Preston Allen Hopkins
June 22, 1990 - August 30, 2008

June 22, 1990 - August 30, 2008
“I can't think of anything more that could have been done at a time when I needed help and care.”
Jean P. Seattle
“We received outstanding service, from front desk to funeral director to family service and beyond.”
Deborah M. SeaTac
“The staff went out of their way to show us kindness and helped with several additional needs.”
Norma N. Auburn
“The staff was prompt, courteous, helpful, and most of all, caring.”
Leslie W. Tacoma
“They really care for people and go out of their way to make things easier.”
Kathleen S. Federal Way
“The funeral home is a nice, warm and inviting place. Thank you for your kindness in our loss.”
Deborah N. Burien
“We are so pleased with Bonney Watson. They were very professional in every way.”
Anita H. Normandy Park
I miss you so much !!
I wish you were here so I can talk to you or just look at you . I don’t know what else I can say . It’s just to hard to write something when I know theirs nothing I can do to see you again . I love you Preston &always will .
Happy Birthday Preston! I miss you so much. I wish you were still here. Alot of people told me it would get easier over time but really it didnt. I still feelthe same numbing feeling I have alwyas felt I still wait for your call. I love you an miss you so so so much. But I accept that your in a better place and looking down on all of us. Happy birthday P!
Beautiful sunny days like this always remind me of you. I can picture you on your bike cruising around and your smile. I miss you so much. Everytime I think about you I cant help but smile but at the same time its as if someone stab me threw my heart with a knife. I would give anything to see you again.I miss you more than I have ever missed anybody in my life. I just dont understand you know why you. Why did he take you. I need you Preston. My life isnt and never will be the same because you are such a big part of it and always have been. I remember when I Moved to Nebraska we talked like 10 times a day. Now i dont even get to talk to you once. I miss you and I love you.
I love you evryone does we all miss you and love you very much.
love daisy
Ican’t belive it’s been 2 years.We miss you daily. Thanks for being you,still backing me up when I need a little extra stength. Your voice rings calm but clear.You know what I mean? Jellybean? Love always Dad.
triming trees and thinking of You. love always Dad.
Dear Preston
The Anniversary of your passing is coming up. I think of you always everyday of the year. I remember the times you made me laugh and your handsome face. I picture you in the chair in the living room and imagine you coming in my room asking me to wash your shirts. I can still see you here. You made everything fun. I will always miss you and think of you everyday.
Man I miss you soo much. This is one of the hardest parts of the year, what should be a fun happy time in your life is now a sad hurtful time in mine. Your birthday is coming up. I wish soo bad that you were here so we could throw one of those bbq that never turn out how we want them to but we have fun anyways. I guess i just really wish that u were here period. Preston i miss you. It still hurts just as bad as the second i found out you were gone. it still seems so unreal im still waiting for you to call me to hang out. why did it have to be you. i should have been with u that night preston im sorry i wasnt i really am. i find myself talking to you all the time and just wait for you to answer me but you dont. im so sorry preston. i love you so much i miss you both. i hope neither one of you forget about me cuz i will never forget you guys.
happy bday.
I know people will forget but I will never forget . I won’t let them forget Larry either.
Jessie if your seeing this please know this is Prestons Mom and he so loved and respected you. So loved that your mom took him into your family. He talked of you all always. Thanks for letting him be a part of your family. I so miss him.
I’m lost without you P! I’m not gonna lie, i still can’t believe you’re visit me in my dreams though, so i know you’re okay. i found a picture of us when we were in 4th/5th grade, riding 4wheelers and motorcycles! those were the good days! I Miss and Love you!! so much! <3 Haley.
I love you Preston and miss you every day!
Your sister Daisy
Preston , remember me ?!
i hope you do . i miss you so much .
your like my best friend . every time something happens i run to you .
HAPPY LATE 19 BIRTHDAY !! i didn’t have the guts to go to your grave plot . sorry only been their like once after your funeral . i cant do it , makes me so sad . but i know you hear me pray to you every night , hopefully you do .
remeber when you turned 16 & i bought you that chocolate birthday cake and Vanessa droped it ? ugh , i was so mad ! & your facial reaction was like WTH because you didn’t get a slice to eat yet . ahaha . your face was priceless ! ahaha .
i miss you Preston a whole lot . remember me when i see you again . you know even when you made me so mad when we were together , you brightened my day . i want you back so you can do that again . i love you & always will .
Preston I started thinking about you and then i started crying..when something happens in my life i want to pick up the phone and call and tell you about it but i cant do that no more. I still hurt so bad and im sorry cuz i know thats not what you want. I just miss you so damn much. Id give anything to have you back. there is a big whole in my life now that you gone that will never ever be filled. I just dont understand why he had to take you. You were so good you didnt deserve that. It should have been me not you. I need you preston i really do. i still cry all the time. Im sorry i dont go see you much but its just to hard to youlike that. i miss you so much. i love you preston ireally do.
im far beyond thankful for the time we spent together. i think about you every single day and it still isnt easy. i miss you so much that it drives me crazy! i still cant believe this!! i wish this didnt have to happen to you. and i wish i could just hear your voice again. youve changed my whole life and it took me a while to realize it. you mean so much to me, and there will never be anyone like you…no one will EVER replace mr. preston allen hopkins<3
i love and miss you more and more every day!
you’ll be 19 this month. June 22.
My boy. you were always my boy. I can’t stand how much I miss you.
Happy Birthday Preston.
Hey P, we sent your family some pictures and videos….my God how we were blessed with your presents while you were here. We miss you so very much, but I feel you in my heart. Each time I see an Eagle, Wolf, or Elk I think “there goes P doing his thing”…
We thought of you today
But that is nothing new
We thought of you
yesterday and
will tomorrow,too
We think of you in silence
and make no outward show
for what it meant
to loose you
Only those who
love you know
Remembering you is easy
we do it every day
Its the the heartache
of loosing you
that will never go away
Memories are treasures
no one can steal
Death is a heartache
nothing can heal
some may forget you
now that your gone
but we will remember
no matter how long.
Your Mom and Vince
P.S. I love you Preston and so miss you. I’ve always been so proud of you.
hey preston; i havent talked to you in so long; i member our funny times at larrys hahah you and piseth so called helped meh and kimmmy try to get some cars hahah and i asked you to help larry for me on my tatoos; hahah good times; member when we went to that garden; and we was ALLL so paranoid hahah and we like played hide n seek but with out you and larry knowin; hahha goood times; i miss yu and larry; and youll never be forgottten; ill see you and larry soon; wait for us; we all love you and miss you guys;
your non smart car trier jacker friend; love you guys…
Preston , let me start off saying that i Super miss you ! I remember when i First found out , i was in shock . It took me a minute to take it in , i sat there and searched everywhere on the internet to Find an Article . When i found it , i read it and broke down . But you knew that right ? You’re up there watching over me . I remember the first time i met you , You was with my Brother Vanrith . He told me that he was coming with someone that i didn’t know . And later we went to play pool and then went to eat at Dennys : Yummy , Remeber you didn’t wanna eat any cheese cake with us , but then you changed your mind because i was willing to feed you . Hahas , i miss you ! I miss a lot of things about you , You gave me so much Strength , but you know that . You Helped boost my self esteem . I still cry til’ this day . and When Vanrith told me the story of what happened , i broke down harder then i ever have before . I miss you Preston , You’ll always be my favorite WhiteBoy : Always and forever .
P.S ;
You know everytime i’m gonna do something bad , i always Pray to you and Larry and Ask you guys to Watch over me and Guide me to the right paths :
It’s not “good-bye” , It’s see you later :
Hey dude it’s vanrith here. Sorry it took a long time for me to get here and write to you, but im here now. So we had some really good times laughing constantly playing pool for ten hours straight, driving around and racing our cars haha. Fun times dude i remember you always talked like you was the best at harveys, that was hilarious getting alex mad. Hey we were the best around so that was no lie. I remember you showed me your bike and you let me ride it then you said “your the only one who rode it” thats pretty cool. overall i can sit here a talk about the old times for days but i’ll let our memories stay with us, remember when we see each other again we’ll play our favorite sport.
Hey Preston,
Aunt Shawn & Uncle Pat here. I just want to say how much we love and miss you. You are such a shinning light in this family, one that will never be dimmed. I will always treasure all the memories, that I have of you and keep them near and dear to my heart. I know that you are in good hands up there Tell Grandma hi I know you two are getting acquinted, and that We will all be together again one day. Keep good watch over your Mom she needs you and misses you so much as do Missaa and all of us left behind. Don’t you worry about any of use though we will take good care of each other. If there is one thing we can take out of your passing is to keep each other close, love forgive, and never judge one another. Preston my Man you are one of a kind you made us all proud of the Man you grew up to be. You inspired, and gave so much in your short life to so many people especially to your family. Love you, love you, love you.
Shawnee and Pat
Annie Vince and family, Preston was a wonderful young man and we will cherish all the times we were with him and you guys. It hard to say rejoice but he is with God and the angels and thats for eternity. Some day we will all get to see him again and see his wonderful smile. Keep living on for him and let us know if we can do anything.. We love you and your family so much!!!
i miss you!
“im your favorite”. remeber when i said that to you and you would always reply back, “yes babe your my one and only”. i swear i can’t believe your not here, it’s like a dream. but it’s not. I HATE IT!
Somaly, Girl Friend
miss ya presto
I am sorry for your loss. I still cant believe it….
he was a GREAT kid we miss him
Man i misss him! remember when i first met him he was looking for piseth and my mom tho he was an ghost. = good times hahahaha u still own me 5 dollars = i play but i love and miss u
It’s always hard to see our loved ones leave here. Preston you always are and always will be my lil cousin. I love you to death bro and i won’t say bye cause i know i’ll see oyu when i die bro. Keep us in your thoughts because you will always be in ours. See you when I get there…….p.s. look after Liss bro she needs you badly…love ya man see ya later…..
Preston, i miss you like a lot!
you’ll always be in my heart and my memories. i know you’ll be okay, my mom will take care of you.
Miss You P.
Your cousin Haley.
Preston words cant express how much i miss you and love you or how much you mean to me..there isnt a minute that goes by that you arent on my mind..when i lost you i lost a big part of my heart..theres a hole and an emptiness inside me that will never be filled..i dream of you all the time and i cry and cry..i keep wishing that you would call me and be like syke..but i know now that isnt gonna happen…i miss you so muych preston..ill never forget for as long as i live..i go and visit you all the time but you should know that..ill make sure you always have flowers and a coke cousin i promise..please look out for all us i know you will..tell larry i said wassup and i love him too..stay with me preston dont leave my side i need you…
I loved Preston as if he was one of my own, as I did with all my sister’s children. I was very fortunate to have had a real close connection with Preston and to remember all the laughs and memories I have of him. I am going to miss his beautiful simle and him very much. Preston you are loved and missed so very much. You are and will always be in my prayers
your Aunt Molly
Andrea, Vince, Charlie & Daisy –
We all loved Preston very much. He will never be forgotten. Preston’s smile and gentle nature are gifts we will always treasure. Preston is now our angel. As a family we feel blessed to have had Preston in our lives.
When tomorrow starts without me
And I’m not here to see
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
All filled with tears for me.
I wish so much you wouldn’t cry the way that you did today.
While thinking of the many things I didn’t get to say.
I know how much you love me, as much as I love you.
And each time that you think of me I know you’ll miss me too.
But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand.
That an angel came and called me name and took me by the hand.
And said my place was ready in heaven far above.
And I would have to leave behind all those I dearly love.
But as I turned to walk away a tear fell from my eye.
For all my life I had always thought,
I didn’t want to die.
I had so much to live for and so much left to do.
It seemed almost impossible that I was leaving you.
I thought of all the yesterdays. The good ones and the bad.
I thought of tall the time we shared and all the fun we had.
If I could re-live that day,
Just even for awhile.
Id say goodbye and kiss your lips and maybe see you smile.
So when tomorrow starts without me.
Don’t think were far apart.
For every time you think of me,
I’m right here in your heart!! <3
Oh Andy, I am so sorry that this has happened. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. If you need me please call me.
Hi Auntie Im so sorry for your loss.Im sorry I didnt have the chance to get to know Preston better. I hope under the circumstances that you and everyone else are doing well. Please keep in touch! I love you all very much, and will stay in my prayers.
Keep your head up,
Amber Nicole
Aunt Andy and family. I was so sorry to hear about Preston. I’m thinking about all of you and I will get out to see you again soon. If you need anything please let me know.
I’m not sure what to say. But I love you and miss you. I wish I could talk to you again.
hi p I miss you and love you I wish you chould come back some how to say goodbye
Preston I miss you so very much. I wish I could just hangout with you and laugh and talk memories and just hangout like we use to. I wish i could hug you one last time and see you smile, I know your watching over us because I still feel the strong connection we’ve always had. I want you to know you are more than a cousin to me you are a brother and my best friend. You’ll always be in my heart and on my mind, its crazy the things that remind me of you everywhere I look theres a memory and a story. Most of the time I just sit back and smile/cry and think of the past. There will always be a big piece of me missing until that day finally comes where I get to see you again. Though the pain still hurts from your loss I am grateful that your in a better place and in peace, Our family slowly but surely coming back together and I know that makes you. happy. I will continue talking to you. look over everyone for me. and Itll Larry hi and i miss him too and I love you guys.
I love you so much Preston , I wish you were still here .
I miss you .
Its almost your birthday !
Remember when you turned 17 & I bought you a cake and Vanessa dropped it ? I was so mad that you and Larry didn’t get a piece that I cried ! Haha . But you told me it was fine because other than the cake spilling you had a good day . You gave me so many great memories , I wish you were here so we can make more memories together . I miss you so much Preston , I’m always thinking about you . My heart aches when i know I can’t see you or hear your voice . But everyone says your in a better place , i hope that’s true because I wish you were here instead . But wherever you are I hope they have a ton of Coca Cola , haha .
I love you Preston .
Happy Birthday Preston !
I love you & I wish you were here so we could celebrate . & I hope your having a good time whatever your doing , im sure you are .
I love and miss you .
Happy Birthday !
Happy birthday Preston. I miss you more and more as time passes. I would give anything to see you again. I miss all the stuff we use to do and the stuff we use to talk about. We would be up until morning talking about everything. I didn’t just lose my cousin I lost my best friend. No body could ever take your place. We should be bbqing right now and thinking of ways to pick on Larry. We should be headed off on one of our adventures that usually got I’d into trouble. Your my rock P, no matter what we were going threw in our lives we always had each other and could snap each other out of whatever it was. I always knew no matter who turnedtheir back on me that I always could count on you. You were there for me threw everything and always kept me going when all I wanted to do was give up. I appreciate you so much. I wish you were still here Preston. My life will never be the same now that your gone. Rest in peace baby boy I can’t thing of anyone that deserves to more than you. I love you and miss you with all my heart. Happy birthday
I love you, P.
Happy Birthday. Miss you bunches!!
Wish you were here.
I love you Preston . Miss you so much !
thinking of you!
It doesn’t seem like it’s been so long.
Miss you much and keep resting in peace.
Well Hello Pres,
I was just sitting here at work and started thinking about you, Haven’t posted anything since your passing, but your always there in my head. Can’t believe it has been five years, you are dearly missed. Always in our hearts and minds. Love you, hugs