Myron Barclay Savage
April 7, 1918 - September 10, 2006

Myron Barclay SAVAGE
April 7, 1918 – September 10, 2006. Beloved husband of Mary E. Beth Savage. Born in Conrad, Montana, the son of Merle French and Jeannette North Savage and brother of William C. Savage RIP – wife Patricia Phelps Savage, Marjorie Hegewald – husband Larry Hegewald RIP and Patricia Allan – husband Harvey Allan RIP. Myron was a lifetime Ham Radio Operator-ARRL-Call Sign: W7GSG, an Eagle Scout and US Forest Ranger – Olympic, United States Navy Reserves-Port Angeles, WA, Naval Officer Training & Teacher of Communications-Notre Dame Midshipman’s School, Active Duty-Naval Communications Officer – WW II aboard the USS Indianapolis: LST Flotilla 25, U.S. Naval Station, Astoria, Oregon, Honorably Discharged, Bachelor of Science and Master of Forestry from University of Washington, Rayonier Incorporated, Forestry, Hoquiam, WA, Civil Defense Coordinator-Grays Harbor, Eagle Scout Leader, employed at Motorola Communications and Electronics as District Sales Manager-Government Markets Division-Western Area & National Marketing Manager Forest Products Division, Galvin Master-Motorola. Myron is survived by his wife Beth Savage and children Mary E. Savage McKinnon – husband John A. McKinnon, Paula J. Arnal, Megan Marceau – husband Rick Marceau, Martha Savage, Myron Edward Savage – wife Shannon; Grandchildren: Kevin Arnal – wife Lynn, David Savage – wife Kim, John Shannon McKinnon, Guillaume Marceau – wife Jamie, Kashmere Marceau, Maya Rosenfield, Sasha Beggs, Donovan, Liam, Hugh and Josephine Savage: Great Grand Children Autumn Marceau, Paul and Sean Arnal and numerous Nieces and Nephews. A Memorial Mass was held at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Seahurst on Saturday, September 16, 2006. Memorials can be sent to Providence Hospice of Seattle Foundation or The U.W. Foresters Alumni Scholarship Fund. Please sign the online memorial guestbook at
I always thought of my brother-in-law Myron as one of my dearest friends. I’m sending all my love to his family.
Myron was a kind, smart, generous person. Paula and I were high school friends. I loved being with the Savage family, and secretly wished Myron had been my father. Myron was a warm, gentle human being. My condolences to Paula, Beth, the family & friends…to all who knew that good man: “Mr. Savage.”
My U.M. taught me much about life as well as radio, and engineering, truly starting me on my current career path.
Will miss him always.
Love Nephew David Savage
Dearest Beth and Family:
I will always thank Myron for his spirit and enthusiasm and for everything he taught me. He was like a second father and one of my best friends. We were all blessed by Myron.
Myron shared his values, his humor, and his love for family, life, and career. I will miss him.
Bill Pratt
My brother was such a good friend to me as I was growing up and continued to be throughout my life. He always had a special place in my heart, and always will. I will miss him but
I am thankful he is at rest now.
A friend of over 50 years, way back to Beaverton Oregon.I was there the day that you came to work for Motorola. You just couldn’t get that Ham Radio out of your system. A true gentleman in the full sense of the word. I share the sorrow of your family. You got me into planting Redwoods over 25 years ago. I have a special one that I planted which I will dedicate to you. Goodbye good friend, I shall see you.
Ed Williams
The Best Dad In The Whole World!
Your First-Best-Only!
I Love You— My Daddy
Beth, our condolences and prayers go out to you and your family on the passing of Myron. Myron was a wonderful friend and a valued mentor to me. I will always remember the strong values Myron exemplified and a sincerity you knew you could count on. Most of all, every time I think of Myron, I immediately picture that smile as if it were yesterday. I look forward to seeing him again in heaven.
Myron was my first boss after I grdauated from the UW College of Forestry and went to work at Rayonier. He was a wonderful boss and I always admired and respected him.
I miss you Dad.
Shannon misses you.
Thank you for staying around long enough to show your love for my wife and kids.
Thank God you were here to pass along your greatness.
Thank you for your daughter Mary – for all she did to take care of everyone in the family in every tough time, especially this one.