Salvador Delos Santos, Jr
February 2, 1968 - October 30, 2017

Salvador Delos Santos, Jr, 49, unexpectedly passed away in his sleep at home in Granite Falls, WA on October 30, 2017.
He was born on February 2, 1968, in Seattle, WA. He grew up in the Hillman City neighborhood, attended Saint Edward’s School and graduated from O’Dea High School. He left Seattle for Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and the 82nd Airborne Division. He was a proud combat veteran who served in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. He became a licensed Professional Land Surveyor and worked in both the private and public sector for two decades most recently with Snohomish County Planning and Development Services. He truly loved his vocation and was respected by many in his profession.
He was an avid angler. He fished with flies and gear, in the sound and ocean. He was most at home in the amazing Washington State river system where he spent many hours with fellow fisherman, family, and friends.
He was very kind and loving and always made others feel comfortable and included. He loved to laugh and had a playfully mischievous quick wit. Many would describe him as creative, articulate and insightful. He was very proud of his heritage and made his first trip to Cebu, the Philippines with his mother and a sister last fall. He enjoyed meeting relatives for the first time. He loved the Philippines, despite the heat and humidity and planned to return with family next year.
One of the most extraordinary qualities about Salvador was that he never lost his sense of childish wonder and awe at the world. He was extremely curious and intelligent and would pursue a path without wavering. He was fiercely loyal and quietly generous. He encouraged, supported and coached coworkers, family, and friends to be their best selves and to push their own boundaries. He reveled and celebrated others’ success.
He is survived by his wife Catherine Delos Santos, three children Derek Delos Santos, step-children Jackie Cyr and Zachary Cyr, his mother Gloria Mojica and sisters Consuelo Delos Santos (niece Jessica) and Cecilia Shigaya (brother in law Kevin, niece Christina, nephew Brendan). He was preceded in death by his father, Salvador Delos Santos
My prayers are with you Cathy and all of the rest of your families. Love, Sherry.
Sal will always be temembeted; a fine man.
It’s going to be say hard to say goodbye dippy-dip.
Love you
Sal my very best friend I had in the army. I will truly miss you brother. Rest in peace.
You were the best Step Father a girl could have asked for. Thank you for never giving up on me. I miss you already. Thank you for always being there for me.
Undo, I just saw you after 20 + years a little while ago. It was as if time had never passed. The bond we had from St. Edwards and O’Dea cannot be broken. You were full of life, had a fire within you and looked so good. I promised to hook up with you but I didn’t want it to be this way. God speed to you my friend..till we meet again
Undo we were 3mo apart. I’m so torn up. I’m cryin like automatically & it won’t stop, can’t sleep & wen I do u come 2me & I can’t tell wat r memories & wats real. Ur rite Tom NO1 can understand our friendships/family unless u were there. I miss u coming over 2my parents house 2breakdance/bop, all the 1sts we all had 2gether. Birthday parties, parties period lol. Just EVERYTHING bro. I’m so confused why r sum scum still here & ur gone. Theres 2much 2say, the perfect gentleman has left the building. U r in St. Edwards arms as we will ALL B SO I HAVE NO FEAR! I WILL C U AGAIN. The memories r MANY & wen we hugged r friendship needed no explanation. U already knew the real me. I will ALWAYZ love u! Numero UNDO BORN OF THE SAINTS! My heart hurts so bad. I’m in a daze…the good go while sleeping, it’s wen we’re closest 2the Father…
Sal & his Family,
Sal was one of my first friends at O’Dea High School, he was such a good friend and mentor. He will be missed by many. He was a hero, a patriot, and just a great man. As Sal would do, I found a positive in this situation, I have been blessed to have made acquaintance with his son Derek.
Goodbye my friend, we all know you are fishing and smiling down on us, right now!
I will not say goodbye, but rather see you later when we will all stand together again in formation in front of our God. Until then rest peacefully brother. You will be and already are missed. Airborne All The Way!!!!!
Man…..I don’t even know if I can find the words right now. I haven’t seen you since our St. Edwards days, but was Blessed to be able to catch up with you in the past few years because of Social Media. You were such an important part of my life when we were kids….you helped me get through so many struggles…I carried your support and love with me into my adulthood. Hearing of your passing absolutely broke my heart. Reading the tributes from your friends and family reminds me of what an amazing, loving person you have always been. You have touched countless lives and your legacy will continue on in your loved ones. My condolences to your wife, children and family. May God provide strength and understanding to them all. Salvadore Delos Santos, Thank you for making an impression on my life. You will be greatly missed by so many. Rest in Love Always.
I want to send out a prayer to your family. I would also like to send out a prayer to my St Edward”s family. RIP
my old school friend
My old friend Sal. Still remember you 2 years ago at your reunion and the memorial dedication. Really a squared away Paratrooper . We will all miss you brother. Rest in enternal peace my brother. You keep them all squared away in heaven. RIP Airborne
I remember Sal vividly from when we met at DEA Associates. I was the survey Dept assistant when he started as a chainman/crew chief then came into the office to draft. He had a great personality, easy laugh and fun to be around. We lost touch after Ganesh and I were laid off, but kept in touch via Facebook (okay when he was tagged in thing) ;-). He will be greatly missed. My sincere condolences to the family.
The ties that bound us together in our formative years never fade. Godspeed to your family, your love will for them will never fade from their hearts.
Sal, I’m not the best at expressing my feelings so saying good bye to you is very difficult.
I’m so fortunate to have married your sister Cecilia and have you as my brother-in-law. You left us too early and there’s nothing that can prepare us for anything like this. It’s especially difficult for me to see your sister’s pain because she loved you dearly. We’ll now have to go forward with our lives and cherish the memories you left us from the past.
I will miss the times we shared together and miss hearing the stories you had to tell. Things will never be the same without you. If only you can see all the heartfelt love you left behind with your family and friends, you’ll realize how much you touched everyone’s lives.
I know you are in a better place right now so that helps ease some of our pain. You’re going to be truly missed. Till we meet again, I’ll say good bye for now. Rest in peace my beloved brother-in-law.
May God give y’all comfort in y’all many happy memories. My condolences and prayers are with his family and friends.
Delos Santos family and friends…
Heavy hearted, many prayers. Your son, brother, uncle, nephew was a very blessed man. His foundation was builted with your love and respect you all have of him. Meeting Sal many years ago thru cousin Cathy. He took a strong young lady and made her into a greater women. I’ve valued family as my only thing in life we protect… We don”t get to pick are brothers or sisters but Sal was one of those men everyone would have loved to have as a brother. “Your family was blessed and i thank you for sharing” I to will miss him. We’ve talked of many rivers and fishing hole we needed to fish with each other. Knowing he will be looking over my shoulder waiting for me to leave that fishing hole will give me peace. I know he will catch that fish i couldn’t find….Thanks Cathy your choice of Sal compleated you..
I was proud to have him as a student, and a fellow Land Surveyor. Also a brother veteran. I shall miss him.
You were the first person I met when I transferred to St. Edwards in the 5th grade, and you have been my best friend ever since. There is something about a childhood best friend that makes him irreplaceable.
I have hundreds of cherished memories of the time we spent together. Taking the bus downtown in the 5th grade and exploring. Watching you pop lock – I never had any rhythm myself. Piling you and the crew in my ’76 Ford Granada everyday to go to O’Dea H.S. Riding in your ’72 Z-car and fearing for my life from your crazy driving. Making homemade pipe bombs.
You had a love for living life and it was infectious. Most of all, I remember how you cared for me as a friend. You always looked out for me. I love you my brother.
I offer my most heartfelt condolences to the family. I am so sorry that I cannot attend the services. My father passed away last week and I will be in Cleveland attending his funeral. Please know that my heart is with you at this difficult time.
My baby brother, you lived life to the fullest but left us way too soon.
I am in so much pain, left with nothing to say but,
Thank you Ondo for being a great little brother, I will see you soon.
Consuelo, I am so deeply sorry for your family”s loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Judy