Patricia A. Holliday

October 26, 1945 - July 20, 2017


Patricia Ann Holliday was welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven July 20th, 2017.  She passed peacefully in her home surrounded by family.  


Pat was born in October 1945 to Walter and Flora Holliday.  She was th eldest of their 3 children.


Even as a young girl, Pat was kind hearted, loving, patient, humorous.  She enjoyed music, playing with her brothers, singing harmony to you are my sunshine over and over again with her brother Bill. She would spend many hours drawing and was talented at drawing baby and doll faces.


Pat graduated from Chief Sealth High School in 1963 and then went on to further her education at Central Washington University where she earned her teaching degree.


She began teaching at Seattle Christian School where she loved teaching 3rd and 4th grade. She stayed at Seattle Christian School until retirement.  Pat touched the lives of hundreds of children and co-workers in her 39 years there.


SCS was not just a job to Pat but a place to spend her time and talents doing what she loved, helping children succeed and learn the love of God.


Here are some written examples kindly written to us by her colleagues and friends:


“She had a zeal for teaching her students. If she wanted them to learn something, she was all in, no matter the topic. She had high expectations yet helped her students rise to the challenge. She came alongside students who needed extra help and was always available to them. I recall her staying late almost daily, grading papers, writing comments, and preparing for the following day. She made sure her students knew she cared for them and that Jesus loved them too!” – Stephanie


“I can also say that Pat was so incredibly devoted to teaching her students.  She and Gracia were, by far, the LAST teachers to leave campus every night!  They always accomplished so much after hours.  Complete, sold-out, faithfully serving many many hours after her students left her classroom.  She never skimped on comments she wrote (by hand, I might add) to her student report cards.  She was always so thorough and detailed when it came to constructive feedback balanced delicately with praises.  I know there were multiple units she LOVED teaching that she had years upon years of experience accumulating.  I seem to recall her “rock collection” being one of many, and I know countless students learned so much from her experience and first-hand knowledge.  Her demeanor was always so straight- forward, blunt, if you will, but so kind and infused with that signature giggle.  She could be very accommodating and flexible when a monkey wrench was thrown into the schedule (like a fire drill, or an unexpected visitor).  She also had those eyes that just naturally smiled!    So many of her mannerisms I can just SEE as I type this!  You had to KNOW Pat to seriously LOVE Pat!!  She was one-of-a-kind!!  She asked a lot of questions at Teachers’ Meetings (and often they were ones no one else had the courage to ask) and she contributed so much to brainstorming and debriefing sessions we had over the years. She really did have high expectations of her students and she did want to see ALL of her kids succeed.  She spared no resource to make sure that happened! 

“I also taught with Pat and two of my children had Pat for fourth grade. One thing I would like to add is that she not only taught children but was a life long learner herself. She modeled what a learner was to her students.”  – Gayle


“Though Pat was officially retired she came back every year to help out the current SCS teachers.  Her lesson on Rembrandt was and is still so engaging and educational.  One year she was quite busy but she gave me her handwritten lesson plans and I read them verbatim.  She came back the next day to check the work of the students and offered constructive comments to them (and me) that made a huge difference.  She had high expectations even as a substitute and had a firm but loving demeanor with the students.  They kept requesting her to be a substitute!!” – Sharon


“Pat was an expert in the field of Specific Language Disability (SLD). When I began working in this field and was just learning about dyslexia, Pat taught me so much. Sometimes Gracia, Pat and I would go to a hotel and correct student diagnostics all night. She had such compassion for students that struggled.” – Carol


“Pat was a discerning listener and an astute observer of people. Those two skills gave her great insight into people. She reflected and contemplated, her heart and spirit open to the Lord. The wisdom He gave her resulted in personal, compassionate ministry, touching the lives of young and old in life giving ways. I am so grateful for the blessing she was in my children’s lives and in mine.” – Barbara


Not only was she there for her students but many co-workers also commented on how welcomed Pat made them feel, the joy she brought and how she also shared her knowledge with them. 


She was very passionate about helping children who had dyslexia and other learning difficulties.  This inspiration was partly due to finding out in high school that her brother Richard had dyslexia.


Pat had a vast knowledge and love of history.  She was awarded the very first ever Museum of History and Industry outstanding education award in 2007.  


After retiring she continued to return to SCS to substitute, meet with teachers, tutor and volunteer in the library.  


Pat enjoyed adventure.  She traveled to many places.   Japan, Guam, Hawaii, Mexico and all around Europe.  In 2008 Pat lived in Spain during a mission trip to help at a Christian school. Pat enjoyed many a girls night with her friends, road trips, traveling to historic sites and following the Oregon and Lewis & Clark trails.


Pat also enjoyed her family.  She filled our homes with her laughter and warmth and got to know her great nieces and nephews.  She enjoyed watching Seahawks games with her brother Bill and sister in law Sandie every Sunday.  She enjoyed long walks and conversations with her brother Rich, she loved our family music nights where we gathered to sing, listen and play music.  She was a devoted daughter who took care of her mother, no matter the difficulty feeling it was a privilege always.  Pat had a great sense of humor and enjoyed many laughs and jokes with her brothers.


Pat also loved her little dogs, Petey and Bunny, her rock collection/geology, painting, and started to learn piano.


Pat was a devoted Christian who loved God her entire life.  She lived by example, spreading love, kindness and laughter wherever she went. Her gentle spirit made it easy to love her.


She taught Sunday school and made story boards for the children to coordinate with the Pastors sermons.  Her photo albums are full of all the cards, notes and gifts she was given by her students. She had a genuine heart for children that will never be forgotten.  


Pat trusted in God, always relying on her faith.  She is remembered often saying “it is in the Lords hands”.  This faith carried her through her diagnosis and the quick progression of her cancer.  She faced it all with bravery, a calm spirit and with dignity.


We will all miss her giggles in the room, her kindness, thoughtfulness, intelligence, devotion, and sense of humor, but we will all carry the light she spread out to everyone her entire life with us always.  Thank you Pat for everything you have done in this world and for all that were fortunate enough to have you in their lives.  


Matthew 25:23 – His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master!’


Isaiah 40:31 – but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.


Pat is dearly loved by her brothers Bill & Rich and their spouses Sandie and Jim.  Her nieces, Christy, Jennifer & Mellissa.  Her great nieces, Haley, Tyla, Kara & Kennedy.  Her great nephews, Ryan, Tyler, Ethan & Landon,  many loyal and long time caring friends, students,  church members, collegues and sisters in Christ.

In lieu of flowers, donations in Pat’s name may be made to Seattle Christian School.


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Mary Ann Helton
Mary Ann Helton
5 years ago

I met Pat when I taught at SCS. It was such a privilege to know her. She was down-to-earth, approachable, kind, funny, always learning, She was the type that made you feel comfortable the minute you met her. She was sincere and genuine-no hidden motives. As someone said, her questions in teacher’s meeting were wonderful-often asking questions I wanted to ask, too. Her desire to understand and continue learning was inspiring. I enjoyed many discussions and fun talks in the teacher’s room when Pat was there. I also enjoyed many fun, hilarious times sharing a hotel room with her and some others at our Christian conferences. Sweet, sweet memories I’ll treasure forever. My prayers and blessings to Pat’s family.

Mathew John Garcia
Mathew John Garcia
5 years ago

Pat was always kind to me and treated me like a loving aunt even though she wasn’t.

marella dias
marella dias
5 years ago

Pat was a kind lady very nice and kind. the love of Christ showed through. may you rest in peace and your light of God’s love continue to bless people even when you are gone

Gayle Gee
Gayle Gee
5 years ago

I loved knowing and working with Pat. My prayers and condolences to her family.

Darlene (Wachter) Malgren
Darlene (Wachter) Malgren
5 years ago

Great person! She will be missed by many.

Karen Inglis
Karen Inglis
5 years ago

Pat was ever so unique and ever so special!! No one will ever take her place in the hearts and minds of those who knew her—no one could out-think her, out-wit her, or out-class her!!

Upon hearing of her passing our 4 kids all spoke of her buoyancy and laughter, firmness and fairness, and sincere love for teaching Bible!!

Pat’s spiritual depth empowered her to humbly accept life’s challenges, whether personal or professional. Orin and I will

always remember her saying “Only one life, twill soon be past—only what’s done for Christ will last.”

See you soon, Pat!!!

Bill Holliday
Bill Holliday
5 years ago

I loved my sister Pat, and told her I was glad that God had let her be my sister. Her faith in the Lord was great and she said after being given the diagnosis, “It’s in the Lord’s hands now”. I look forward to seeing her again in the future. She will be greatly missed.

Monica (Wall) Solomonov
Monica (Wall) Solomonov
5 years ago

Mrs Holliday will be missed. She always had a smile on her face no matter what the circumstances were. She was kind and gentle. She never raised her voice! She was a great teacher and role model to all her students. Her heart for Jesus was absolutely beautiful.

Martin Metz
Martin Metz
5 years ago

Pat was a Republican Precinct Committee Officer in the 33rd Legislative District. She was always so excited to be apart of the political process. She will be missed.

Marilyn Holms
Marilyn Holms
5 years ago

Pat was a loving kind,and fun friend. We would take short trips to my time share condos with Jeanette. We would take adventures from there like Victoria. She still had the picture that we brought on her wall. We also have fun on outings with Sue Drenchpohl, Lorraine Sanford and I. We would went to Ocean Shores and stayed in a cabin. We walked the beach and sang hymns together. Yes, Pat was most forgiving and accepting friend I knew. I will miss her greatly.. Her Memorial Service was just like she would have wanted it. I was a teacher too. I learned a lot of teaching from her. She is with our Loving Father in her heavenly home perfect for her. Until we meet again Pat.