Michael Brod
February 14, 1938 - December 31, 2018

Michael Brod
Michael Brod, 80, of Des Moines, Washington passed away Monday, December 31st New Years Eve of 2018. He died in the company of his son and close friends.
Michael was born on Valentine’s Day February, 14th 1938 in New York, New York and is survived by his son David Brod and his brother Harvey Brod.
He was raised in an impoverished close-knit Jewish community in Brighten Beach, just adjacent to Coney Island with his brother Harvey. Michael eventually left New York to embark on a spiritual journey for enlightenment and truth. He became a widely renowned yoga instructor where he met his wife and only love Mary-Ann Brod. Together, they traveled back to New York and began attending a church, The Full Gospel Tabernacle, in Massapequa New York. Michael and Marry-Ann found the salvation they were so desperately looking for. Michael was selected as the video producer and director for the church’s tapings, managing a camera crew of four to five members at a time. By 1980 Michael had become an anointed ordained minister of the church and began preaching regularly at services. Michael and Mary-Ann continued their pursuit of enrichment following another evangelical church, Light of the City Ministries, and moved to Washington State in 1990. Michael again became associate pastor of the ministry and also began working for the Seattle Union Gospel Mission as Head Chaplin for over 20 years. There, he led countless homeless men not only to Christ but abstinence and remission from the abuses of drugs and alcohol while simultaneously assisting them in finding employment and housing even taking in one man in his own home. Michael continued to serve his faith and community for 3 more years at the Salvation Army as Chaplin and councilor before he finally retired.
Funeral services will be held on Friday 11, 2019 at Bonney Watson 16445 International Boulevard Sea-Tac, WA 98188 at 10:30am. There will be a guestbook provided both in person and online. Please feel free to bring food and share stories of how Michael impacted your life.