Michael Patrick Blankenship
February 21, 1994 - March 10, 2009

Michael Patrick Blankenship, age 15 passed away at his home on March 10, 2009. Michael is survived by his mother, Tammy Jarbo Shayne Buckley; brother, Jeffery; sister, Amanda: grandmother and grandfather, Patty and Patrick Jarbo; aunt, Christy Jarbo and cousin, Katharina. Viewing 10:00 am – 4:00 pm on Sunday, 03/15 and 9:00 am through service on Monday. A celebration of his life will be held on Monday, at 12:30 pm at BONNEY-WATSON Washington Memorial, 16445 International Blvd., SeaTac, WA 206 242-1787. The family prefers memorial contributions be made to FEAT of Washington.
I just heard of your loss, and I wanted to send you my deepest sympathies. I worked with Michael for about a year when he was, I believe, in Kindergarten. I remember how lovable he was! I pray you can find some peace and comfort in your memories.
Michael I Miss You
Michael I Miss You
Oh Michael, it is early Tuesday morning. Conner just went to school on his bus, he is so sad , we miss you so much. Your service was perfect and the Holy Spirit was there with you. See you soon beautiful angel boy
Love Cindy
My heart goes out to everyone. I was unable to attend the service due to the flu, but I was there in spirit and lit a candle at home. I know it was full of beautiful memories and sharing. Warm hugs, Jeannie
Tammy and family We are so very sorry for your loss. Heaven has grown by one new angel. May God wrap you in his loving arms and give you peace until the day you see Michael again. Sandi and Norm
No words can make it better or hurt less. We are just so sorry that you and your family have lost someone so precious. We send our love and support!
Dear Tammy and Family,
My deepest sympathy goes to you and your family at this time. I have many fond memories of Michael as a preschooler during my tenure in Kent. I love the pictures in the guest book and I am so glad that he was a child in my life. I pray your memories and your love will be of comfort to you and please know that many people are sending their love and best wishes.
Christy Moore, Early Childhood Teacher/Program Specialist
Tammy, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. Words cannot express what you must be going through. Know that you are cared for and that people will be there for you. In the next weeks and months is when you will really need people for support. Please make sure you reach out in need and get in a grief support group or just vent to all of us, we’ll be there for you.
I did not personally know Michael but I also have a son with Autism and I cannot help but at least reach out to you with words: I’m so sorry. I hope above all hope that Michael is now free from an imperfect body and joyful, waiting for you to all be together again in peace and love. He is surely an angel now.
May your heart find peace in the knowledge that Michael is safe now. You have him tucked safely away within your hearts where he will rest forever within you.
Michael, you are a precious spirit. Every time I was with you, you made me smile. You were so full of energy and happiness that when I was with you, I could not help but be happy. I truly enjoyed the time that I got to spend with you, the time that you would get to dip your cookies in your juice and fling it every which way, the time that you would hang out under your blanket in the doorway or on the porch and especially the times that you would egg on a game of tag. I feel blessed that I got to meet you and spend that time with you and I will really miss you. God bless you and know that you are so deeply missed and eternally loved.
Tammy, Shane, and Jeffrey- Daniel and I will miss Michael very much. When we visited, Daniel liked to hang out in Michael’s room, sitting on the bed with him watching cartoons. Though there were no words between them,and Daniel would do all the talking, there was a quiet understanding that was obvious. Daniel told me, explaining Michael a his own way- “Mom, Michael just has ALOT of autism”.
I have so many memories of Michael, and I remember him as a very gentle soul. Michael’s love of the feel of beads- including the ones you might still be wearing- always made me chuckle.
One recent memory in particular stands out. The time I brought over some special allergen free treats- not long after testing for food allergies had caused a dramatic diet change. Michael looked at me with those gorgeous baby blue eyes, then picked up the treat I was offering, smelled it, tossed it down, gave me a big “hrrrumph!” and stomped off to his room. I really loved his spunk. Though he had few words, he had ALOT to say. I will miss him.
Tammy,Jeff, Shane- nothing can bring back the loss of a child, as I well know, but I hope your memories of Michael can bring some measure of comfort to you in years to come. Michael is in heaven now, and in heaven there is a special love for our kids that left this earth too soon. My prayers are with all of you. Much Love, Tami
Your family is in our hearts and prayers in this time of sorrow. We will miss his smile and energy.
Tammy, Im so sorry for your loss. Im shocked. I got the email from my mom and I dropped to my knees and cried. I hope you dont mind but i’d like to be at the service monday. My prayers and hugs go out to you and your family.
Michael, with your gentle spirit you touched many of us. As one of your many teachers, I remember your many accomplishments and endless hard work. You will be missed.
Tammy, Jeffrey & Shayne,
I wish you peace and strength during this very difficult time. Thinking of you with deepest sympathy and hoping you find comfort in the special memories of Michael.
With regards,
Michael will surely be missed. He touched so many lives in such a short amount of time. There are not words for what his family must be going through, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I remember Michael from summer school when he was very little, I remember vividly his incredible smile and energy. He will be missed.
Ms. Harkins
I had the opportunity a few years back to work with Michael at his school and at CMI. Michael taught me a lot about how to be a good therapist and I will always remember my time with him. Oh, he loved those beads and swinging outside on the playground! Tammy, know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Our deepest condolences go out to you and your family. We will keep you close in heart and in our prayers.
To my cousion Michael I will miss you very much. I will remember all the memories and moments we spent together. I will rememeber your laughter, your smile and the way you communicated with people. I gonna miss you and I love you Michael.
Love, Katharina
To my special brother Micheal that was sent to me to take care of me and watch over me while he was here on earth.I am so glad that god let me be michael’s brother and let me share so many memories with him.I will never forget your laughter, your smiles,the way we comminicated with each other in so many different ways.I am so glad I got to spend so much time, month,years and days getting to know you.I am glad god brought you to be with me.I will never ever forget you brother. you were my bestfriend, my brother, and my angel sent from god.
From the moment you were born you became my world and greates joy anyone could ever ask for. Every memory I have of you is precious and beautiful.The way you snuggled up in my neck as I’d rock you to sleep or the way you smiled as I’d sing You are My Sunshine are treasured memories i will hold forever in my heart. Moma was not ready to let you go. There were so many hugs,kisses, and tickles left to give. So many games of Ready,Set,Go left to play.I miss you every moment of every day and look forward to the day I see you again. I know you are playing with the angels and free of the life we called autism. That gives me some comfort Michael. I love you now and forever and ever. You will always be mamas baby. Always love mama.xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Our time together was so short, but I will treasure every minute that we had. I only wish the girls and I had more time to get to know you better. It was so nice that you spent more time out with us whenever they were visiting. Your mom and I were making so many plans for all of us to do together, and I know that whatever we do we will be thinking of you and how we wish you could be there with us. You brought magic into our lives and we’re better people because we knew you. Goodbye, son
Tammy and family,
I know that there are no words that will help you feel any better at this time. You helped so many of us over the years and made us know we were not alone in the world of autism; you are not alone in your grief.
With great love,
Lynne Banki
Michael I can not forget your smile . I know you will have a better life in Paradise. I will miss you.
Sending our deepest condolences. Know that you are in our prayers and thoughts.
Michael you are our angel boy from god.God brought you to us for many reason.You touched so many lives.I so glad we got to know you in this lifetime.I’m so glad that I got to share your life with me.You were a very special boy.You will never ever be forgotten.You will be in our hearts forever.I love you Michael.I will meet you in heaven and we will catch up on things.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers! Love Rick,Tonya,Holly,Adam,Parker,Ricci
I am so sorry for your loss, you will be in our hearts and prayers.
We were so very sad to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this time. Children are such a gift to the world and to see them be taken so early in their young lives is such a tragedy.
I was a teacher assistance at cedar height,
And I’d like to send my sympathy to Michael’s
family, He was a sweetheart.
He will be greatly missed.
Brittany Norris.
Tammy and Jeff
I am so sorry for your loss Michael was the familys pride and joy and we will all keep him in our thoughts. I love you all so much and i will miss seeing him when i come down to visit. I am going to try and see you guys more often like when i was a child growing up with Michael and Katharina! i love you all and will see you this weekend.
I was so sad to hear of Michael’s passing. He was a delightful boy and will always hold a place in my heart! Miss Kym
Michael, you touched so many people’s lives. We are going to miss you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Michael was such an incredible boy with a beautiful, gentle spirit. Words can’t really express how much I am going to miss him.