Ricardo Eugene Wilson
December 28, 1959 - April 1, 2016

SSgt Ricardo E. Wilson received his Final Permanent Change of Station Orders assigning him to Marine Corp Detachment Heaven, effective 1 April 2016. His new assignment is to guard Heaven’s street in accordance with all General Orders and The Marine Corps Hymn.
Rick was born 28 December 1959 in Tacoma, WA and grew up in Seattle. Rick joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1976 and served until 1994. He was a Desert Storm Veteran.
Rick was a true patriot, he was a life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Skyway Post #9430. He served as Post Commander from 1997 to 2000 where he earned All American Commander, and Past District 11 Commander 2000-2001. He was a life member of the Military Order of the Cootie, Pup Tent Lucky 11. He served as Past Grand Commander 2013-2014; and Past Seam Squirrel for Lucky 11 Pup Tent for a number of years. He was a member of the Marine Corps League, a Mason with life membership at Ark Lodge #126 and Thornton F. McElroy Lodge. Rick served as State Service Officer and Post Service Officer – he was proud to be “A Veteran for Veterans”.
Rick leaves behind his beloved wife Maggie, 2 daughters, a son, various grandchildren, his mother, step-dad, sister and brother as well as his many friends and comrades. He will be interred at Tahoma National Cemetery with a Celebration of Life to follow at Skyway VFW Post 9430.
SSGT Wilson has requested that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Semper Fi Fund in his memory. Website address: SemperFiFund.org
Semper Fidelis Marine!
A great leader, needed on another shore.
Miss you, Cootie! You served us all and always put a smile on our faces.
Rest in Peace, You have served your country and community faithfully.
Stand tall Marine Your duty at the Gate of Heaven has just started. Thank you for all you have done for God, Country, and Family. It has been an Honor to know and work with you!
It has been an honor to know such a dedicated veteran who has selflessly served other veterans and our country. Semper Fidelis.
while losing someone is never easy i think we should always treasure the memories we have of that person. even though i did not get to spend a lot of time with rick i know he was good for and good to my sister and that was cool in my book.
Will miss you happy smile and the great hugs. A great loss for all of the ones that you have helped over the years, Have fun your hard work is done.
Riccardo you are a great person. You will be so very much misded. Rest in peace.
rest in peace Rick- have fun hanging out with Claude – you will be missed -Love REB
It would have been nice to have known you were sick, I would have at least had an opportunity to see you or talk to you