Sheila Carlson
December 6, 1946 - February 12, 2017

Sheila Lee Johnson Carlson was born on December 6, 1946 in Baker, Montana. She was born to Mary Olivia Johnson and Willis James Johnson. Sheila was the third of four girls. Sheila was a wife, mother, and grandmother. She passed away at the age of 70 on February 12 2017 in Tacoma Washington, surrounded by her family. She was taken from us too soon. She is survived by her husband of 47 years William (Bill) Carlson, daughter Sara Carlson, son-on-law Wah (Wally) Tsai and her two granddaughters Mila and Kristina Tsai, sister Thorne Johnson and nephew Tim Johnson. She was preceded by father Willis Johnson, mother Mary Johnson, and sisters Sheri Keller and Lynn Wakefield.
She spent most of her childhood in Montana. They moved around often for her father’s work. The family settled in Washington in 1962. That year Sheila and her sister Thorne went to the World’s Fair at the Space Needle. She went to Federal Way High School before attending Mt. Rainier High School where she graduated in 1965 as one of the top 10 of her class. She went on to study at Eastern Washington University graduating with her Masters in Humanities. She made costumes for Eastern’s Drama Club. She was an amazing seamstress. Sheila loved to read and could read a book in a few hours to just a few days. She had over 1000 books. Sheila never lost her love of knowledge, and she was always learning.
Sheila met Bill through a mutual friend. They met in June of 1969 and were Married on December 27th of the same year. Bill never proposed to Sheila. They just decided to get married one day. She always said that is the fastest he had ever moved. After they were married Bill’s job took them to California for a while. They later settled in the Renton area. Sheila and Bill loved to go camping, their trips were always exciting, they also enjoyed taking car rides to nowhere. In 1979 they decided to start their family, a daughter. Later they moved to Sumner Washington.
Sheila worked in sales as the manager for a few different companies that sold airplane and hydraulics parts just to name a few. She worked for State Farm for 15 years. She worked there until she retired in June of 2016.
She was a great wife, mother, and grandmother. She would have moved heaven and earth to help her family and she did. Nothing meant more to her than family. You couldn’t have meet a smarter more caring person then she was. She touched many lives and changed many for the better. She was always positive no matter what life threw her at her.
Sheila and her family loved to mine sapphires her first time was back in 2005. She really had an eye for finding the good ones. She also loved Turquoise or just any rock for that matter. She had been going to Jerry’s Rock and Gem for at least 50 years. She uses to take her daughter Sara, it was one of their favorite things to do together. Sheila was a very talented person. She would make the most beautiful gifts for her family. She croqueted each family member a set of snowflakes, to hang in the window or on the Christmas tree. She loved to tie dye with her Granddaughter and go to the rock shop. They were best friends and loved to spend time together.
To Sara, Sheila was her Mom, Hero, and Best Friend. Sheila and her daughter always had the best road trips listening to the Grateful Dead or Janis Joplin, just singing along enjoying the drive. Sheila even got to take Mila her granddaughter on a few road trips they had a lot of fun she taught Mila the ropes. Always have a grateful Dead cd. She was a die Hard Mariners fan listened to pre-game on her drive home, then watched every game after arriving home. Sheila Loved the game, it didn’t matter whether they would win or lose she just enjoyed listening or watching the game. If they lost she would always say” There is always next year”.
In 2005 Sheila found out she was going to be a grandmother. She was so happy. She was there for the for the delivery of Mila. Mila would not be who she is today at 11 years old if it were not for her grandmother. She never missed a moment in Mila’s life. She rarely missed a soccer game since she was four years old.
Sheila loved to travel to visit her sister Thorne in Montana every summer, it was her peaceful place. They would take out their tin tub with a small motor and just putt around the lake having a great time. It was peaceful.
Sheila lived a great life. She was a happy person that was loved by many. She will be forever in our hearts. She is pain free and at peace now.
I miss you so much. I love you Infinty bags full and 3 aliens. You were taken from us too soon. Love you so much Mom. Sara
I met Shelia, Bill and Sara when my boyfriend and I rented a house next door to them when they lived in Fairwood. I have to say that they were the best neighbors anyone could ask for! They were a wonderful family and I was so sad when we had to move just a few years later. What I remember about Shelia the most is that always had a smile on her face and just loved life. Shelia raised a wonderful daughter, I have kept in touch with Sara over the years. I know she is missed very much by her family.
Much love to her family;
Laura Baker
Miss you Grandma, wish you were here. LOVE YOU