Rose Ferraro
March 11, 1913 - February 15, 2008

Rose Ferraro
Rose passed away peacefully at the age of 94 on February 15, 2008. She was born March 11, 1913, and was a long-time resident of Seattle. Rose moved to Wenatchee in 2003; and while she had always considered Seattle home, she called Wenatchee God’s country and loved the landscapes and changing seasons. She spent her life serving others, living the attitude of ‘Love one another and share your love.’ She also had quite a reputation for cooking mostaccioli and meatballs. She is survived by her sons: Thomas Ferraro and Dominick Mary Beth Ferraro; grandchildren: Robin Brad Kaasa; Donna Ferraro, Anthony Karen Ferraro, Darla Galyn Rusher; and six great-grandchildren. She is loved by many family and friends and will be missed greatly. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 11:00 a.m., Friday, February 22, viewing at 10:00 a.m. at Saint Thomas Catholic Church, 4415 S, 140th St., Tukwila, WA 98168. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in her name to Saint Thomas.
The voice and the love of Rose never left me – I can hear her now as I write. Rose will never be gone, her essence will vaster, more expansive, and forever filling us with her love at the deepest level. I am forever blessed for knowing Rose Ferraro. Namaste.
Happy Birthday Mom.
Miss you and Love You
I would like to convey my deepest condolences to the Ferraro family and friends for the passing of a truly great person. Any time I ever got to spend with Rose, was always an enjoyable time. I consider myself fortunate, and a better person just to have met her. I will always have fond memories of Rose Ferraro.
Gramma, you have had and will continue to have a profound impact on my life. Through example, you taught me how to love God and neighbor. You gave away your love freely and many will remember your generous hospitality. I am proud to be called your granddaughter. I love you and will miss you. Till we meet again . . .
My great grandma Rose was a very good cook.She always had someone over at her house to talk, to knit and for dinner.Rose was a very lovable person and she loved others especially.Just like her family loved her.All my love your great granddaughter Alivia
She will be remembered by us and all the members of Jefferson Park Lawn Bowling Club who new her as a great Spaghetti and Meatballs cook. She always put on a great meal for our Columbus Day event.
Through Mary Beth and Dominick I have kept up with Ms. Rose through the years and loved to hear how well she was doing and how extremely resilient she was. I remember visiting her and thinking I hope I’m as sharp as Rose when I’m in my ninties! I too will remember the bag of biscotti she gave me for my plane trip home. All I know was that she was very blessed with many happy years and had a wonderful son in Dominick. He’s the only one I really know. My prayers are with the family.
Rose was good friends with my grandparents, Joe and Anne Sergi.
My condolences to the family.
Donny, Donna, Darla and families, Rick and I are so sorry to hear of your loss. I remember Rose as a wonderful person and a great cook. I always felt welcome in her home. Please accept our sincere condolences. Rick and Marie Wienker
I have such fond childhood memories of eating and playing at Auntie Rose’s house in Seattle. I have even fonder memories of wonderful meals at Auntie’s house as an adult. It seems like her door and dinner table was open to all, she was always so welcoming. I hope that when I am in my nineties I will have half the spunk and sense of fun that she possessed. I will miss her.
I can think back when I was a little girl..Aunt Rose in the summer time would take me home to spend some time with her..I can remember this one time with laughter..I had long hair..and my mom would french braid it..ouch it hurt..hated it..well this one day she took me and cut my hair really short..when I got home..oh was mad..but we loved took Tommy and had his head know twin sister’s..I will miss aunt Rose..God bless her..with love..
When Rose left us to join the Lord, I lost the dearest person that I shall ever have in my life. Rose was very special in ALL ways. I cannot find the words to express the multitude of ways in which she touched my life and everyone that she knew. The love of the Lord was in her heart always. I have missed your wonderful speghetti sauce, meatballs, gnocchi and biscotti. I wish I’d been a better student in your gnocchi class. Rose, I have been truly blessed by you and thank you for being an Angel here on earth. My prayers and sincere wishes go out to all of your family and I’m proud to have been a part of it.
Goodbye grandma, I miss you so much already. You have given us so many memories to treasure and have taught us so many important life lessons by your strength, pride and dedication. Your words I will always remember “Love one another, take time out for your neighbor and share whatever you have”… Your legacy will live on through me and my children including baking your wonderful biscotti’s I will love you always and
think about you often.
Peace be with you.
Your Loving Granddaughter
Robin & Family
Love and condoences to all the family
On behalf of the residents and staff of Columbia Heights in Wenatchee, I tell you of the great loss that we have suffered along with Rose’s dear family. She embodied the heart of our loving community. Her gracious and loving spirit saturated each conversation, each encounter and each thought. We will long remember her requests for more “broth” in the soup and her tireless efforts to encourage conversations at the fireplace so that “the old folks aren’t so lonely.” Each time I pick up my knitting needles, I remember sitting with her at the fireplace after lunch “stealing” a few minutes of chat and working on our current knitting projects together. Having known Rose and lived with her, we all have been changed and blessed by her. Our very deepest condolences to you in this time of your sorrow and loss.
Rose was a dear friend with a great spirit and great sense of humor. And now the angels have a new chef.
This lovely lady will always live in a special place in my heart. It is full of warmth and love, caring and giving. The memory of her making biscotti’s will stay with me always.
Aunt Rose was always happy and expressed love and friendship when you were around her. She loved making people happy. Always smiling. It wasn’t what you could do for her, it was always what she could do for you.
One of my fondest childhood memories is of her taking my sister Carol and me on a trip to Victoria. That was so special.
Today our hearts go out to her very loving children and grandchildren. She was a special blessing to each of you, I know.
We will miss you, Aunt Rose.
It was a pleasure to know you Rose. A heart felt condolence to Donna, Darla our granddaughters and the entire family.
There are not enough words to express the part of my life that my
sweet Grandma Rose has touched in so
many loving and giving ways that will be in my heart and mind forever. I know for certain that she is in heaven content and happier
than ever. I know because last night in my dream I watched her laughing and looking so beautiful as she danced and ran around. Thank-you jesus for sharing her with us. We love you.
Rose was so special to me in so many ways. Her love for family and friends were a blessing for all who knew her.
She taught me the art of italian cooking and even though i followed her recipes, especially her yummy spagetti sauce somehow they were never quite as good as rosie’s. It must have been those loving hands and her loving touch.
I have so many fond memories of our family get togethers
Tony,Robin and I will miss you dearly.
grandma rose has blessed my family in so many ways, she will be missed, and she will live on in our hearts forever!
Aunt Rose was such a blessing to us. I think about her every day. Jerry and I have been offering all of our Masses and rosaries for her and we pray that she went staight to heaven. All of our prayers of intercession for her are so important right now so hopefully all of families will continue to pray for her.
We love and miss you Aunt Rose as you certainly had the “love of the Lord” in your heart!
Your loving niece Carol & Jerry Marbett