Richard John Lee Lewis

December 9, 1965 - May 9, 2016


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Eric Knadler
Eric Knadler
5 years ago

A dear old friend who lived live hard and fast as a young adult!!! We didn’t speak for 25yrs. due too life choices, but I still loved him as a BEST FRIEND and will cherish his memory!!!!!

God Speed my friend!!!

Say hello to Renae for me!!!

Carey Haggerton
Carey Haggerton
5 years ago

I know we weren’t that close but you are leaving this World way too soon my friend. I’m so sorry and my thoughts and prayers go out to your family.

R.I.P. Rick and enjoy the journey. You will be missed.

Carey Haggerton

Amber Elainia Lewis
Amber Elainia Lewis
4 years ago

I miss you dad, you may be gone but never forgotten and your still very much loved and missed.