Rebekka Anneliese Roether
August 29, 1988 - October 27, 2007

Rebekka Anneliese Roether, age 19, passed away peacefully at her home on October 27, 2007. Rebekka is survived by her mother, Lynda and her father Mike Roether; sister Jessica; grandparents, Douglas and Joyce Roether and Barbara Nell Dawson and James Lucas; Aunt Debie Rankin and cousins Kathleen and Andrew; Uncle Bob and Aunt Terri Lamb and cousins Paige, Rocky, and Alexandra; Uncle Gordon and Aunt Jamie Kenny and cousins Taylor and Katie. Bekka is a wonder. She was filled with laughter and endless hugs. She was gifted with an ear for music and when she played her flute, her listeners were transported to an enchanting new place. Her sweet spirit continues to envelope those who love her.
A celebration of her life will be held on Saturday, November 3rd, 2007 at 12:30 pm BONNEY-WATSON Federal Way, 1535 SW Dash Point Road, Federal Way, WA 253 839-7317. The family prefers memorial contributions be made to the Stadium High School Band, 111 North E Street, Tacoma, WA 98403.
We are praying for you all. Rebecca was a special part of our neighborhood. We always enjoyed her visits over to our Cul de Sac. We are so sad to learn about this and we are so sorry we missed the Celebration of Life service. May you experience the comfort of God at this time. In His great love, the Ballingers
I didn’t know Bekka, but after the memorial a week ago…I know I missed out. What a blessing her life was to all she knew. Words are so inadequate at a time like this.Love&prayers for you all.
Mike and Family
Our families hearts and prayers go out to you. I can’t even imagine the loss of a child. Think happy thoughts and always remember there are angels in heaven and your daughter is now one of them, when you look up know that she is looking down on you with a smile. Take good care of yourself and your family.
Jeff and Julie Bos
Mike, Lynda, Jessica, Doug, Joyce and Debbie,
Our thoughts are with you.
Rebekka, God bless you.
To the Roether Family,
We share your grief and hope that the support of friends and family will help you through this very difficult time. We will miss Bekka.
I will always remember the good times that we had when our families would visit each other. You will never be forgotten.
So last night WROTE THIS OCT 28TH i found out one of my best friends has died friday night in their sleep.
When i found this out it killed me inside there is a big black empty hole left unfilled inside. what makes me more upset is the fact this hasnt been a good year all my closes friends have been dying left and right this isnt what life is suppose to be like is it? how do you deal?
Bekka i will always remember you!! You were so beautiful,outgoing, and you made EVERYONE smile! i dont know where i would be today if it wasnt for you!! Bekka you will always be in my heart, we were going to hangout this week to for halloween or the weekend but i guess i will hangout with you and my other friends when i get up there. Your in a better place watch over us!!
man reading that above killed the hell out of me especially the dont be sad for my absence how’d she know something was going to happen?
bekka i love you!! you are never forgotton rest in peace my best friend. i love you. its not goodbye its see you later =
“Love is stronger than death even though it can’t stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can’t separate people from love. It can’t take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.”
Rebekka. You will be sorely missed. You were a joy. Even though we fell apart in later years…you were one of the last people I saw before I left.
So much I wish I would have said. Would have done. I hate being on the other side of the world. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to your funeral.
You were amazing. And I will carry the memory of you wherever I go.
You were such a talented musician and wonderful person. Truly the world grieves for the loss.
All my love Rebekka until I see you again one day.
You were one of my best friends in my freshmen year. You were there for me if I ever needed you and there were a few times when i did and you were there. I will always remember you and how much of a friend you were to me even though i was a freshmen in high school and you were a seinor. I have cried for you, laughed for you, and prayed for you. I remember after school hanging out with you and Brittany and Katie, at the Harvester or the Park haveing a great time. I saw you one last time on the thursday befor you died and I didn’t say hi or anything. I know I should have came up and gave you a giant hug but i didn’t and im regretting.
Bekka i will always remember you and miss you and also love you the way i did, a true friend
Bekka was a treasured student in the Meeker bands. Her creativity in both music and art helped her to express the depth of emotion that drove her. She was always completely engaged in sharing through the arts, loyal, empathetic and full of love. I am striken by the news that she has passed from our meager human existence, and will hold her and the family in my prayers.
People come into your life and leave you with sweet memories. May these memories you hold deep in your heart help to comfort you. May Bekka’s young spirit light up your hearts forever. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
I remeber 3rd grade when I had to ride the bus to school… I’d always walk to your house first and get you… it was the stupidest 20 second walk I ever had to make… but I made it. I remeber 7th grade when we went Trick Or Treating with Alysa… I remeber 9th grade Science and Mrs. Dower calling us all “Idiots” I remebered how we laughed about it.
Peace and Love My Dear. Peace and Love.
When i first really met you last year… i was happy i met you… I remember all the jokes we had at the lunch table together.. and i especially remember when everyone left to go do something and me and you were at the lunch table by ourselves and we talked about you and tom, this was the time you guys had broken up and i remember you breaking down talking about it him.. and i sat there and let you cry on my shoulder while i cried with you… I remember the jokes we had together and the laughs… i remember when you and tom got back together and you were the happiest girl on earth.. you had a smile that went from ear to ear.. and that was the only thing you talked about for awhile….. i remember it all.. I remember when i could talk to you about anything you were like my older sister, who i trusted and could talk to about anything. I remember when it was your graduation you were so happy that you were finally graduating and you could start your life in the real world but at the same time you were scared and upset that you had to leave tom and all the friends you made in the underclassmen grades. This year i was happy to see you again i remember the first time i seen you for this year we ran to eachother and gave the biggest hug ever.. i miss that bekka… THe last memory i had with you was the friday before you passed away.. when i was walking out of the building and seeing you waiting for tom and mr. mackenize hassling you for being on campus before the bell rang.. and me and you said there and talked and we were planning that we would hang out that up coming weekend… And then the school bell rang, and you grabbed me gave me the biggest hug and said :” Taylor i love you no matter what and i cant wait to hangout finally and then she gave me a kiss on my forehead and then we went our seperate ways… it has been hard to walk into that courtyard cause the memories just come back.. so i try every way around to going to the court yard now.. but its hard.. i just want to say i love you girl … r.i.p and everyone will miss you…. keep watching down on us…. miss you babe.. i am sorry for your loss… we will all pull through this together that is what she would want… bekka.. watch over all of us.. through these hard times.. we love you… thank you for everything..
love you hun
Hey. I didn’t know you for very long, but taking French with you was awesome. Remember when you were like a chipmunk when you got your Wisdom Teeth out? I never expected for you to pass away so soon, but I hope you’re truly happy now. Can’t wait to play your song at the concert. Bye Bekka.
“Do u ever recall the day we first met? Our first hello? The day we became friends? Well, yes I do, I will always remember for that day, you’ll be the best gift I’ll be keeping forever.” unknown
“Roads are sometimes rough or smooth. Fast or slow, winding or straight. Some would rather forget the road. But one road I will always remember is the one where I met u, my friend. Thank God for the detour.” unknown
I cannot even begin to tell you how I feel. I just wish I could have got the chance to say good-bye, but I didn’t and thats what I am trying to. I am gonna miss the way you brought me up when I was down and the way you light up a room with your bright smile. I am going to miss everything about you.
Just remember I love you and you are never gonna be forgotten!
Dear Bekka’s Family,
We are so sorry to hear of your loss. Bekka was a beautiful, caring and talented young woman. The world is a sadder place without her, however, heaven is brighter. Our prayers are with you in your time of grief. Love, Jori and Zach Reames
Bekka, you were one of the best friends I ever had. I still can’t believe you’re gone. Rest in Peace.
See you on the other side
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My family and I will keep you in our prays.
I did not know Rebekka, but I have known her Grandmother, Joyce, for many years..I would like to express my condolences to Joyce and all her family.
I thank God for Rebbeka. She was loved and will be missed. My hope lies in knowing I will see her again in Heavan. May God comfort and encourage Mike, Lynda and Jessica and all her family during this dificult time.
I will never forget the first time I met you. Jessica and I came to see you when you were only an hour old. We each immediately bonded, and we remained that way the rest of your young life. I was very fortunate in being able to babysit. You were such a beautiful baby, and you had a happy smile and a sweet personality towards everyone. I enjoyed meeting your little friends and your neighbor friends. You played so happily outside on your sidewalk, either riding your bike, skateboarding, or just making up games. I loved hearing the laughter and giggles among you. My friends that have gotten to meet you have spent countless telephone calls, and sent many cards expressing their sentiments. You have a way in touching everyone you meet. I remember when we would go to Coulon Park. You loved the red wing blackbirds, and you ran after them, with your little long legs, and your long flowing sunburst blond hair. People would stop by us, smiling and staring at you, because you were like a breath of fresh air. You loved learning to skip rocks, squealing and counting the ripples made by the smooth rocks in the water. We had many picnics at the Aqua Barn, because we liked to watch people riding horses. One time when we were ready to go to the play area, you could not find your other shoe. There were water puddles all around, and you asked me if I could fix you something. I took a plastic sandwich bag, and a rubberband, and put it on your foot. You jumped out of the van, and ran to the swings. We were singing little songs, and noticed another little girl watching you swing. She finally came out, and asked why you had the plastic bag on your foot, and you told her it was a pretend shoe, because you lost your other shoe. She ran back into her house, and immediately came back outside with a pretend shoe on her foot. I began pushing both of you on the swings, and we had a pretty good chorus going. I realized how you always left a legacy with everyone you ever met. Everyone was your friend, and you wondered why every one else wasn’t this way. I know you are in Heaven at this moment. I am thankful your mom taught you about Jesus, and you knew and had God in your heart. One time when I was worrying about your driving by yourself, you told me not to, because you and your mom always prayed before you left in the car. I am now hearing beautiful music you are making with the other angels while you are playing in Heaven’s concert band and chorus. I will love you forever and ever, my beautiful angel, and you will never leave my heart and mind. xoxoxoxoxoxoxox Gramma Barb
You were always full of laughter and happiness, a trait I will sorely miss. I’ll miss the fun times we had together. You were one of the most deservnig of life people I have ever met.
I’m sorry that we didn’t know each other all that well. Sadly now we will never have the chance. Thank you for the few moments we had together.
I hope that we meet again someday.
Its hard to believe that she is gone. She had such a huge impact on not just my life but those who she was around. Whether she knew it or not, in a way, she was like a role model for me, I looked up to her. She had the ability to make people laugh and the ability to cheer people up when they were down. She will be so greatly missed by those who were touched by her sweetness and her kindness. I wish I would have had the chance to be able have seen her one more time. Right now, I know that she is in a better place and looking down and watching over us. To her family, I hope that you will truely be comforted at this time, and am truely sorry for you loss but I am sure that she will always watch over you to let you know that she cares about you so much. Bekka, you will be truely missed by all those who loved you and cared about you so much including me. May you rest in peace.
Its hard to believe that she is gone. She had such a huge impact on not just my life but those who she was around. Whether she knew it or not, in a way, she was like a role model for me, I looked up to her. She had the ability to make people laugh and the ability to cheer people up when they were down. She will be so greatly missed by those who were touched by her sweetness and her kindness. I wish I would have had the chance to be able have seen her one more time. Right now, I know that she is in a better place and looking down and watching over us. To her family, I hope that you will truely be comforted at this time, and am truely sorry for you loss but I am sure that she will always watch over you to let you know that she cares about you so much. Bekka, you will be truely missed by all those who loved you and cared about you so much including me. May you rest in peace.
I wish I would of had the pleasure of knowing Rebekka from all the wonderful things that people have said, she will be truly missed. My heart goes out to all whose lives she has touched. Please know that my prayers and thoughts are with you during this difficult time.
I am very sorry to hear this sad news. We have never met, but are part of the Lucas family. My father was Vince Lucas, son of Barbera Lucas and Uncle to John Lucas. You are in our prayers. May God Bless.
Dear Lynda and family — I was deeply saddened to hear of our family’s loss of Bekka. I am so sorry this precious gift has been taken from you – her physical presence, but not her spirit. I never had the priviledge of hearing her play the flute, but it must have been an exceptional experience. I hope you take some comfort knowing she is in heaven and surrounded by the loved ones who now get to enjoy your beautiful child. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Aunt Barb.
All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Elaine
Dear Family,
My heart is filled with sadness for your loss. I had the pleasure of meeting your Rabekka back in her 8th grade. I took Rebekka,my daughter Brandie and some other young ladies out for Halloween. Rebekka was a delight. She walked with me and we had great conversation. She made me laugh! Our Love and prayers go out to you. May God Bless you in your time of grief.
Rebekka will be in my prayers. I never met Rebekka but my condolences to her parents i can not imagine losing a child
Bob Atwater son of Margaret Lucas Atwater
Although we did not know Becca, we share the sorrow of those who did. For each of family and others who knew and loved her, we are praying for God’s comfort and encouragement.
Dear Bekka’s Family,
We are sorry to hear about your loss of Bekka. Please know, that even though we have never met, you are in our thoughts at this difficult time.
I am so glad I started working at Point Defiance Village or I would have never met Bekka. She was amazing person and we will always love her. She was one of the few people who really get me. See you later Bekka. <3
You touched the life of so many people of which I am fortunate to be one.
Your heartfelt hugs were strong and memorable.
I shall not forget you.
Dear Bekka –
You will remain in the heart of our son Tom, whose good friend and love you have been.
Thank you for taking good care of Tom for us, and for telling us often that you loved him. You were often in our home, fell right in step with the busy household, and always smiled when I apologized for the house being a wreck – you were just glad to be there, and we will miss you so very much.
May it help your extended family to know that many, many people grieve this loss of your bright presence, and that we are praying for you all.
Thank you, Bekka, with love and fond remembrance.
I am very sorry for the family’s loss. Bekka was such a great girl, and I really am lucky to have met her. She made French class much more fun while she sat across from me last year; she always knew how to make me laugh! Bekka was the most unique person I have ever met, and beautiful inside and out. She was an amazing friend to me, and I miss her so much! You are all in my prayers.
Becca Cleary
Every time I look around the room, I see you. Every time I close my eyes to fall asleep, I see you.
I often find myself wondering id this isn’t some kind of cruel joke on everyone, that you are actually still alive. I keep hoping that maybe I’ll wake up one morning and find that everything was just a horrid dream, something my mind concocted in my sleep. And yet, I know what I am feeling and experiencing is completely real.
I doubt you ever knew how fond of you I was, and still am. Every hug, every “I love you”, every moment I ever spent with you will be cherished for the rest of my life. I’ll always treasure those days at lunch we spent together… those were the good times.
I’m sorry I never called, or texted, or really anything for that matter… I realize now that I never should have taken your friendship for granted, stupidly assuming that you would be around forever.
I love you, Bekka, forever and a day babe…
I was so shocked and devistated to hear about your passing. I remember being your accompanist for a couple of solo/enxemble contests. I always loved your spirit, you were an amazing girl. I remember how nervous you always were – and how we talked about working through that. I remembering walking around with you – and hearing about school. You were always so open and friendly. I am very glad I got to meet you. You will be sorely missed.
I am so sorry to hear about Rebakka – my thoughts are prayers are with you and your family during this time.
So sorry to receive this sad news, please know you are all in our thoughts and prayers.
You were an amazing friend and have a place in my heart. I will remember the great times we’ve had and will miss you very much.
bekka you were so loved! brett lost his best friend and our 2nd daughter. we will cherish all the memories of you. we were truly blessed to know and love you. the angels will watch over you until we meet again. love leslie , bill and brett
Bekka, you are such a sweetheart, i miss your hugs…they were the best =…i still cant believe its true…but i find comfort in knowing that you are with our father…you are at home…and i will see you again…i think about you everyday…you are one amazing person, and i hope you realize how truly loved you are
Bekka I Loved you so much, you were my best friend and I thank God for every minute you brought joy into my life. We had some pretty special memories, especially with Gavin, I couldn’t have asked for a better friend.
Our connection ran deep just like you and Adrianna. You were definitely the glue that stuck me and Adrianna together and I promise I will be a friend to her like you were, at least to the best of my abilities.
Thank you so much for being the joy that you were. I know that you are being taken care of now and I hope that you can be patient enough to wait for me as well. Anyone who knew you knew how specil you were and I hope that I can be there for those who have lost you to the same extent you were there.
You were the most loyal of friends and you had everyone’s back. You were truely amazing. Thank you Bekka and thank you God for bringing her into our lives.
We never had the opportunity to meet Bekka. We do feel like we sensed what she was about through her Mom, Aunt Tera, and Aunt Jamie. We can see she left her joyful spirit in many, many hearts. Love, Uncle John and Aunt Edna
My dearest Rebekka…
Bekka, I can’t even begin to explain the happiness I’ve felt these past months. You’ve made them the happiest of my life and it’s just not fair.
You didn’t deserve to go so young but the good lord needed you and he took you back home. You know you’ll be in my heart, no matter what anyone says. From this day on, now and forever more.
I love you Bekka baby. Watch over me as i push through these times. I’ll need your help but I know even though you’re not here, your wonderful spirit and smile always will be.
I never thought I’d feel like this, and it’s so strange to be alone. But I know we’ll be together someday, carved in stone.
Godspeed Bekka. You can look forward to the fact that I’ll buy you a Jones soda in about 70 years. Take care now and say hi to Hendrix for me. I love you so much. <333