Richard Bruce Green

November 25, 1954 - October 6, 2015


Richard Bruce Green

November 25, 1954 – October, 6 2015

Richard peacefully passed away on Tuesday, October 6 after almost four years of battling renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer). In his final days he was surrounded by love from family, friends and a caring hospital staff who, in the short time they knew him, came to appreciate his sense of humor.

He graduated from Mt. Rainier High School in 1973 and attended South Seattle Community College. Starting in high school, it became clear, especially from his report cards, that he was mechanically inclined and had a real passion for cars. He bought his first car in high school and set about rebuilding the engine almost immediately – the car never ran again. Luckily, he learned from his mistakes and built a wealth of knowledge over his lifetime.

The majority of his mechanic career was with King County Metro Transit, where he became relied upon by coworkers as someone who could diagnose almost any issue. He’ll certainly be remembered as a hard worker, a good friend and more than an occasional pain-in-the-ass.

Many family and friends will likely share stories about his exploits, travels (he loved visiting Reno, Las Vegas and Daytona – locations that had car shows, NASCAR races or blues music), stubbornness or thoughtful nature. He wanted his memory kept alive by sharing these stories and recalling the good times.

Richard is survived by his daughter, Teresa Green of Tacoma, WA and significant other, Peggy Birdsong-Green of Pacific, WA.

In lieu of flowers or gifts please consider a donation in Richard’s name to the Kidney Cancer Association. He often lamented there wasn’t enough research about, or support available for, his type of cancer.

He wished to be cremated with no formal services. A gathering of family and friends will be held at the Tacoma Eagles Aerie #3 at 4810 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA on November 15, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Please RSVP to Teresa at 253-576-1790 or Peggy at 253-797-7794.


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Bryan Stites
Bryan Stites
5 years ago

I enjoyed working with Richie as an apprentice where he nicknamed me Mongo. It sadden me to hear of his passing he fought a hell of a battle. Sorry for your loss.

James A. Kuchnsky
James A. Kuchnsky
5 years ago

Rich had the driest and funniest sense of humor of anyone I have met in my 25 years at Metro. He was a magnificent mechanic but more importantly, a stellar human being. I miss him and remember him every time I sit down at the break table.


Bill Thon
Bill Thon
5 years ago

I met Rich while working for Daimler Orion. The BAE reps and I learned very quickly not only to appreciate and count on Rich’s incredible technical skill’s, but his sense of humor, love of music and cars cemented a real great friendship. His willingness to keep working, all while dealing with his illness, and still find pleasure in his work it left me in absolute Awe, I’ll miss you Rich! God’s speed!

Jack Woodworth
Jack Woodworth
5 years ago

I know Rich will be missed deeply in your lives and ours. Yes, a pain in the ass sometimes…however..that was years ago when I sometimes didn’t get his sense of humor, boy what a funny and thoughtful guy. He always was a hard worker and hard, tough monkey when it came to that dreaded cancer stuff…you will be missed ole buddy but I know there are folks above, below or beyond that need your help !

George Stites
George Stites
5 years ago

I hired on with Rich at KCM on 2/9/87. We worked together on a few occasions but Rich would pick any location to stay on dayshift while I spent most of my early years on graveyard.

Even though we ended up in different areas of the mechanic trade I learned for many other mechanics how much Rich was valued as a coworker and top mechanic.

Ricco Tong
Ricco Tong
5 years ago

Rich, your are a good man !

Todd Gibbs
Todd Gibbs
5 years ago

Who can explain the bond of friendship

What words describe the feelings

The care and the guidance

The levity and the jest

The annoyance

The trust

How do we express the sorrow when that friend is lost

He was a mentor

He cared about me

He earned my respect

He was my friend

Tidewater Gibson

shawn and kerry daniels
shawn and kerry daniels
5 years ago

We will miss you Richie. Not only did I learn a lot and enjoy working with Richie, but my wife and I had the privilage of going to a couple of blues shows with him and Peggy. Times we will never forget.

June Harrison
June Harrison
5 years ago

Sure will miss my Richie! So glad we had the opportunity to meet him and Peggy in Reno, for “Hot August Nights”, he loved going there, lots of Classic cars. We even drove around Lake Tahoe too. Las Vegas was another place we met Rich and Peg, where I earned the nickname “Puddles” by Rich. Whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, will leave it at that. Rich was able to make a trip out to Palm Springs also, to take a drive in our 57 Ford Fairlane 500 skyliner. He loved that car, along with his Crown Victoria’s. Love you Rich.

Troy McDowell
Troy McDowell
5 years ago

RIP Richie,you shared the same shop with my Old man for a lot of years.Boy the stories I remember.We had some good years in Daytona too.The first year your seat was far away from ours then eventually right with ours.Beer and Whiskey will be spilled for you in 2016 in our seats buddy.I feel sorry for the guy that has to fill your seat,he better be a Jr fan.miss you Richie Green

Lynn Matteoni
Lynn Matteoni
5 years ago

I will miss you so very much Richie. I remember going to training at Allison Transmission where we first experienced the hybrid EV drive. That was a great trip for me getting to know you and your sense of humor, love of cars and most of all getting to appreciate your mechanical skills. By the time our trip ended you were calling me mother and I called you Son. You were always willing to help me better understand the ‘whys’ when of mechanical functions and I knew I could count on you having answers I needed. What more can be said about such a wonderful strong man? Your Metro family will miss you deeply. Rest In peace my friend!

Craig Johnson
Craig Johnson
5 years ago

I was saddened to hear the news about Richie. I first met him on a training trip to Indy to learn about the new Allison Hybrid Drive, right away I knew we’d get along real well. As the Cat Engine rep I worked along Richie off and on for several years and became friends. We’d often talk cars at break time…or other inappropriate topics, haha. We’d heard about a concert on the radio and got tickets right away and along with my dad we went to Seattle to see Joe Satriani and Eric Johnson, it was a great night – Richie loved music. We’d talked about doing Hot August Nights in Reno but I was busy working or for some other reason wasn’t able to go…I can only imagine the fun/trouble that we’d have been in. I’m glad I got to catch up with him recently. Rest easy my friend.