Peter Joseph Sterk
February 6, 1941 - November 25, 2006
Peter J. STERK
2-6-1941 – 11-25-2006. Visitation 3:00 – 8:00 PM Wednesday, November 29, 2006 at Bonney-Watson Parker Chapel, 900 SW 146th, Burien. Funeral Mass and interment will be in Cleveland, OH. Please sign the online memorial guestbook at
Eulogy of Peter J. Sterk
In 1941 a boy by the name of Peter Joseph Sterk was born. He grew up in Cleveland Ohio with his eight brothers and sisters. As a young boy Peter often enjoyed going to his grandmother’s farm with his siblings. With his brother John, Peter would help his uncle Rudy till the field plant and harvest the crops. Along with helping in the field Peter would often sit and listen to his uncle Rudy play the accordion. It was during these many visits to the farm that Peter developed a love of the accordion.
As a young man Peter was active in the church. He served as an alter boy, was part of the holy names society, and active in the young adult club. While in the young adult club he played leading roles in various musicals that took place in the parish theatre.
Peter attended Catholic school all his life. His devotion to his faith led him to attend John Carroll University where he obtained his Bachelors in Physics. He also acquired a strong interest in Mathematics. Throughout his life Peter continued his studies particularly in Math and Science in order enhance his knowledge.
Peter’s education and passion for learning led him down many career paths. He started out as a Math instructor. After a few years Peter up and moved to Washington to be closer to some of his siblings. For a while Peter was an Electrical Engineer for the Boeing Company. Later he joined the Army for two years where he was stationed in Germany as a Radar Technician. After he finished his assignment in Germany he joined up with a defense company called Gould as a Test Engineer. Eventually he joined Seattle City Light where he stayed until the day he passed away. Peter was a hard worker and very dedicated to his job.
Peter was a devoted son, brother, uncle, and mend. He was loved by many even those who only had the pleasure of spending a short time with him. He touched many people with his quick wit, generous nature, and vast intelligence.
Peter was a very devoted Catholic and donated generously to a variety of charities. Peter gathered his strength through his belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. His strong beliefs provided him with a great moral foundation. He believed in focusing op. the positive in life and not dwelling on the negative. Peter strived to instill in his family and friends his values in life and wished for all of us to cherish life to the fullest much like he did.
Peter was a great example to us all. He was a marvelous man with strong faith in
religion, great character, and a life long learner. We will forever miss him, but take faith
in knowing that one day we will see him again.
Hello Peter….just thinking about you!
I am home in heaven, dear ones;
Oh, so happy and so bright!
There is perfect joy and beauty
In the everlasting light.
All the pain and grief is over,
Every restless tossing passed;
I am now at peace forever,
Safely home in heaven at last.
Did you wonder I so calmly
Trod the valley of shade?
Oh! but Jesus’ love illumined
Every dark and fearful glade.
And He came Himself to meet me
In that way so hard to tread;
And with Jesus’ arm to lean on,
Could I have one doubt or dread?
Then you must not grieve so sorely,
For I love you so dearly still:
Try to look beyond earth’s shadows,
Pray to trust our Father’s Will.
There is work still waiting for you,
so you must not idle stand;
Do it now, while life remaineth-
You will rest in Jesus’ land.
When the work is all completed,
He will gently call you Home;
Oh the rapture of that meeting.
Oh, the joy to see you come!
We have lost someone very special…
Thank you for sharing our grief.
The hand of God shall hold you,
The peace of God enfold you,
The love that dreamed and formed you still surround you here today.
The light of God beside you,
above, beneath, inside you,
the light that shines to guide you home to the loving hands of God.
Return, O my soul, to your tranquility,
For the Lord has been good to you,
For He has freed my soul from death,
My eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling.
I walk before the Lord
In the land of the living.
Dear Sterk Family,
Peter’s friendship was an inspiration. Always he preferred giving than receiving.
Peter walked with God with all his steps. Every gesture was with God. Peter would send Mass cards, and you would feel with all these prayers how can I not get well.
Peter will be missed very much. He always made people around him think about God. He felt close to God, and when God is with you, who can be against you.
God certainly was holding Peter close to Him. How do we know this? I will tell you how we know this. Peter said, “I am not afraid to die.”
Sometimes there are no words, only love. God bless.
Your very dear friends,
Bob and Linda
A parting note to our dear brother Peter from his sister Theresa and “brother” Allen…
Thinking of you and missing you. It’s hard to believe you are no longer with us. We were so hopeful that you would once again return to our sister Maria’s home in Lynnwood after being in the hospital that last week.
But God’s greatest plan for you was to be,
To hold you close to Him eternally.
The last words I spoke to you on Friday morning, the day before you passed on, were in peaceful prayer, just as you would want it to be. Our loving niece Barbie held the phone to your ear. I said your name and you moaned a little, so I asked if you wanted to pray. And you said “Yes.” As you prayed in your heart, I said the same prayers and sang the same verse that ended all of our telephone conversations over these last months. Afterwards, Barbie picked up the telephone and told me that just prior you were very restless in bed. Now after praying, your hands were crossed over your chest and you were very peaceful. You needed what comforted you most, prayer.
Below are the words taken from the last card your brothers and sisters mailed to you on the day you passed onto eternal life. Your brother-in-law Allen found this card and the words truly speak of you. The card reads:
“For Someone Special with Faith and Prayers”
Dear brother Peter,
“The special faith you live by
has always meant so much
Because you give your gift of faith
to every life you touch –
And those who’ve seen God’s faithfulness
at work in all you do
Are trusting Him today
to work His gentleness in you –
To comfort you, to cheer you,
and to grant this special prayer –
May the Father keep you always
in His tender, loving care.”
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1”
We also wrote in the card to you:
“Thank you, Peter, for being such a wonderful example to all of us. You are a faithful servant of God, and you have touched our hearts and our souls forever. May God’s blessings shine upon you and keep you in His loving care.”
The next afternoon, Saturday, our brother John called to tell us that your time was near. Allen and I were on the west side of Cleveland and drove by the house where our dear parents used to live. I noticed people going into the nearby church, St. Francis DeSalles, a little after 4:00 pm. We decided to go to there for 4:30 Mass and light a candle and pray for you. On one side of the church I lit a large candle by the Sacred Heart of Jesus and asked Him to embrace you and hold you close to His heart. On the other side of the church I lit another candle by the Pieta the Blessed Mother holding Christ in her arms after He was taken down from the Cross. I looked at the face of Jesus and thought of your devotion to Him. I went back to other side where we used to sit with Mom. The first few pews were taken, but third one was empty. Early on during Mass, the sun was shining into the church. I noticed above and centered to our pew there was a large stained glass window. As I raised my head to look at it, the first thing I saw in the lower portion of the stained glass was your name “PETER” and that surprised me. I leaned closer to be sure of what I saw, and there it was– “PETER”– and in front of that “SAINT.” It was a very touching moment, and I felt it was telling us you would be in a very special place. A short time later during Mass, Allen touched my arm and looked up at the window. We could no longer see your name “PETER” as the sun had gone down and its rays of light no longer shone through the beautiful stained glass. It was as if we were meant to be in that spot in that brief time before the sun went down. After Mass the priest told us that each stained glass window in the church depicted a Pope and that the first one was of Saint Peter, the first Pope of the Catholic Church. It was later that evening that you passed onto eternal peace.
Peter, you were showered with many prayers and cards from your family, relatives and dear friends. God blessed you with a loving family who cared for you during your illness and surrounded you with love. Our nieces and nephews in Seattle were with you on that last day, and our dear sisters Barbara and Maria in Seattle and your brother John from Boston were at your side as you took your last breath and peacefully passed onto eternal rest.
But most of all, Peter, we are blessed to have you for our brother. When we first learned that you were in the hospital and our sister Maria asked what was wrong, you told her not to be concerned but to think of spiritual things. You never wanted to burden us or anyone with any problems or difficulties you encountered. Your faith was expressed in the way you lived, and it brought you closer to our Heavenly Father. Thank you for the beautiful Mass cards, for all your prayers, and for being such a good brother.
We miss you and love you dearly,
Your sister Theresa and “brother” Allen
I was truely saddened to learn of Peter’s passing after just returning from my own mother’s funeral. Pete, old buddy, I sure hope that what you’ve found at the end of your journey is exactly as you always believed.
I knew Peter for 20 years. He was my wife’s uncle.
In 20 years I never saw him angry or short-tempered. He always treated my wife and children very well.
Whenever we had family gatherings, we always counted on Peter for sausages from Hans Deli in Burien. Now we will have to go get our own and think of Peter each time we do.
His life and energies were focused where they belonged, on the Lord.
The world is poorer with his passing, but heaven is richer.
Peter was a friendly coworker and liked to ask questions that challenged us. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13 I think Peter did that.
I remember Peter when I was newer in City Light. Most of the time He wouldn’t talk to me or say Hi in the mornings. It was hard for me being a new comer and because we are just seated opposite each other. But that was before knowing I am also Catholic. We became very good friends. I always offer him to visit my Country, the Philippines. Our favorite time in the office is the morning break, where we discuss our religion a lot. There are times when I would tease him, I would talk about “for the boy’s only jokes” and he would run away.
I will miss Peter a lot! May God rest his soul.
Peter was a good person. He asked me many complex engineering questions over the last 22 years working with him. He was inquisitive and always wanted to learn. He was a quiet and a very religious man. He worked hard and got power to our customers in Seattle. On his 65th birthday, he walked into the office with a birthday cake for himself. He said, “This is for you guys. It’s my birthday.”
I will miss Peter and I know that God has him safe in heaven.
My sincere condolences to Peter’s family.
Peter was always so appreciative whenever I brought him any of my baked goodies–it made it a treat to bring him something he especially enjoyed–like my tassies. I had just been thinking of him and planning to bake him some when he returned. Sadly, that was not to be. What was endearing about him was he would share special treats with me that he got when he went back “home”. It’s comforting to know he really is “home” now. God Bless his soul.
I love them that love me; & those that seek me early shall find me~Proverbs 8:17
Peter will be missed. May God Bless the family.
Mary L. Flynn
I will miss Peter’s boyish grin and his soft spoken way.
He will be missed!
I am sorry for your family’s loss of Peter. As a coworker, I appreciated his willingness to create solutions to problems.
I will always remember that I was talking with him when the earthquake happened and we both dodged under his desk.
He was a good hearted person
and he will be missed.
warm regards,
Joyce Miceli
My condolences to Peter’s family and friends. I had worked with Peter for over 5 years at Seattle City Light and will remember Peter for his unique personality that showed a very caring side of him as an individual.
I know he is in a better place, and with Peter’s strong faith in our Lord, he’s smiling with our past popes.
God Bless!
You will be missed Peter and I sure wish I knew more about your illness. Seattle City Light will not be the same without you and I hope and pray that I will again see you in the presence of the Lord one day.
You’ve been a dedicated employee at Seattle City Light. You will be missed not only by your co-workers, but by your customers as well.
Well Peter, it snowed real hard after you passed. You really did it this time! You went to that “Big Place” we all want to go to when our time draws near. And you did it with only God as your companion. A perfect choice. While you were laying in that hospital like Ali Mcgraw in “Love Story” Leukemia and all I asked your sister Maria to tell you to “Save me a spot!” Afterall, we are all going in that direction anyway, from the moment we are born. But you Peter, you did it in your usual quiet and reclusive way. Secrets, hmmmmmm. I have a funny feeling you knew about this secret for sometime. Especially when you had that sudden outburst of laughter on your final ride to the hospital. Somehow now, that moment seems so relevent. Just think, you were the 1st among your siblings to forge the way. Maria thought she would be 1st I’ve heard Heaven is a good place to rest your soul after an illness or elderly life. I hope I am worthy enough to join you there. It’s been nice knowing you. Maria’s friend Georgee PS: I told Maria if I was not already married I would of married you. You were a good man.
My life has been blessed in sharing many years with Peter. He is not forgotten.
My love to his wonderful family.