Paraschiva ''Tuca'' Marton
April 18, 1965 - September 15, 2006

Tuca was born in Parhauti, Costina, Suceava, Romania and was the only child of Ioan and Viorica Badaluta. Her father came to the United States in 1982 to make a better life for his family and Tuca and her mother later journeyed to the United States on January 26, 1983. They came to Washington State and were sponsored by the Episcopal Church in Marysville and located themselves in the city of Everett where they started there lives in the United States.
Tuca attended college for three years in Everett Washington and then married her boyfriend, Gabor Marton, from Romania. They had twin children, a boy and girl, Christopher and Gizella. Her children were born on May 15th, 1987 and after 18 years of marriage, they divorced. The children were split between their mother and father and Christopher lived with his mother and Gizella lived with her father.
On June 9th, 2002 Tuca was taking a vacation trip to Las Vegas, Nevada where she met her boyfriend, Chris Fisher, on the airplane traveling there. From that day forward, they continued their relationship and made plans to join as a couple.
In August 2002, Tuca was diagnosed with a brain tumor and when she learned of her serious illness, she called her boyfriend and told him of her condition. Tuca said to him that she would not be good for him anymore but Chris decided to come and live with her at that time regardless of her condition. Tuca had brain surgery on October 18, 2002 and Chris took care of her from that day forward. Tuca recovered well after the surgery and was in good health for about 2 years. Tuca’s health began to decline in September 2004 and they continued their relationship in Tacoma Washington until Friday September 15, 2006 when Tuca died of complications related to her brain tumor.
Imi pare nespus de rau pentru tot ce s-a intamplat in familia dumneavoastra, va rog sa va adunati si sa incercati sa rezistati, sa luptati cu durerea care va macina continuu.Cuvintele sunt de prisos in asemenea conditii, dar trebuie sa gasiti o cale sa faceti fata durerii si suferintei.Cu drag si dor Narcisa.