Michael Thomas Meggett
March 13, 1973 - February 27, 2006

Michael Thomas Meggett
Born March 13, 1973, Died February 27, 2006. He is survived by his grandmother Virginia Doty, his father Patrick Rick, his mother Aleta, his sister Jennifer and many friends and relatives. Michael was a loyal employee of Cascade Container his entire working career. He enjoyed camping, hiking, fishing – anything and everything outside! His favorite place was Moongate; his favorite pastime was on-line gaming. Michael touched many lives with his quiet ways, his love and his laughter. He left us entirely too soon and will be missed always.
Michael – we all love you.
I like to write my own words in moments like this, but for me this time it is impossible. What follows is a beautiful poem I found that I think will provide a small insight to what I would like to say to you. I hope Rick, Aleta and Jennifer will find comfort in the words that follow.
Weep not for me
now that I have passed.
Remember the laughter, the affection, the joy
not just the recent tears.
Cherish the memories, our hopes and dreams.
Hold fast to the love that we shared.
Be happy with the time we spent together
and being anew.
For I am not really gone,
I am closer than ever before.
As the morning sun rises
and throughout the busy day…I am with you.
Until the setting sun disappears on the horizon
and we watch the day turn into night…I am here.
You may feel a faint breeze stir round your head, while you slumber
as I gently kiss your forehead, “Good night.”
The stars that shine so brightly in my heavenly sky
help me watch over you and keep you from harm.
I am the wind in the trees
and the song of a bird.
I am moonbeams in a midnight sky
and a glorious rainbow after the storm.
I am morning dew
and freshly-fallen snow.
I am a butterfly flying overhead
and a puppy happily at play.
I am a smile on a stranger’s face
a gentle touch
a warm embrace.
Listen to the wind for my message of love.
Watch the sun rise and set in the sky with me.
Feel my essence encircle you with warm memories.
Open your heart to know…I am not gone.
Reach deep into your soul…You will find me.
I am here.
Have no fear.
I am with you,
Though we have not been in touch for a while, I think about you often.
Rick, Aleta or Jen, please call me when your heart feels like it. I have always been there for you, I hope you know that. Our past together has always been a very special part of the Ivy’s lives.
Grandma Doty-we remember.
Michael, may you find your little piece of Moongate in heaven.
Love, Andi
Jennifer, my deapest sympathies to you and your family.
I know you dont know me very well, but I still would like to extend my deepest sympahty to you and your family. I will continue to pray for God to comfort you all. And you should just remember that he’s in a better place now in Gods kingdom and probably smiling down at you and your family.
Warmest Regards,
Steve VanGeertry
I am very sorry for your families loss. Always remember the good times.
Take care.
May your family be comforted during this difficult time.
May God uphold you and keep you.
My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. Stay strong and know that we are thinking of you and your family.
Jennifer and family,
My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. May you find peace in your hearts.
You all have my deepest sympathy in the loss of Michael. He will live forever you your heart and in your memory.
Jennifer, I was so sad to hear of your loss. Please extend my deepest sympahty to your family. My thought and prayers are with you all.
Jennifer, I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of your brother, Michael. My thoughts and prairs are with you and your family through this very hard time.
Mariyanna Connor
Canada Safeway
Brother – I guess now I can’t tell you to your face how much you mean to me, but I can write it here for the world to see. I have looked up to you my whole life. You don’t even know how high the pedestal is that I put you on! Almost as high as the one Dad is on. = I will think of you in everything that I do forever and ever. I hope you’ve found your happy place, Michael. And that you keep watching out for your little sister. I miss you. I love you.
I am so sorry for your family’s loss.
I am one of Mike’s online friends, and although I live across the country, Mike has been a steady presence in my life for the last year and a half.
Even though Mike could play any online game character well, he tended to choose characters that were “healers”. I don’t believe this was an accident. In our community, he was known for his generosity of spirit, his kindness and his humor. We all knew that if we needed help, Mike would be there for us.
There are people around the country and around the world who got to know Mike through online gaming, and they all miss him deeply. It’s amazing how many people one man can touch.
Jennifer —
I was so sorry to hear of your loss. You are a pleasure to work with; please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time.
Deepest condolences to you all —
Dear Meggett Family,
Terry and I are so sorry for your loss. We extend to you our deepest sympathy and sincerest sorrow.
May God be with you all.
Sincerely, Terry and Nancy Olson
Mike, I know that I only knew you for a few months but they were some of the best I knew. You were a great person and a better friend. I hope that you are in a better place now, and my prayers are with your family and the rest of your friends. May you rest in peace.
I want to express my condolences to Mike’s family.
As Mike’s employer he will be sorely missed. Mike provided us with many years of dedicated and loyal service. Mike thank you for your contribution.
Michael, Michael
Our son,we love you so much. If we could have made you from scratch we could not have done a better job.
We are so proud of you:
Your goodness
Your compassion
Your love
Your intelligence
We will miss your smile, your wit, your hugs and your generous spirit.
Bye, bye Mikie we love you.
My greatest memories were with you, like when we went fishing at three tree point in a little dingy and a pod of Orca whales swam right under us, getting trapped in a freak snowstorm at gramma’s having cabin fever and shooting each other with peppercorn and not to mention all the time we spent together playing together as children.
You could only be described as being devoted, sensitive, thoughtful and truly a good person. I have been friends with you since we were 5 years old and you have been the most positive influence in my life, I would not be the person I am today if it were not for you.
We made a promise when we were kids that we would always be friends but you are much more than that, you are my brother.
I will miss you!
I am so sorry for your family’s loss — I cannot imagine the pain of losing a child.
Like Charlotte, I only new Mike online. He was a great friend – he would spend time tirelessly helping friends out.
It must be odd to see someone comment about the great loss of only knowing someone virtually, but there were days where I spent hours in conversation with him. I got to know his spirit, his personality and the kernel that made him him despite the flesh.
I will miss him greatly.
Jennifer and Family,
I’m so sorry for the loss of your brother and son. As time passes, may you find that the memories of Mike wrap you in a warm blanket of love. While he may no longer be with you physically, he will always be with you in your hearts and souls.
Blessed Be,
Jennifer & Family,
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Nanette Hernandez
MikeDad, I dont understand why you did what you did i can tell you that i will miss you alot, You were ther for me when i was growning up you were the only one that i kow and could look up to as a dad. You did so much for me my mom and my brothers and sisters. We had good times all us as a family camping up at Gma’s house and i liked going to the river in the summers i remeber all the times when we had to wait for my mom to get home to go inertubbing. is all i cant say is the i miss you and love you and Gma,Gpa, And Jennifer Im soooo sorry for what happend
Aleta, Rick, Jennifer, Chevy, and Montye,
I have only known your family from afar, through the eyes of Melanie. The many stories that she has shared with me, reflecting all of the love and memories of her childhood best friend and her family. I have heard all the stories; from Moongate to the endless amounts of teasing you subjected Melanie to, during the countless hours she spent at your house while growing up…I am thankful for finally meeting you in person and being able to share a few smiles and laughs, even in the face of such adversity.
I want you all to know that I left your house on Saturday night thinking this: Your strength was unbelievable. Your resolve was resolute.
I am so truly sorry for your loss and the pain that you have and will endure.
With kindest and sincerest regards,
I want to share my memories of Michael with you. Having grown up with only sisters, Michael was the closest thing I had to a brother. I grew up with him around from the time I was 5 years old. I can’t think of a meal at the dinner table at the Meggett household where Michael wasn’t teasing me about how little I was eating or how I ate like a bird. I have fond memories of summers spent at Moongate, swimming down at the river, riding the quads, and just goofing around. I remember admiring all of his pets that he had in his room: lizards, piranhas, etc. I will always remember how much Jen adored and admired her big brother. In his quiet way he watched out for her. When I think of Michael I see him with a smile on his face and a witty comeback.
Rick, Aleta and Jen, I am so sorry for your tremendous loss. I know that a day won’t go by when you will not think of Michael. Please know that hardly a day will go by that I won’t think of him and remember him and his gentle spirit.
I am so sorry to here about MIke. My prayers are eith you thought this difficult time. Remember to keep the good things in your heart and he will never be forgotten.
I wanted to let you know how sorry I was to hear about your loss. Please know that while I never met your brother, I know from reading these memorials that he is already greatly missed. My thoughts are with you and your family. If I can offer you any support in any way please let me know. Always remember that the memories you cherish will keep him with you. Forever.
Rick, Aleta, and Jen. He was the best son and brother anyone could ask for. He wasn’t half bad as a nephew, either. We loved him very much and were as proud of the man he had become as an aunt and uncle could possibly be. We love you very much.
Jennifer – I am SO sorry for your loss. Remember the good times and keep him close in your heart. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
Rick and Aleta,
So sorry to hear about the loss of your son. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. Leah and I work with Judy and have met Aleta but through Judy feel as if we know the whole family and want to send our sincere condolences.
God Bless, Lori & Leah
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.
Time passes by, sometimes in a hurry,
Our thoughts, our family, but not to worry.
Sometimes you feel sad, happy, or all alone,
But not to worry, there’s a special home.
Our beliefs, our feelings, we keep within,
But it all comes out, when we think of him.
The way he laughed, his smile, his face,
But not to worry, there’s a better place.
He’s gone forever, you think, what to do?
But not to worry, he’s always with you.
He might be gone, but he will always near,
We’ll share our love, and pass the fear.
Know he’s happy, know he’s free,
But not to worry just remember he is happy,
He is free.
One great memory we have is of all us up at Grandma’s climbing in the back of Michael’s truck with DeeDee and going 4X4 across the river. That day was filled with lots of joy and laughter. Friends and Family. The day was bright we played in the river, target practice 😮 and a had wonderful barbeque.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all in your time of need.
As friends and family do, we all fell away from each other from time to time. I just saw you a couple months ago and we talked and laughed and started to reconnect. We’ve been friends for over twenty years. Camping, Moongate, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Camero, Satelite, quads, Dee. You were and still are my brother.
Love Ty.
Rick, Alita & Jen,
I’m sure I’m not the only on that was completely stunned and speechless when we heard about Mike. I try to keep in touch, even if it’s just dropping by every -once-in-a-while. I need to try harder. The Meggett’s were/are such a big part of the Ivy’s life. We grew-up together. Hell, we thought we were going to be in-laws!:-
Please know that I love you guys and think about all of you often. I miss you. There’s a hole in my heart where my little brother was.
Please feel free to contact me if you need anything. Keep in touch.
Love Ty Ivy.
Mike Mike Mike…
Although it has been a while since I have seen you, the times I remember seem like just yesterday. School, skipping school, wheelin’, making Uncle Tom’s cabin, just plain hanging out. I often asked on my trips back to Seattle if anyone had heard or seen you, I should have taken the time and stopped by to see you myself. I hope that you are at peace my friend and I will catch you on the flip side.
Mike, we miss you. It has been way too long since we got together and I know that’s how it goes sometimes. Family life seems to take over and friends are harder to stay in touch with. We will keep your memories and your family in our thoughts.
Doug Cowen
Dear Meggett Family,
I’m sorry for your loss.
Mike had a kind soul and he will live on in the hearts of everyone who loved him.
I know it has been years, and though we never knew each other well, I have often thought about you and your family. Through the bond of brothers and the bond of best friends we were united. Today, the bond is made stronger and we should celebrate this cohesion. I Love You, Tracy Wendt.
To my whole family, and especially Rick, Aleta, and Jennifer, I am sorry we couldn’t be there in person. Although it’s hard to keep in touch when our lives are so busy and so far away, I couldn’t ask for a more loving, accepting family. Michael and I were close cousins growing up, and always anxious to see each other when the family got together. I regret that I only saw him rarely after we were grown. Rick and Aleta were the next closest thing to another set of parents we had, and my heart goes out to you. We miss you, and we miss Michael.
Love, David
I’m so sorry for your loss. I know you’ll keep Mike in your thoughts and heart just by remembering all the good times. He is with you, he might even be your guardian angel. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. God bless you.
Dearest Rick, Aleta and Jennifer,
I just returned from a week long backpacking trip to this unbelievable news. During this trip, I found myself telling stories about my childhood to my friends. Many of these stories included Mike.
I was telling my friends about Mike’s miscellaneous creatures he was raising in his bedroom and how exciting it was to watch him care for them, about the time Mike and I first got our full football pads and beat each other up in your backyard, working on cars together, and the memories keep coming… I’ve always been amazed at Mike’s genuine nature.
I know there is nothing I can say that will make you feel any better. I will simply say that I spent many of my formative years with Mike and I am a much better person for it. Reading through and looking at comments from others about Mike says it all; Kind, gentle, responsible, caring, loving and an overall wonderful human being.
Although I haven’t seen Mike for many years, he has never left my mind.
I think about all of you often and just want you to know that my heart is with you all. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know.
My deepest sympathies and love,
Dear Rick, Aleta, Jennifer, and the rest of Mike’s family:
It has been really difficult dealing with the loss of Mike; I cry thinking about him. It hurts thinking that he is gone. It’s hard not to think that there was something we could have done to be there for him as old friends.
Mike was a very special person. He has been a very important part of my life. Everytime I see a little kid with a black “rocker” t-shirt walking down the hall with a gentle disposition at Sylvester Middle School, I think of Mike. Everytime I think of the outdoors, fishing, or hiking, I think of Mike.
He was a great influence in my life. He was kind, sympathetic, caring, intelligent, and funny.
I miss you Mike. I already regret not hanging out with you more as we grew older. You will always be in my thoughts, as will your wonderful family that have made me feel a part of theirs for so long.
I knew Mike for a few years, he was very cute, very smart, and he had a great smile, and a sexy bald head. We hung out in Covington at his house, with his wife and kids. Went to the lake went swimming, had BBQ’s, watched movies. He was always so quiet, soft spoken, but you could tell in his actions he was very confident, outgoing, sensitive to his family and the people that meant the most to him. He seemed to love the adventure that life offered, he was one of the smartest people I have ever met.
I do not know his family so swell, but you will be united in the end with dear MIKIE and DEEDEE.
I think about him all the time.
Sorry it took so long for me to write, God Bless the Meggetts.
I still think of you all the time. I remember being scared of you, initially 🙂 I was 10 or 11 years old, and there were always funny rumors about the guy with the rocker-t’s and long black hair across the street. As time went on, and my brothers got to know you, and you joined in on the teasing (not too relentlessly though), you became more protective and friendly.
I still remember driving back from Lollapalooza with you, and you pretended to fall asleep at the wheel, and scared the piss out of me.
You were so smart. You had a broad knowledge of the world, but were so understated. People mentioned the famous Mike smile, it could make one very nervous that something was about to happen, or very comfortable, knowing that you were happy made others happy.
Still love you Mike; still think of you. You had quite an impact on me, and I’ll never forget you.
Im so sad to learn of your passing. Mike was so kind and the type of person want as a friend. He was genuine and honest. I remember he would help me work on my Camaro and he taught me a lot about cars. he was always laughing and smiled. I remember feeding his piranhas and then shaun and I getting him a rattlesnake that he named shef… after both of us. Life seems to pass by faster and faster. Its the way it is but also painful when the ones around you pass. You are not forgotten and your memory will last forever.