Savini Si'iuta Leatuali'i
July 5, 1948 - March 15, 2020

Savini Si’iuta Leatuali’i, 71, of Kent, Washington, passed away March 15, 2020, due to natural causes surrounded by his loving family. He was born to parents Leatuali’i and Fia’aitupu Savini in Ta’u, Manu’a, American Samoa. Savini graduated from Suva Medical School in Suva Fiji in 1970. He married Falavao (Fale) Savini in 1970. Savini is survived by his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Si’iuta was a member of the American Samoa dance group that performed at the the World Fair in New York City in 1965. He retired after 30 years of service at the Department of Health in AS. He was the Chairman and a Lay Preacher of Ala I Le Ola Church under the leadership of Rev. Enoka Gatoloai. He was an honorable leader to his family and his church.
He will truly be missed in all our family and church gatherings.