Ruth Waidler Pease

March 9, 1917 - October 22, 2013



Ruth Waidler Pease passed away October 22, 2013 in Auburn, Washington. She was born on March 9, 1917 in Long Island, New York to Warren E. Maison and Caroline A. Waidler. Ruth is survived by her son, Glenn Pease, and his wife, Jackie Pease, daughter, Colleen Pease, and son, Ralph Evans, and his wife, Joyce Evans. 

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Colleen R Pease
Colleen R Pease
5 years ago

I Love you and miss you Mom.

Nancy Huffman Rarey
Nancy Huffman Rarey
5 years ago

The thought of you forever away is overwhelming…you have been such a good friend of our family for almost our entire lives…Rest in peace Ruth….but have the pancakes ready when we meet you again someday…love forever…Nancy & Bob Huffman

Bob Huffman
Bob Huffman
5 years ago

As pretty on the outside as she was on the inside..

Whata a nice person,


Love, Bob Huffman

Mike & Bobbi Pease
Mike & Bobbi Pease
5 years ago

Auntie Ruth will be fondly remembered. We are sending our prayers of peace and healing for our dear cousins, we love you all.

Craig Carlson
Craig Carlson
5 years ago

I remember her from my teenage years with Glenn, very gracious caring lady who loved her family! God bless!

phillis perrine
phillis perrine
5 years ago

Rest in Peace Grandma Ruth. The time has come for you to relax, painfree and spend some time with those who left before you! Love, Phillis

Daniel and  Joanne Pease
Daniel and Joanne Pease
5 years ago

Wish we could come to the service. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Ray Pease
Ray Pease
5 years ago

You will be greatly missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Aunt Ruth is one of my hero’s a truly loving and giving lady. I love you Aunt Ruth!

John Potter
John Potter
5 years ago

We only met once, but I could tell straight away that you were a lovely lady. Rest in God’s peace Ruth and may light perpetual shine upon you.

Doug & Gerri Harrison
Doug & Gerri Harrison
5 years ago

I am standing by the seashore.

A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze

and starts for the blue ocean.

She is an object of beauty and strength,

and I stand and watch

until at last she hangs like a speck of white cloud

just where the sun and sky come down to mingle with each other.

Then someone at my side says, ‘There she goes!

Gone where? Gone from my sight – that is all.

She is just as large in mast and hull and spar

as she was when she left my side

and just as able to bear her load of living freight

to the places of destination.

Her diminished size is in me, not in her.

And just at the moment when someone at my side says,

‘There she goes! ‘ ,

there are other eyes watching her coming,

and other voices ready to take up the glad shout :

‘Here she comes!’

I did not write this but felt it appropriate. She was a second mother to me growing up with Glenn. I was always a part of the family. She was a gracious, loving lady that I will hold in my heart forever! I, truly, loved this wonderful addition to my life. This was the final chapter in her life’s book. We are all blessed to be a part of the chapters. Doug

Stephen, Karen, Claire and Tessa Green
Stephen, Karen, Claire and Tessa Green
5 years ago

Even thou the years and miles seemed to move us apart, she always had a smile for us when we came home. She will always be Grandma to me and Karen, and Great-Grandma to Claire and Tessa. Heaven now has a new angel to welcome everyone with open arms…We will truly miss you

Marilyn Zornes
Marilyn Zornes
5 years ago

Remembering all the family gatherings we shared though the years, Aunt Ruth was special she will be missed. My prayers are with you Glenn and Colleen.

Shari Cromoga
Shari Cromoga
5 years ago

You were like a mother to me!

You will be missed by many!!!

Love you,


You are holding my GD Alexa.

Selby, Kevin, Ian and Reid
Selby, Kevin, Ian and Reid
5 years ago

I have fond childhood memories of Grandma. With my other grandparents living in Europe it was always nice to have a new grandparent close to home after Mom married Glenn. We will miss her sweet presence.

Elizabeth Pease Thielen
Elizabeth Pease Thielen
5 years ago

My Aunt Ruth was truly a loving wonderful person. I never heard her have a cross word with or about anyone. She often took care of me when I was just a little girl and both of my parents worked. I have so many fond memories of her. I will always cherish those memories I have of her. .

John and Tracey Pascoe
John and Tracey Pascoe
5 years ago

You were a kind and thoughtful Grandmother. You will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Colleen R  Pease
Colleen R Pease
5 years ago


A million times

I’ve needed you

A million times I’ve cried,

If love alone

Could have saved you

you never would have died.

In life I loved you dearly,

In death I love you still.

In my heart you hold a place,

No one else can ever fill.

It broke my heart to lose you,

But you didn’t go alone

Part of me went with you,

The day God took you home.