Michael Charles Sumner
March 14, 1945 - April 20, 2008

Michael Charles Sumner
March 14, 1945 – April 20, 2008
Mike was a charismatic, charming story-teller, who never met a stranger.
The world was his friend. Although he saw life as black-and-white and was
known to be opinionated, his optimism was a quality that never faltered.
Even through long years of illness and disability, Mike retained his
positive mental attitude and was a fighter to the end. His ever-present
sense of humor was perhaps best reflected in his oft-heard request that his
gravestone read ‘See, I told you I was sick,’ or ‘Don’t bring roses, bring
Working in the life and property casualty insurance industry, Mike was
always a salesman. He was known to be able to sell anything to anyone.
Interests included a love of gadgets of any type, target practice at the gun
range, and talking on the phone to his wide range of friends and
acquaintances from all walks of life. Passionate about things he believed
in, Mike was always ready to jump in to defend the underdog or to take on a
new cause, whether personal or political.
He was a life-time member of the National Rifle Association, and an NRA
Range Safety Officer, as well as an active member of the Black Diamond Gun
Club. He served on various state and city organizations, including the
Governor’s Emergency Medical Services & Trauma Care Steering Committee and
the Licensing & Certification Committee, the Cardiac Technical Advisory
Committee, and the City of Burien Planning Commission.
Mike’s family was the closest thing to his heart. He is survived by his
wife, Janet, of 26 years, his children, Erin Sumner, Michael Sumner, Jillene
and Jim Nace, Jennifer and Casey Gilroy, his granddaughter, Ashley Nace, and
his brother, Tom Theard.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2008, at 11 AM, at
Bonney-Watson Funeral Home, 900 SW 146th Street, Burien. In lieu of
flowers, donations made be made to Northwest Grace Conferences at 2523
Comstock Court, Missoula, MT 59808, the American Diabetes Associations, or
the American Heart Association.
Dear Janet,
A week has passed since the wonderful memorial service took place. What a nice turn out of family and friends.
I have known you since 1965, and know Mike brought you much happiness and many,many good times.
May you cling to these memories in the days, weeks,months and years ahead.
Always remember, he will be missed by many. I will never forget his laughter, or the kindness he showed to me and Joe.
Sincerely,in friendship,
Linda Sampson
Jan and family, We send our love and positive thoughts to you.
Michael ment so much to those who knew him. He was outspoken and opinionated but never hurtful. He lovevd a good argument even if it was just for arguments sake. Our fence line and front porch will never look the same without he and Jim out there like a couple little hens discussing whatever the topic of the day was. Mike you will be missed my friend but never forgotten.
I am so sorry for your loss. Although I didn’t know Mike well, he always amazed and amused me that he could be around somewone for 15 minutes and pretty much know their whole life history! My fondest thought of Mike will always be how he showed his love for you. The flower shops will certainly miss him! And then of course there is the time last summer when it was hotter than hot for Seattle that iswhen you put on a pair of sandles to wear to work, were just going out the door when Mike reminded you that you forgot your stockings! Even now I laugh everytime I think of it. Who else but Mike would have ever noticed or cared. Let it always be with you that you were truly loved by a man that cared a great deal.
To those that may not know, Mike’s home is directly across the street from Seahurst Elementary School Parking Lot. Mike was always outside with a smile on his face in the morning wishing us to have a great day. Then again at the end of our day to wish us a good evening and chat a little. We so enjoyed his jokes and stories as well as the usual exchange of daily pleasantries. He truly was a charming delightful man and will be missed. We send many Condolences to his Family and Friends.
Dear Jan,
We are so sorry to hear about Mike. Our heartfelt sympathy and prayers are with you and your family. May loving memories bring comfort to you in this time of sadness. Take great care.
We were so sorry to hear of Mike’s passing. We will miss him greatly at the gun club. He was always a smiling face and would help with anything that we asked of him.
We share in your sorrow, but know that he is safe with our Lord.
Prayers for you and your family,
Our love,
Laura and Bob Ballard
I am so sorry for your loss. I knew Mike as a patient at Highline Foot and Ankle. I was the receptionist and often the first on to see Mike when he came in the office. He always had a smile on his face and was so cheerful. I enjoyed talking with him, he was so much fun. He was always so careful to get a receipt when he paid his copay because he said his wife needed it for bookkeeping, she would be mad at him if he forgot, again with the big smile on his face. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Mike was a wonderful friend. I didn’t know him long but I will miss him.
God Bless and Comfort
Dear Jan and family,
I am so sorry for your loss. Mike will always be remembered as a warm, funny, and opinionated man. My deepest condolences go out to you and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Jan, my friend, How sorry I was to hear of Mike’s passing… I was remembering some of my visits where we would sit around talking and Mike and I would argue about almost anything and everything. He loved to argue with me…How fun those times were. I love you and will pray for God’s blessings and healing in your life. Your Friend Charlie
Jan, Michael, Erin and anita, I am so sorry for your loss. Mike was a great guy and I will miss not talking to him. Know that he loved all of deeply, even when his opinions were not the same as yours. That was one of the great and aggravating charachteristics that I liked about, Mike. I am keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers as you grieve the loss of your husband, father & dear friend.
Our families sympathy and condolences go out to Mike’s family and friends. It was so easy to feed off of Mikes’ energy and rejouvenate yourself. Mike was the kind of person that never lowered himself to your level if you were down. He always brought you up to his level of happyness with no effort and you always walked away feeling good. He was a joy to be around and he had a unique magnetism about him. We will miss him dearly.
Hi Jan,
I’m so sorry to hear that Mike has passed away. Our friendship goes back to 1956 and in spite of our many differences in interests and our often very different opinions we were without doubt the best of friends growing up in Indianapolis.
We spent most of our spare time together either playing ping pong or basketball and always were very competitive. I learned much from our years of friendship and experienced that kind of trust and comradery that can only be had with someone you truly can call your best friend.
When we had any kind of problem we had a special place “under the streetlight” where we could always talk it out. I know it meant a great deal to me and many years later he reminded me how much it meant to him too. His warmth and caring will always be with me and I will never forget his indomitable spirit.
I thought about coming to the memorial service, but I remembered Mike saying so often that he would never go to funerals because he wanted to remember people as they were in life, not in death. I shall remember Mike as I always knew him, with a ready smile and always something funny to say. He will live on in my memory for the rest of my days in that special place where I keep my happiest thoughts. I will miss not getting anymore emails from him and not being able to pick up the phone and have one of those long chats with him that always lifted my sprits, but he will definitely never be forgotten.
Dear Jan, Michael, Erin & anita,
I am very sorry for your loss. I will always remember Mike’s warm greetings, sense of humor, and great smile. He truly radiated his love of life to all he knew. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. May you feel God’s embrace through the love and support of family and friends at this difficult time.
Words are not enough to ease the pain.
Sorry to hear about your husband, my condolences, I’ll keep you in my prayers.
It is going to take time for the sadness to ease. Mike was one of the “good guys”. I had the pleasure of meeting him at the range and we found a common interest in old military firearms. The last time I spoke with him he was showing me a new rifle he had just purchased. He had both the excitement and innocence of a little kid on a Christmas morning. It was wonderful experience sharing that with him. To Mike’s family…thank you for sharing such a wonderful person with the rest of us.We are enriched because of Mike.
Mike was my best friend. I will miss our phone conversations, and e-mails. Mike had a heart of gold and I am sure God will love him as much as I do.
I will miss Mike greatly. We were both only children but grew up together in Indianapolis from the ages of seven and nine. Even though our parents divorced after just a few years we have stayed close. Thanks to email and unlimited phone minutes we communicated almost every day.
I will miss his friendship and sense of humor. He constantly called about the latest world issues and political situatons. I was probably the only conservative Republican he could talk too.
Mike and Jan came to Fort Wayne twice and the first time we got to visit our old stomping grounds in Indianapolis and enjoy a White Castle.
My prayers and blessing are with Jan and family during this time.