Sherman Stone
January 20, 1927 - April 7, 2008

Sherman Loyn Stone
Born January 20, 1927 in Langdon, North Dakota to Johnnie and Jessie Stone, departed the job site for the last time on April 7, 2008 in Yakima, WA. In 1939, Johnnie and Jessie moved Sherman, his older brothers Arnold, Wayne and his younger sister Valerie to Bellingham, Washington. Sherman married Mable Luise Pratt in 1951. Their loving, 44-year union lasted until Luise’s death in 1995. Sherman wore many hats in his work life. He had a long and successful career in outdoor advertising with the Foster & Kleiser Company. After leaving the advertising business, Sherman’s entrepreneurial spirit took off. Together with his wife, they ran MerryLarks Daycare serving two generations of Shoreline families. Sherman could build just about anything from wood, concrete and steel. In 1976, he started a general contracting company which he ran for more than 30 years, leaving his mark on buildings and homes throughout the Puget Sound region. Two projects he took great pride in were at the end of his career — the Unity and Coptic churches in Lynnwood, WA. Sherman told his family he was planning to take his retirement from this life at the Holy Father’s table of 24… indefinitely. Sherman is survived by his daughter Victoria Blair and her husband Scott of Shoreline, his son Skyler Stone and his wife Lori of Yakima, grandsons Blake, Garrett and Max Blair and granddaughter Karma Hill, brother Wayne Stone and many beloved surrogate sons and daughters, relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held at the Seattle Unity Church on April 19th at 1:00 pm.