Richard Robert Thompson

February 18, 1946 - October 31, 2017


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Sharon Bell Duffy
Sharon Bell Duffy
5 years ago

RIP my classmate

Melodye Fassett Cooke
Melodye Fassett Cooke
5 years ago

May you enjoy great wine and know that you left an impression

Matt Clark
Matt Clark
5 years ago

Rest in peace, friend… you were a class act, in all ways.

Terry Lee
Terry Lee
5 years ago

Rip my friend my you enjoy your new life with our lord

Sandi Burgstahler
Sandi Burgstahler
5 years ago

So glad we got to visit Dick very recently. Always enjoyed his company, sense of humor and his smile. Blessings and prayers for the family. Love you Cousin Dick.

Stuart and Tj Murphy
Stuart and Tj Murphy
5 years ago

Rest in the amazing peace you do richly deserve sweet guy.

Stuart and Tj Murphy
Stuart and Tj Murphy
5 years ago

Rest in the amazing peace you do richly deserve sweet guy.

Judy Dolin
Judy Dolin
5 years ago

RIP Richard.

Fran Holt
Fran Holt
5 years ago

You will be missed my friend

susan spinola
susan spinola
5 years ago

You are greatly missed ! Thanks for all the wonderful memories.

Susan and Lance

Duane Fairweather
Duane Fairweather
5 years ago

Rest In Peace Richard.

Theo Onken
Theo Onken
5 years ago

Couldn’t have asked for a nicer person…

He loved his entire family so much!

Intelligent, compassionate, passionate about art, travels, food, living life to the full. i will always remember him the way he was in Junior High and again when we reconnected on FB in 2012. I’ll be seeing you again, Dick!!! God Bless You!

Theo Onken
Theo Onken
4 years ago
Reply to  Theo Onken

Theo Dickson-Onken

Margie (lil' Margie, Helens Tavern-Rainier Valley)
Margie (lil' Margie, Helens Tavern-Rainier Valley)
5 years ago

Sharon Oberto Gillett
Sharon Oberto Gillett
5 years ago

Dick and I go way back to grade school. He was smart, funny and one of the sweetest guys I have known. He was my first boyfriend in the 6th grade and the first boy I ever kissed. We shared that laugh at our last reunion. My love and prayers are with his family at this sad time.. I will miss your smile and Facebook posts. RIP dear friend,

Les Bretthauer
Les Bretthauer
5 years ago

Seems to me that you and I both had a crush on Miss Zandt when we were in the fourth grade. Known you for many years old friend. You managed to be one of the nicest guys I have ever known and you are missed. It was always a pleasure to talk to you at our reunions and great being a Facebook friend of yours. Rest In Peace Dick.

Mike and Kathie Hook
Mike and Kathie Hook
5 years ago

Rest in PEACE DICK. We didn’t get to know you real well in school. Glad we were connected after our last reunion. Thank you for your fun, hopeful and positive posts on FB. We pray for your family.

Sharon Darland Andrews
Sharon Darland Andrews
5 years ago

I went to grade school, junior high and high school with Dick. He was one of the best! My prayers go out to his family.