Sheileaes Ross Dunn
January 31, 1917 - November 7, 2006

A reception will be held at the Shilshole Beach Club Beach Club, Previously known as Spinnakers, 1 block North of Anthony’s Home Port 6413 Seaview Avenue NW, Ballard from 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Sunday, November 12, 2006.
•Born January 31th, 1917
•Born to James Neil Ross and Daisy Charlotte Smith
•Birthplace Melbourne, Australia
Married October 19th, 1944
Married to Arthur G. Dunn Jr. United States Navy
Born in Portland, Oregon, USA on October 7th, 1902
Died January 9th, 1998
•Place married Melbourne, Australia
Charmaine/Sheileaes was born in Australia in 1917, the year she kept a secret from her family until she no longer could. She is a woman of many faces and abilities. She was educated in England and France. She was the only Ross female to attend a university.
Charmaine Ross was one of her many given names that she choose to use as a professional name. She was an actress, singer, dancer and director in Australia. She sang with many famous swing bands, including Artie Shaw. She was also a regular on a well known radio show. She made a couple of movies during her 20’s and was also a model for the Australian counterpart of Life Magazine.
She was revered for her beauty and talent. She was engaged 14 times before she finally married Arthur Dunn. She just did not have it in her heart to say no to soldiers that were going off to war.
After her marriage to Arthur, she made her way to Seattle, Washington, USA to act as his devoted wife. Only problem was there was still the actress inside of her. She just could not sit still tending to home duties when there were so many other things in life to take care of. She acted and directed in Seattle theatre including directing her sister, Gretta in the “Just So Stories” for PBS during the 50’s and 60’s. She performed in many plays including one at the famed Cirque Theatre in Seattle with myself, her daughter Charlanne in 1964.
Sheileaes May Dunn became a US Citizen on May 19th, 1964. in Seattle, Washington. She was very involved in politics and started many different committees to help people in need. She was the Chairman of the Mayor’s Seattle Hospitality Committee. She was the founder of that committee which helped with both US and international naval forces. She entertained many naval personnel including Admirals in every Pacific Fleet until the end of 1997.
Three different countries decorated Sheileaes. These include France, Italy and Japan. She visited many countries during her travels and was a diplomatic figure for the United States and Washington State.
President John F. Kennedy appointed her the President of the Women’s Division for the Employment of the Handicapped in the 60’s. She has met many heads of state, senators, congressmen, queens and kings, including the last Shaw of Iran and his wife.
She has been a world traveler. A person who always had a smile for everyone. A woman with a true vision of peace and diplomacy. She has sat in Adolph Hitler’s lap,this is a long story, as a little girl and shaken John F. Kennedy’s hand, more than once. That is not something that many people in this world can claim. Especially a woman of the 40’s era.
Sheileaes was 89 years old at her passing. She had suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for over 10 years. She still had a smile for each individual she met and a warmth that stunned strangers that she met in different places that she and her dear care-giver, Todd visited.. She has two adult children, Arthur G. Dunn III and Charlanne Dunn-McGinnis. She had three granddaughters and four grandsons. She also had four great-granddaughters and four great grandsons. She was truly loved and will be missed by many. She left her mark on this earth.
Memorials are suggested to the Maryhill Museum of Art, Goldendale, WA or the Northshore Performing Arts Center, Bothell, WA.
Char and family, I only knew her a short time, but she was very sweet and kind to all. Her intentions will be remembered in my Masses and prayers as well as the family.
My deepest, heartfelt sympathy goes out to Char and her family. My prayers are with you and may God bless and comfort you during this time of loss and grief.
Arthur and Char, Your mother was a beautiful, spirited, and remarkable woman whose smile, kindness, and generosity will always be remembered. Our thoughts will be with you this week as you celebrate Sheileaes’ life and remember her with family and friends.
Eric and Family, we are so sorry to hear of your loss. May God be with all of you in this time of suffering and distress. You are close in our hearts and we will be praying for you often.
My heart goes out to you she was a great woman and will be missed.
Eric and family, I adored the time I got to share with Sheileaes and Mr. “D” at the apartment building. She taught me so much about life, flowers, and she made me laugh. May god bless you and make each happy memory of Sheileaes live on forever.
A great lady that placed her love on everyone she met, we will miss her.
Grandma was beatiful and loving person, I am glad she is finally with Grandpa. I love her dearly.
Sending warm hugs, kind thoughts and our love and prayers to your family. She was an amazing woman, that we had the wonderful pleasure of knowing and enjoying for many years.
May you be comforted by happy memories of your dear Mother.
We have many happy memories of both of your parents ….of Navy League and English Speaking Union events through the years and the lovely parties at the Queen Anne penthouse.
With sincere sympathy,
James Kemp-Slaughter
Ethel Kemp Slaughter
Sheileaes was such a beautiful & remarkable woman. I am so lucky to have known her. My warmest heartfelt sympathy, love and prayers go out to all of the family. She will be truly missed.
Dear Family,
We are so sorry for your loss . Sheileaes will be remembered with fond memories.
I remember. as a child, the A. M. Williams Company meeetings. Sheileaes was always the one adult that had the best sense of humor. The kids were always around her listening to good stories. As an adult, she was still the one that was lots of fun. She has always been remembered in my heart as the neatest and most fun family member of the group She will be missed.
Love to all, Anne Marshall Jay
I am very sorry for you loss.
I loved Sheileaes very much, she was a wonderful lady and did so much for people around her.
Steve Dugas
Sheileaes was a character. Lot’s of stories, lot’s of memories. I can still hear her say – “we should have lunch dear.”
I will always remember Aunt Sheileaes’ warmth and engaging manner. Thinking of you at this difficult time.
Grandma Sheileaes was a wonderful woman who has left an indelible mark on so many lives. God bless you dear. Rest in the peace of the Lord. We will miss you.
I have the fondest of memories of both Sheileaes & Arthur and all the wonderful times spent in the warmth & generosity of their company! I knew Sheileaes had Alzheimer’s, but I’m not surprised that she projected a warm & loving personality well into her long illness. Now she & Arthur are united in heaven – and, no doubt, hosting lots of happy parties for the long-departed navy personnel that they hosted on so many occasions at their beautiful home in The Highlands as well as their wonderful & unique apartment on Queen Anne. It was an honor & pleasure to know them! My sincere condolences to the family. Joy D.B.
Dearest Char, and family, friends and loved ones of Sheileaes,
To me, Sheileaes was one of the few people in this world that is worthy of true admiration. She had the courage, strength, and sometimes audacity to live her life to its fullest. Her sense of adventure, her graciousness, her generosity, and her thoughtfulness are qualities we can all take a lesson from. While no ones life is perfect, I believe Sheileaes’ was pretty close to it. She experienced a wonderful career, had one of the longest marriages I know of with a funny and admirable man, had an exceptional family and a plethora of good friends, had the resources,energy and drive to make a difference in the world, and the world is a better place because of her.
Her finest legacy is the imprint of her qualities she has left on her children and grandchildren. They have all been blessed with these qualities, and I’m sure they will continue to portray the essence of Sheileaes throughout their lives.
I love Sheileaes, as do many of the people whose lives she has touched. It was truely a blessing to have known her and shared in her life.
My heart goes out to all her family and friends. The loss of her presence is great, but the gain of knowing her is much greater.
With sincerest love and warmest wishes,
Karen D. Smith
Dear Char and Arthur, It was such a pleasure to have known both your Mom and Dad. Your Dad was a professional legend I had heard of for many years before I actually met him through the Estate Planning Council of Seattle – clearly he loved the practice of law and never stopped. Your Mom had a way of making everyone feel special when they were in her presence. She had a way of focusing just on you, and making you feel that what you said, and your company, was important to her. Such a gift. You each have many of your parents’ wonderful attributes. May they rest in peace. – Janis C.
Dear Charlanne and Arthur, Your parents were just amazing. I remember once when I was working for your father, I mentioned to your mother that I had some silver peices that really needed a good polishing, and did she know of a good jeweler I could go to? She said “oh! I know how to polish silver! Just bring them in tomorrow and I will do it” and so she did. I couldn’t believe it. With her it was like you were a part of her family from the get-go, and she was very good at bringing young women out on their own for the first time, to a warm and friendly place. This world will miss her so much.
When I first met Mrs. Dunn she was staying at her sister Grettabelle’s home for a respite. This was in May 1998 only a few months after losing her beloved husband, Arthur. Their daughter, Char had filled me in on her mothers Alzheimer’s and her age of 81 before meeting her.
My first impression of Mrs. Dunn was of a quite, frail, poised & dignified woman of which she was…although I was to shortly find out that the “quite and frail” impression I was having was far from the truth!! My first six months to a year with Sheileaes Oh the trouble I had learning to say and spell her name! was to put mildly “a thrill ride” there were some ups and downs, twists and turns and a few loop da loops!
Having come from a completely different lifestyle than Sheileaes I was to soon find myself thrust in to the world of Opera, Ballet, Theater and many, many various receptions and functions! Whew… it seemed as though we were always on the go go go! This was quite an eye opening for a young man of humble origins from Mount Vernon, WA
For all of Sheileaes education, world travels and social standing. I never once witnessed her act snobbish or have a “better then thou attitude”. She seemed to give all, the same attention wither it be the grocery clerk or an Admiral from the navy.
Sheileaes and I shared many adventures. We took up ceramics classes and pursued that for a few years. The items she created will be treasured by many.
We also went on many camping trip in my travel trailer. Yep, I introduced “trailer trash” in to her life! She adapted quite well believing she was on a boat and why should I correct her?
We had many enjoyable annual trips to Lake Chelan to be a part of the “family” vacation.
We also visited The Mary Hill museum a few times. A wonderful place that is very important to her and her family.
She also held annual Fourth of July parties on the roof of the Apt. Building on Prospect St. Of which I tried to help her continue hosting. What a view from up there! When the Blue Angels would practice for Seafair. Sheil and I would go “top side” to wave at them and I could swear they would fly right over the Apt. Building to say “Hi” to her! Albeit, from her many, many years of Seattle Hospitality Committee hosting.
It was a difficult task to move Sheileaes out of the Apt. House almost three years ago.. She certainly “collected” many, many items. Fortunately her family was able to recover some pretty interesting items, pictures with presidents, governors, foreign officials, and modeling, acting newspaper clipping and information documenting this dynamic woman’s life ambitions and accomplishments. Doubt that there where many things Sheileaes could not accomplish when she set her mind to do it!
Sheileaes and I meshed our lives together.
She had met all my family and friends and touched many of their lives as well. I know my nephews and sister will miss her a great deal. Some people may not understand the bond that Sheil and I developed. I suppose it would be difficult to replicate.
I feel I have a huge void now and I know that as I grieve for the loss of someone whom was a tremendous part of my life for over eight years. I’m comforted in that I am a better person for having shared precious time with her. How could she not touch your life? With that smile and endearing charm. Even in the last year she still had a smile and hand to hold to whom ever she had the opportunity to be next too.
The entire Dunn Family has been the best. They welcomed me with open arms and with in just a period of time informed me that “ You realize that you’re part of this family now, wither you like it or not!” What an honor!
Arthur and Char,
Thank you for believing in me and allowing me the privilege of being a part of your Mothers life for eight and a half years. Doing so, as her devoted caregiver, friend & companion.
I’m comforted in knowing that I have a large and warm Family that I’m a part of.
I will miss her tremendously but she will never leave my heart.
With much love,
I will miss you,and all ways keep you in my heart.
Dear Char and Arthur, I have some wonderful memories of growing up and “hanging out” at your home. Your parents were always welcoming and put up with us girls.Your mother was a dynamic and beautiful woman. While Neil never met them I have shared my memories. Our sympathy to you and your family. Love Melody and Neil
We know and love her son, Arthur III, and her legacy lives on. Love, Anne & Tony
An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my wife back to me..
My name is Andy Sowers,i live in Australia,and I’m happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce.she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she didn’t love me anymore.So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again.
So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife.So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.{}.
So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who didn’t call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster.
So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website {},if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to “bringing your ex back.
So thanks to the lalapumena@gmail.c