.
Sr. Mary Ann was a good friend, encouraging the ministry of the Pine Lake Presbyterian Church, when we met at Providence Heights in Issaquah in the 1960s -90’s . Thanks, Mary Ann!
Sr. Rosalia, starting in 1950 at Holy Rosary School in Moxee, WA, taught me for the 1-4th grades. Two grades to a classroom. When we got to the 3rd grade there she was also!
We just loved her and she got me off to a very good start in my academic life. May she rest in peace!
Sister Rosalia was my 4th grade teacher during 1958/59. She was a great teacher, especially music as well as just a very nice person. R.I. P. Sister!!