Sean Douglas Vanderhoff
March 1, 1987 - March 16, 2007

Sean Douglas Vanderhoff
Born March 1, 1987, Sean died March 16, 2007 from auto accident injuries. Sean’s great loves included God, his family, friends, music, and serving people. He was an active member of Neighborhood Life Center International Church, a lieutenant in the Tukwila Police Explorers, and had served as a PV2 in the Washington Army National Guard. A celebration of his life will occur on Saturday, March 24th, 10:00 am at the Church By the Side of the Road in Tukwila corner of International Blvd. S. and S. 148th St.. Remembrances can be made in Sean’s name to the Tukwila Police Explorer’s Program.
Sean is survived by his parents, Gary and Pamela Vanderhoff, his three sisters, Stephanie, Sarah and S Rachel, and a large loving family that will greatly miss him.
Sean has left a legacy of love and service behind him. My prayers are with all family. I look forward to the day when we see all that Sean affected with his life. All glory and honor be to God!
We can’t help but smile when we remember Sean. Each week he shared a little bit of joy that God intended for all of us. We will miss him greatly and look forward to the miracles God will reveal from this tragedy, but we will always smile and laugh just as Sean would want us to do in rememberance of him.
“You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.” Matthew 5:4
Gary, May you and your family experience the love, peace, comfort and care of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ in your time of loss. God Bless you all, Mike & Patty Rideout
What a privilege to have been blessed with sharing Sean for the past 20 years. I will always remember that he was a loving “big” kid… tender hearted. I rejoice that he is enjoying the presence of Jesus, and I look forward to seeing him again! I pray God’s peace is poured out on all who grieve Sean’s death. God is good!
I lived with Sean, my cousin, for 8 years of my life. He was like my brother, not my cousin. He was always there to make me smile and laugh at his rediculous jokes and latest dances. Sean was a great guy. Always in a great mood and always laughing/smiling. He used to cover my face with his hand it was big enough and in one push would shove me to the ground. We would laugh and he’d help me up; then do it again.
I am glad i got to know him a lot better near the end of his life and that i could witness the change that God was doing in his heart. I’ll miss Sean every day. I’m jealous that he gets to worship at God’s feet and I’m here waiting for my turn. But We’ll all see him again some day and I look forward to it.
I’m glad our family has been here for each other in this time, it really means a lot.
I love you Sean.
I just wanted to say that I drove Sean and Stephanie when they went to Chinook on my school bus and they were always my favorite kids. I am SO sorry for your loss of Sean…I remember him as if it were yesterday as we laughed and giggled our way to or from school. Mr and Mrs. Vanderhoff and Family I just wanted you to know that he was such a special boy/man then and I wished that I had the chance to know him better. Renee’ Rt# 123
When it was raining hard on Sunday mornings Sean would always be out there with an umbrella waiting to escort us into the sanctuary. It is so painful for all who knew you but I thank God for your are not lost you are at home with Jesus and we shall see you again at Jesus feet. God be with you till we meet again at his feet. Pastor Gary and family may God hold you all in his able hands and guide you through this tough times may it be well with your souls.
I am praying ALOT for all of you guys, and know that Sean is having the time of his eternal life, worshiping God in heaven…
Dear Pastor Gary, Pam and family,
You are in our daily prayers.
We love and support you. You sure helped my brother and our family in our dark hour.
Len and Sonya Arenas
part of your church family
Sean you blessed many in so many ways;warm cheerful smile, always at hand to help.We all loved you and thank God for the good 20 years He gave you on this earth.I will always remember your beatiful smile.Rest in Peace Sean.We will miss you.For Pastor Gary, Pam,Stephanie, Sarah Rachel;please be comforted to know that God loves you.
Romans 8:38-39.
To the Vanderhoff family,
and Heather, Sean’s sweetheart.
I have only known Sean for the past three months, but I guess that you know how quickly he could make an impression! I was seeing a young man of high character, a truly wonderful reflection of his family and upbringing. But mostly, a reflection of a someone who appreciated and loved life and all that it was presenting to him at this point. What a joy to know that because it included his love for the Lord Jesus Christ, that he is now living life to the fullest! We’ll see you later Sean!
And for the rest of us: Memories – the ability to gather roses in the winter. Never Forget.
We were so blessed by the Lord to have Sean in our lives, he always made me laugh. It’s those re-inactments of Princess Bride, the sloth from Ice Age and the way he could ACT…I especially remember the Roman Solider he played in our Easter Drama at NLC, the team player for the survivor, 40 Days of purpose Driven Community skit. To Gary, Pamela, Stephanie, Sarah and Rachel and the Peterson family; we are grieving with you, crying with you, laughing with you, remembering with you, but most of all praying the sweet presence of the Lord would kiss your hearts, hold you tight in His arms and fill you with His peace and strenght. We love you all. The Father blessed me on 3/11 at the very end of service. I was leaving and Sean approached me with a prayer for his friends and church family. He was so excited to tell me to pray for this one and pray for that one. I had to tell him to write it down because I could’nt remember all those names and prayer needs. He walked away and came back to me with his request. I cant tell you how much that means to a prayer leader to have that gift from the Father. I am so thankful that God allowed me that last conversation with him. He loves his Church family and had a heart to pray for them even to the end. You will be forever missed and loved. God bless you, Kini and Rhonda
Gary and Pam and family -My heart is open for you and your family during this difficult time of grief. Thinking of you and sending prayers.
Gary, Pam, Stephanie, Sarah, and Rachel, I would like to express my most deepest symathies to you all I know how deeply hurt you all are. I know personally that there is no greater hurt than the loss of your own child. God be with all of you in this time. God Bless you all Deborah Farrell and Family
I cant believe I never got to say good bye. I do know that we had some great times in police explorers together. I can still remember the first day i met you. You will be missed, but not forgotten.
Sean touched so many people’s life, especially the youth group at NLC. They were so blessed to have him be a testament of God’s love. He will be greatly missed. My heart & prayers go out to the Vanderhoff family – as well as the enire NLC family.
Sean always had a smile on his face no matter what. He loved being around everybody and we were so glad he was with us at NLC especially the youth, that’s where I got to know him. We know he is an angel in heaven now looking down on us and still in our hearts.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
– The staff at NTLC
We love you all so much.
Take comfort in knowing Sean is with Jesus, and he’s truly happy in the loving arms of our Lord.
I am so sorry for your loss know that there are people praying for you…
Gary, Pam, Stephanie, Sarah, and Rachel,
I am saddened also by the loss of Sean. What a joy it has been to see him grow in the Lord! I will always have special memories of him.
My prayers are with you and your family as often as I think of you…
May you find your face looking up to the Lord in those dark hours for His comfort.
I love you Vanderhoff family!
Pastor Gary and Family: Our hearts are with you during these difficult times. We believe that GOD knows your pain and we share it with you. Our whole church of the Hope of the City loves you and we are here for you.
I went to school with him in 3 and 4th grade at RCS. I remember he was the one to make our class laugh and he always had a smile. I am so sorry. I know that he will be missed dearly.
Although we only got to spend a few days getting to know Sean, the impact he has made on our lives, and the lives of our students, will last forever! He was led by the Holy Spirit to speak words of encouragement to us, which were exactly what we needed to hear. Our only regret is that we didn’t get the opportunity to know Sean more. Our thoughts and prayers are with you through this time of great loss.
We will miss Sean, he was always such a bright ray of sunshine! We believe that sunshine will shine on through the testamony that stays behind, and that God will be glorified in the midst of this. We are so very sorry for your loss. Our hearts go out to you and our prayers are with you.
Yet your time here has been short your gentle and loving spirit will always be remembered.
May your family be forever blessed by the special gift that God gave to them…you.
I remember the happy smile and goofy nature when I think of Sean. I also remember how much fun he was to be around. I especially remember when we tried to video a fake mountain climbing video for Family Snow Day and Sean and Terry were just cracking up. We had to do several takes. Unfortunately the video didn’t turn out. But I will always remember that day. Much love to you all!
Pastor and family,
We give glory to our Lord and Savior and thank Him for the time we had with Sean.I will miss your smiles,conversation and you where a wonderful young man. You will always hold a special place in my heart, loved and not forgotten. Kinikinilau
In our home, Sean’s name was synonymous with laughter. He was always doing something to make us laugh. He loved kids and would work hard to make them laugh and squeal. I always had to have his “costume” ready when he came over. He would dress up in a dress-up police helmet, a darth vader mask, a really big blanket used for a cape and a light saber and chase all the kids around as “Phantom”.
We met Sean when he was just 14 years old and already reaching out to grasp manhood. It was great, although at times painful watching him grow into the young man of God that he was becoming. Sean definitely brought a great amount of joy to anyone that experienced the blessing of his friendship. He made people of any age feel comfortable and important because to him they truly were. That’s why many children idolized him, wanting at times to be just like him. To the point that our 4 year old son snuck into the bathroom and attempted to cut off all his hair so he could look like Sean with his military “buzz-cut”.
Pastor Gary & Pam – we quickly fell in love with you and your whole amazing family when we came to work along side you. We often watched with admiration and at times, intrepidation as you worked so hard to raise Sean up into a man. We took many mental notes, knowing that our day with our boys would come. We did indeed learn a lot from you during those years. We will always treasure deeply those memories. Of course we know that many more memories await us all as we continue on together. We love you.
I”m very proud to know you Sean. You are a very beautiful kind hearted young man. God has touched many lives through you. Thank you for always being such a blessing. My deepest sympathy to all your family. May God give them peace. Anne.
Sean brought joy and sunshine into the lives of everyone who knew him. We know that we know he is now with our Lord and Saviour. And God is holding you. We love you. Pastors Chris and Jan
Dear Gary, Pam and kids,
There is only one word that can express my feelings…”LOVE”, My deepest love goes out to you my precious friends. I am always here for you. Michelle Showalter
Hey, Sean you cahnged my life! You showed me how to live more care free and how to overcome so much crap inorder to follow God. Thank God for the time i had with you.
To the family…I love you all and thank you all for the support you have given me and for the love you have showed. Sean really loved you and admired you all. My prayers stay with you always.
Heather Polk
Pastor Gary, Pam, Stephanie, Sarah and Rachel.
It’s hard to put our thoughts into words. More than anything know that we love you and that Sean impacted our lives in an awesome, unforgettable way. He was a son to proud of. It was our priviledge to have known him.
You’re in our prayers.
Chris and Annette
My dancing buddy,my friend! You are gonna be very much so missed. I know you are now dancing with the angels at the feet of jesus. AMEN!!! i cant wait!
God had been doing so much in your life in the last couple weeks. It was amazing. Im glad that weeveryone know where you are today in heavenI love you and miss you but I know I will see you one day, and we can dance together…hahahahaha as long as you dont make me fly across the room like last time!lol
Pastor Gary,Pam,Stephanie,Sarah,and Rachel-
My prayers are with you. You guys are such a strong family, I admire that. You turn to our lord and savior at hard times like this, most people dont/wouldnt. Your families faith is SOOOO strong. I love you all
I worked with Sean at McMicken and he went to school with my kids. I just wanted to let you know how much he will be missed and how sorry I am for your loss.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
What do I say? What do I say? I’ve been to this site many times and I always think I’ll come back later when I know what to write. Nothing ever seems right though. I feel like I should say something or I’ll regret it, so, here goes…….. I have always thought of Sean as “sunshine” in human form. He made you feel good when he was around, all warm and happy, and then, you really missed him when he moved on to bless someone else. We are so sorry for your loss. Please know that Sean’s spirit of love will live in our hearts and minds always.
Heidi, Truman and Gwen
Pastor Gary, Pam, Stephanie, Sarah and Rachel;
There are not words to convey our feelings. Sean was a wonderful gift to all of us, he always had a warm greeting for everyone. We will truly miss his wonderful smile. We know that he is in the Lords embrace. We also pray that all of you will be comforted by the Lords presence. We love you and our prayers are with all of you.
Gary,Pam,Steph, Sarah & Rachel,
Sean was a big brother to Sierra and Brendan. He holds a dear place in all of our hearts. We are here to walk with you through this journey of sorrow. May God hide you in the shadow of His wings. All of our love to you.
i remember the first time i met sean was at church, he made me smileand laugh. he brough joyto my life forthe time i new him. i saw him every sunday. he made me as one of his friends. he always try to talk to me, and see how me and kenneth are holding up. he woulds always tell us he loves us and that we will be friends till the end. i miss sean. he confortend me when i needed a smile. the last tiem i had a fun day with sean was snow day. he hang ot with me alot that da and i reallygot toknow him then. it brings tears to my eyes no how much he loved people and how good of a friendhe was. and i no for a fact he loved god. the last words i had spokend to him wasthat me kenneth garyand him where all going to watch a movie when he got back. now he is with the lord. he got to see my son be for i did. andtheone and only jesus. he is lucky, buthis family is urtand i no how it feels. i love youguys so much and i no the pain that you bare onyour sholders, it never gets better but it get a little more better to dealwith it hastime goeson. i love you pam and gary, iwill always be hereto support ou, just like when you wherethere for me. i love you. hope to see you again.
My deepest sympathy’s to Seans’ family. He was a good kid and a loss to the community. He will be missed greatly I’m sure-Nick Torres
Gary,Pam and Girls.
Our hearts morn and we cry with you. We pray the Peace of God,which passeth all understanding,comfort your hearts. Sean was so much fun
to be around.One great memory we have is watching him dance with the elderly ladies at the retirement center. Our fondest memory is hearing him do “his Lois Armstrong- What A Wonderful World” We will greatly miss him.
We love you all
George & Jolene
We are very sorry for your loss. I will always remember Sean’s smile as he came up to talk to me when I would pick Cassie up after youth group. He always took time to come and say “Hi Mrs. Brown, how are you”. Your family is in our prayers.
Tim & Teri Brown
Three Tree Comm. Church
My prayers are with your family. Blessings, Sandra Sedberry
Gary,Pam, Stephanie, Sarah and Rachel,
Our heart goes out to you during this time. Your in our thoughts and prayers! We love you all very much!
Darlene, Heather and Jeremy Hawley
Pam and Gary,
That was a wonderful memorial service today! I love you both very much. May God richly bless you!
Love in Christ,
sean you are now walking with the lord, how wonderfull thats is. please if you see my son in heaven tell him to be strong like jesus, tell him to be a good man. and make sure he walks the walk. sean you got to go to heaven before me, you got to see what my son looks like before me, you got to see the one and only jesus. i will be there for your parents and try to be stronger for them. sean you are the only one in that church be side your dad that made me your friend when i first went to the church. we talked to you that last day and we where going to hang out, but now it’s to late, thats ok because you are now walking that walk, and talking and praising, just like you wanted to. sean i will try my best to comfort your family. and to keep noing that as time pass it will get easyer. but you will never beforgotten. i love you, and i can’t wait till i walk the walk like you. i want my daughter or son to know about you,and i will try my hardes tto raise them like you. sean you have made me a stronger person, but i did not want gary and pam and family to go through what i just got through. losing your first and only son is really hard. and there are times where they will cry for no reason, and times where they fill like they can’t be lifted up. it is hard to have to burie your son, it is something no one wants to go, throw. i am thank full i got to know you. i love you and can’t wait to see you with my son. love alway jaime ingraham