Otto Buerger

October 14, 1925 - September 28, 2010


Otto age 84, after a long courageous battle with cancer, passed away on September 28th, 2010 with his wife and friends at his side. He was born in Cologne, Germany. He was married to his wife Marianne for 58 years. Otto worked as a photographer at the Weyerhaeuser Tech. Center in Federal Way. He was loved by many people.
Services will be held on Tuesday, October 5th at 12:30 pm at BONNEY-WATSON Federal Way, 1535 SW Dash Point Road, Federal Way, WA. 253 839-7317. Following the memorial service, there will be a reception at Twin Lakes Country Club. The family prefers memorial contributions be made to Franciscan Foundation, P.O. Box 1502, Tacoma, WA 98401-1502, or in his name. Please sign the guest book at

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5 years ago

Otto und Marianne sind unsere “Wahlverwandtschaft” seit 45 Jahren.Wie eine Familie haben wir Freude, Feste, Feiern, Ferien, sowie Schmerzen miteinander geteilt. Wir liebten Otto’s herzhaftes, ansteckendes Lachen, was wir noch kurz vor seinem Tod mit-erleben durften. Otto hatte viel Mitgefuehl fuer die Menschen um ihn herum. Seine groesste Liebe jedoch war Marianne. Wir werden ihn sehr vermissen und nie vergessen.

Gisela & Heinz Hohendorf
Gisela & Heinz Hohendorf
5 years ago

Otto und Marianne sind unsere “Wahlverwandtschaft” seit 45 Jahren.Wie eine Familie haben wir Freude, Feste, Feiern, Ferien, sowie Schmerzen miteinander geteilt. Wir liebten Otto’s herzhaftes, ansteckendes Lachen, was wir noch kurz vor seinem Tod mit-erleben durften. Otto hatte viel Mitgefuehl fuer die Menschen um ihn herum. Seine groesste Liebe jedoch war Marianne. Wir werden ihn sehr vermissen und nie vergessen.

Monika Hall
Monika Hall
5 years ago

Otto wurde von seinen irdischen Leiden erloest. Er wird jedoch immer bei uns bleiben, in Gedanken, Erinnerungen, Gespraechen. Welch ein Privileg war es zu seinem Freundeskreis zu gehoeren. Danke, Otto.


Kevin and Kim Paustian
Kevin and Kim Paustian
5 years ago

Otto’s wise wisdom and wealth of knowledge will truly be missed. We enjoyed many conversations about our lake, music, history and life in general with Otto. His opinion was always shared and always warranted! We will miss him terribly! Our love to you, Marianne, we are here for you.

Carol and Don Root
Carol and Don Root
5 years ago

Otto brought a lot of brightness into our lives. It wasn’t just his flash bulbs and photographic floodlights. It was his cheerful personality and happy smile. The many years we shared at Weyerhaeuser will always be remembered. His skills with photography were highly professional and much appreciated. He and Marianna did the beautiful photography for both of our daughters’ weddings. We think of his unique talent every time we look at our albums. We also have one of his pictures of Don at work hanging on the wall. It is one of a collection that we will always treasure. Otto left this world a bit brighter and better off because he was here.

Carol and Don Root

Keith - JoAnn
Keith - JoAnn
5 years ago


We will miss Otto. My boys, Aaron and Robin, want you to know how much they enjoyed their relationship with you and Otto. They will miss him very much.

JoAnn and I send our condolences.


5 years ago

Liebe Marianne,

Otto wird mir und unserem ganzen alten Freundeskreis sehr fehlen, sein Humor und sein immer freundliches Wesen. So viele schöne Stunden und Tage haben wir zusammen erlebt! Immer werden wir uns daran erinnern.

Deine Gaby

Gary Darcey
Gary Darcey
5 years ago

Otto and Marianne bacame my friends and substitute parents 2 1/2 years ago. Although Otto had no physical resemblence or temperament to my dad, for some eason we just clicked. I enjoyed the time we spent conversing on an assortment of subjects, sharing knowledge of the internet and computer technology, sharing life’s expereinces, etc etc.

I will miss my substitute dad!

Luckily, I still have my substitute mom, Marianne.


Larry and Jan lund
Larry and Jan lund
5 years ago

We will always remember Otto for his high intellect,intense couriosity,compelling sense of humor,and a genorisity of spirit. Though we didn’t Know Otto and Marianna for a long time they made us feel like life long friends. We will miss his lively personality, but will always feel his presence and debonair attitude.A true gentleman. With deepest respect, Larry & Jan

Hedi und Marianne Mayer
Hedi und Marianne Mayer
5 years ago

Nur wenige Menschen sind wirklich lebendig

und die, die es sind sterben nie.

Es zählt nicht, dass sie nicht mehr da sind.

Niemand den man wirklich liebt, ist jemals tot.

Otto, wir werden Dich nie vergessen.

Lynn E. and Cheri L. Endicott
Lynn E. and Cheri L. Endicott
5 years ago

We are thinking of you at this most difficult time. Otto was a unique, wonderful person and we will miss him.