Robert Merrill Keenholts
December 26, 1921 - September 9, 2020

Robert Merrill Keenholts peacefully passed away Wednesday morning September 9th in Seattle. Bob was born in Wheeler, Oregon in 1921. His father Frank worked at a mill in Brighton, Oregon. The family moved to Bern, Washington where Frank worked on the railroad tunnel. After the tunnel was completed, the family moved to West Seattle when Frank began working at Boeing. Bob attended West Seattle High School for several years, then completed his high school in Poulsbo, Washington. Active in the outdoors, he went clam digging with his step-father at night, and in one night he dug 5 ½ bushels, amounting to 11 gallons of clams. After graduation from high school, Bob was accepted into the Bremerton Naval Shipyard apprenticeship machinist program. This was a very coveted program to be accepted into. When World War II broke out, Bob joined the Merchant Marine as an oiler on a tanker supplying fuel to our ships at sea.
Bob went on to work for Black Ball Ferries, becoming a Chief Engineer on several of their ferries including the Kalakala. He joined McGinitie and McDonald as a Marine Surveyor, then joined Puget Sound Tug and Barge, later to become Crowley Maritime. His career went full circle when he was hired by Marine Power and Equipment, the builder of the Washington State Issaquah class ferries. Bob also was running Marine Logistics operations manager. Bob went on to start his own surveying and marine consulting engineering firm with his wife Mary as his bookkeeper and business partner.
The society of Port Engineers elected Bob as President in 1969. He was also a member of the Society of Architects and Marine Engineers. He enjoyed helping others in his industry and was well respected. Licensed for Steam and motor, USCG; Licensed by the Dept. of the Navy as a machinist; Professional Engineer, Marine Surveying by the State of WA.
Bob traveled extensively during his career from Germany, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Iquitos Peru on the Amazon river, Singapore and more. Mary and Bob traveled throughout Europe, Egypt, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and many times to Hawaii as a family.
His passions included, running, tennis, skiing, and salt-water swimming. He enjoyed trips in the trailer with Nancy and Mary. Dad loved a great steak and a Manhattan. Dad had a full life of adventure and fun and cared deeply for his friends and family.
He is survived by his children: Cheryl Brown, Diane Shaw, Renee Ramey, and Nancy Keenholts Dalton.
Bob and Mary were special friends and traveling companion. He was a great guy