Sister Renate Hayum, SP

January 29, 1930 - January 27, 2011


Renate Hayum, SP

Sr. Renate Hayum, SP, died on Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 6:35 a.m. at St. Joseph Residence, Seattle, Washington at 80 years of age, after 25 years as a Sister of Providence. The Vigil Service will be on Monday, January 31, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Residence, 4800 37th Avenue SW, Seattle, WA. The Funeral Mass will be held on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. at the same location. Burial will be at Calvary Cemetery in Seattle following the Mass. Bonney-Watson Funeral Home will be in charge of the arrangements.

Sr. Renate was the only child born to Henry and Ellen Oppenheimer Hayum in Tüebingen, Germany on January 29, 1930. Her father was an attorney.

In 1938, the family immigrated to the United States. She and her parents moved to Olympia, Washington in 1939 and then to Seattle where her father took classes to become a Certified Public Accountant. Her mother worked as a sales clerk. She became a citizen of the United States on March 27, 1944.

She entered the Sisters of Providence on August 22, 1986, made her first profession on August 15, 1988, and professed her final vows on June 13, 1992.

Her academic accomplishments include: Public schools throughout elementary grades; Franklin High School, Seattle, WA-1948; Reed College, Portland, Oregon for two years; B.A., Business Administration, majoring in Accounting, University of Washington, Seattle, WA -1952; M.L.S., Library Science, University of Washington-1968.

Her ministry assignments include: Auditor, Army Post Exchange Service, San Francisco, CA-1952-1954; Accounting Positions, New York/New Jersey-1954; Editorial Assistant, Monsignor John M. Oesterreicher, Director of the Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ, 1954-1965; Reference Librarian and Administration, Seattle Public Library, Seattle, WA, 1968-1987; Accounts Representative, Business Office, Providence Seattle Medical Center Providence Medical Center, Seattle, WA, 9/87-5/88; Office Assistant, Providence Seattle Medical Center, Seattle, WA, 5/88-4/89; Research Assistant, Provincial Offices, Seattle, WA, 5/88-5/89; preparation for Philippine Sector, Seattle, WA, 5/89-6/89; preparation for Philippine Sector, Maryknoll Cross Cultural Training Program, Moraga, CA, 6/89-8/89; Librarian, Sisters of Providence Residence, Manila, Philippines, 10/89-01/91; Assistant to Provincial Secretary, Provincial Offices, Seattle, WA, 2/91-6/92; Librarian, Providence High School, Burbank, CA, 1992-2003; Team Member, Administration, Providence High School, Burbank, CA, Fall 2003-June 2007.

She loved classical music and reading.

Sr. Renate is preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by an aunt and uncle, two cousins, and her community of the Sisters of Providence.

Memorial contributions may be made in her honor to the Sisters of Providence Retirement Fund, 1801 Lind Avenue SW, #9016, Renton, WA 98057-9016.

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Maribel Kuklish
Maribel Kuklish
5 years ago

Sister Renate was one of the sister of Providence who received me at PHS 7 years ago. I enjoyed working with her and learning about the Providence Sisters trough her stories.

Sister Renate character was an inspiration to so many.

She was a dear friend and she will always be warmly remembered.

Irene Mullen
Irene Mullen
5 years ago

Sr. Renate was an amazing woman, with an incredible vision and an extrordinary sense of humor. We were friends and she was my mentor and sponsor into the Sisters of Providence Associates. I miss you Sr. Renate. Love Irene

5 years ago




Jennifer Bello
Jennifer Bello
5 years ago

Sr. Renate was my direct supervisor at Providence High School, my first librarian job after getting my MLIS. She was a wonderful mentor who modeled excellent librarianship and skillfully guided my transition to the “real library world” while allowing me the freedom to enact things on my own. I feel truly fortunate to have known and worked with Sr. Renate.

John W. Hunt
John W. Hunt
5 years ago

Still remembering her warmth and intelligence after more than 30 years.

Jean Roden
Jean Roden
5 years ago

Renate was my classmate at the University of Washington School of Librarianship in 1968. She was a woman of integrity, intellectual ability and empathy for the commonweal. The world has lost one of its finest.

Jean Roden

John Sheets
John Sheets
5 years ago

I was honored to work as a new librarian with Renate, who was so kind and helpful. I am sure she brought those qualities into her life in the religious community.