Moodette Leimomi Ka'apana

November 9, 1954 - April 7, 2015


Moodette (Moody/Aunty Moody) Keli’iho’omalu Ka’apana, a loving wife and mother who kept the culture of her Hawaiian people alive in Washington state, died April 7, 2015 of complications of pneumonia at age 60.

Moodette was loved throughout the Puget Sound region for her kindness and generosity, her wicked sense of humor and contagious laugh. Anyone who needed a meal, a bed, a shoulder to lean on, or a good story, found one. 

Moodette is survived by her beloved family: Husband Douglas; daughter KaLehua; her mother, Evelyn Keli’iho’omalu; her brother, Moody Keli’iho’omalu III; sisters Cathy Keli’iho’omalu, Tracy Keli’iho’omalu and Jaydeen Keli’iho’omalu Robinson.

She will be forever loved and missed. Aloha ‘oe e Moodette.

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Dottie Rosenauer
Dottie Rosenauer
5 years ago

I worked as receptionist in HR for the Highline District for many years & Moody would often come to our office to sign forms, etc. I’ve been retired now for almost 5 years, but still remember that she was always so jovial & always had a few minutes to chat with me.

I was so sorry to hear of her death & pray that God will comfort you & your family at this sad time.

Bev Gordon, retired Highline bus driver
Bev Gordon, retired Highline bus driver
5 years ago

A beautiful lady, gone far too soon.

Paula Conner
Paula Conner
5 years ago

Although I did not personally know Auntie Moody, I enjoyed listening to her for so long on the Hawaii Radio Connection. Her personal warmth came through on that program, to which she added so much sharing of Hawaiian culture, history, and humor. Her family and friends must be missing her terribly- even I feel as if I have lost a friend. My heart goes out to all who love her. I know her spirit will continue to bring aloha, from the paradise she know rests in. Blessings.

Kehau Chrisman
Kehau Chrisman
5 years ago

My deep aloha goes to the family at this time of sadness. I still cannot believe that she is gone. She and I shared mana’o as fellow Kumu Hula in the same Maiki Aiu lineage, so far away from our own one hanau. I will miss communicating with her. She was a wise woman, with great fortitude. Me kealoha pumehana…from Kehau and Ka’imiloa Chrisman.

Debbie Moulds
Debbie Moulds
5 years ago

I am a better person for knowing Moody. She will be missed

by many. When around Moody, I always had a feeling of friendship, and happiness because she never showed anything but aloha to everyone. Thank you for being a part of my life.

Anne Davis
Anne Davis
5 years ago

Moodette was a wonderful mom, friend and support of the community. Her passing is a shock and a great loss for all of us. We were richer in spirit for having known her. Aloha, Moodette. I know you go on dancing in beauty, laughing….

Pastor Kanoe & Cheryl Vierra
Pastor Kanoe & Cheryl Vierra
5 years ago

Our Hawaiian community in the Seattle area and Washington state has truly lost a leader. Our thoughts and prayer go out to Aunty Moodies family and friends. She truly brought the Aloha spirit to all us local folks and made us feel like we were home with Braddah Gomes on the Hawaiian Radio Connection..Mahalo nui loa and Aloha Oe Aunty…until we meet again.

Uncle Gregg Porter
Uncle Gregg Porter
5 years ago

Aunty Moody has been a loving friend, a patient teacher, and a cheerful radio co-host for me for about 15 years. Her tireless work on behalf of the Hawaiian community in this region always lifted and inspired so many of us. In a world of division, she was an unflagging proponent of togetherness.

5 years ago

Oh My Goodness…Lots of tears over here. Deepest condolences to her family, and to the rest of us. I love you Auntie Moody, Aloha, and Godspeed. xxxx

Daisy Freitas
Daisy Freitas
5 years ago

Aunty Moody taught our Hawaiian club various hula and Tahitian dances at Seattle University for many years. I was there from 1988-1992 and she was so very dedicated. We were so blessed to have had a chance to learn from her! That was the first time I learned to dance hula – ever! She will be truly missed! Blessings to her and her family!

Keahi Conjugacion
Keahi Conjugacion
5 years ago

Aloha ‘one e Tita Moody. Aloha wau ia

Keahi Conjugacion
Keahi Conjugacion
5 years ago

Rest in peace my Tita Moody. Aloha wau ia

alfred paka louis
alfred paka louis
5 years ago

Sorry gor your loss brother doug. I was jus looking you up when i saw the bad news. She was so beautiful and did so much for us. Much love and aloha. Da louis ohana.