Melvin L. Simpson

April 1, 1923 - February 4, 2012


 Melvin Simpson

4/1/1923 – 2-4-2012

Beloved husband and father, Melvin L. Simpson of SeaTac WA, passed away to join his wife Patricia the morning of February 4, 2012.  Melvin was born on April 1, 1923 in Danville, IL. His parents Roy Russell Simpson and Cara Mae Fenton Simpson, raised six boys; Cecil Freeman “Red”, Charles Russell “Todd”, Rudy Sharon, Omer and Buell. Melvin was the youngest and the last one of the Simpson boys to pass away. Melvin grew up in Phelps, WI before moving to the northwest. He is a 1943 graduate of Renton High School. Melvin served in the USMC during WWII in the Guadal canal campaigns on the island of Peleliu, receiving an Honorable Discharge on the 19th of October, 1945.  He married Patricia Louise Waldron Simpson June 17, 1951 who recently passed this last September 24, 2011. They raised two daughters, Janet Lynn Simpson Hinde and Beverly Louise Simpson Wolfrum. Melvin was preceded in death by his wife Patricia Simpson, his parents, Roy and May, and his grandson, Marcus Paul Hinde.

Melvin is survived by both his daughters Janet and Beverly, son-in law Bradley Wolfrum and grandchildren Charles Carroll Hinde III “Chip”, his wife Lorraine Hinde, Megan Lorraine Hinde. He lost his other grandchild Marcus Paul Hinde April 30, 1999. Dennis Ray Wolfrum and Kristine Louise Wolfrum Great Grand children Christopher Hinde, Zoey Hinde and Eva Hinde. Melvin will be missed but now at peace with his wife. 

Services are at 3pm, Sunday, February 12th, at the Bonney-Watson Washington Memorial Park, SeaTac.

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Donna Robbins and Family
Donna Robbins and Family
5 years ago

We were so sorry to hear of Mel’s passing. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Jan, Bev, and all of your family members during this very sad time. We have so many fond memories of Pat and Mel and times with our family all through the years. Mel will be missed, but he is now at peace and has joined Pat. God bless you all.

Gary & Sherry Simpson
Gary & Sherry Simpson
5 years ago

You will be greatly missed by all who knew you. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Jan, Bev. and their families.

Steve & Anne Simpson        wrote:    2/14/12
Steve & Anne Simpson wrote: 2/14/12
5 years ago

There was a strong connection for us. Not only that Steve happens to also be the youngest male Simpson of “Red” & Rose, but every year since the early 80’s, we both had exchanged anniversary cards on June 17th & I felt lucky to share that! I always admired their long marriage and somehow knew they would be together shortly after Pat died. It is truly a sad day for the Simpson line, but they are together again…

Joan Tuula
Joan Tuula
5 years ago

My sincere condolances, Dale and I had two wonderful trips out west and Mel and Pat were so good to us. We were so sorry to hear of Mel and Pats passing. Our love, prayers and sympathy go out to all your families.

John Johnson
John Johnson
5 years ago

Great-uncle Melvin always took time during their family trips to Rhinelander to visit with me and teach me a thing or two… like how to throw a curve ball and cast an open faced reel.

I’ll always remember his patience, kindness, and interest in others. May you treasure fond memories.

God’s peace to you all.