Stephanie Michelle Gunter
December 19, 1979 - January 17, 2008

Stephanie Michelle Gunter, age 28, passed peacefully on January 17, 2008 in Federal Way. Stephanie is survived by her mother, Laurie J. Gunter; father Raymond M. Gunter Janet; grandmother, Jodell Heffernan; grandfathers, Elmer Hoover and Fritz Gunter; brother, Christopher Gunter; sister, Kelly Nelson Mike; one niece, Shantel Gunter; two aunts; two uncles; many cousins and many friends. Viewing will be held on Monday, 01/21/08 from 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm at BONNEY-WATSON Federal Way, 1535 SW Dash Point Road, Federal Way, WA 253 839-7317. A celebration of her life will be held on Tuesday at 11:00 am at the Sea-Tac Bible Church, 29926 – 37th Avenue S., Auburn, WA 98001. The family prefers memorial contributions be made to the American Diabetes Association.
Laurie, you of course already know how much I love you and Stephanie but I just wanted to share with you how proud I am to have witnessed the relationship that you had with Stephanie and how you were always there for her during good times and bad — it was wonderful to witness the love and devotion that you had for each other. Love, Jimie
I have been beside myself and unable to write until today. We are filled with deepest sorrow for your loss. Stephanie was such a sweet young lady and too young to have been taken away from us. We are in disbelief and feeling a great sense of sadness.
All of us send our love to you.
Cassandra, Andre’, Tony, Jesse and all the Grandchildren
“May heaven’s love reach out to you and take you by the hand,
May hope be your assurance and the rock on which you stand.
May faith prove even stronger than the loss you now face,
And may you know God’s healing love, His comfort and His grace.”
Prayer by Emily Matthews
This beautiful young woman will long be remembered by me. May your memories of her and the things you shared be a constant source of comfort and joy.
With deepest sympathy,
Sarah Good Brown
P. O. Box 432
Warsaw, VA 22572
Haven’t seen yall in a while but Stephanie was a beautiful girl and sweet. So sad to hear of her passing so young. She will surely be missed by all. We loved her very much.
I knew Stephanie for a very short time, but she added much to my understanding of the importance of each and every life.
Life Care Center will never forget the time we had with Stephanie. We feel blessed to have known her.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Laurie Gunter and her family as they mourn the loss of Stephanie. May you feel God’s love in the midst of your tragedy and may you remember the good memories that Stephanie brought into your lives.
Scott and Veronika Harmon and family
Oh Steph, where do I start…….. I know that we have had our good and bad times but the good always out weighed the bad. I will miss you so much, I know that my mom will take care of you up there. And know that we will all take care of mom down here. I will always love and miss you. Look down on us from time to time. Love always the Nichols family
Dear, Dear Laurie!!!
OH, MY!!!
I was sooooooo shocked when Debra Malloy’s email came across last week with this AWFUL news!!!
I don’t really remember seeing pictures of your family while you were working here. WOW!!! STEPHANIE IS A GORGIOUS WOMAN!!!!
Words are soooooooo empty at times like this!!
Life is to fragile and fleeting–it’s like a vapor. Here one moment and gone the next…
You’re in my prayers, Sweet Lady!!!
Hello my dear.There are know words that I can say to you.I have this feeling there one more star up in the sky with stephanie name on it.So when you think of your LOVE,BESTFRIEND,DAUGHTER,YOURBABY, HER BIG BRIGHT EYES and fill sad look to that star* love you…
HI Laurie,
Remember me, Alesia’s baby’s daddy. I am sorry to hear about Stephanie, time goes by so fast. I know you will miss her but,she is in a better place. May God be with you. Stay strong.
Love Glenn
We met Stephanie when she was 13 years old. She was a sweet girl full of life and love for people. Stephanie will be very missed, and always in our heart.
Sigh, Aye sis. Since I got the phone call from mom I have just been in a numb,state of doubt. I did not want to accept what she had told me. These last couple of days I wanted to wake up and look at my phone and not see the call log with moms number in it so I could say it was just a bad dream. But then last night you visited me in my dream. And told me it was all true and that I needed to quit hideing from the reality of the matter. You had a glow about you that somehow told me you were just fine. And that you were ready to use your new wings to fly around and keep an eye on every one. Despite our ups and downs we allways kept it real with eachother. I cherrish that. I just want to express to you the obvious and that is that you will be sooo missed. And have made me realize how precious life is and how short it can be and to not take it for granted. I look forward to our nightly conversations in my nightly prayers and In my dreams. I love you sissy. Ill keep an eye on mom too, You know this. Forever your brotha from anotha motha. Chris
You are forever in my heart girly girl! Terri
Sorry for your loss, now we will have an other little angel in heaven! We will pray for you! Bless you always!!
Judi, Beani, Danny, Meagan, Marissa, Samantha, and Bruce!!
There’s a lot of talk about angels these days and about all the things people say they can do. It’s not always easy to know what to believe but it certainly would be nice to have a few angels in our lives. I picture them as being near us day and night and especially whenever life seems trying and difficult. I like to think that angels are taking special care of us.Written by Eva Allen
Stephanie you will forever be our guardian angel. Your smile, laughter, sense of humor and your sassiness will always be remembered. You have touched so many people’s lives in ways they will never forget. You have inspired and supported people to dream the impossible. You encouraged them to believe in themselves as you believed in them. I love you and will miss you here on this earth. Lil sis, I will see you again!
Amanda Rollins
Stephanie~You will truelly be missed. We all loved you so much and even though i didn’t know you that well. You will always have a place in my heart. When I had an incident that happened with my ex your mama told you and with loving and caring arms you were there to talk to me through it all about anything. You had such a sweet personality with a caring heart. I Love You So Much and i just wished i took you on that offer to talking to you about the situation we both went through. I’m just so happy that your in a better place now with no more pain or suffering. You will always have a place in our hearts and a huge impact on our lives. WE LOVE YOU!
Stephanie I just got here to Washington State not long ago but I’ve sure learned in a few mths what fight is all about. I witnessed it 1st hand with u. Ur fighting song will live within me forever. U are a GIANT among Giants. Love Bernard
I remember both you and Stephanie with love. I believe in the power of prayer and comfort in friendship. Right now I offer you both. My deepest sympathy.
Charles P. Good
1215 Gilmer Ave. N.W.
Roanoke, VA 24017
Stephanie – I loved having
lunch/brunch with you every so often. It was great fun for us 4 together and just shoot the breeze about everything and everybody. I would ask your mom why you insisted on coming to lunch/brunch with us because we were not in you age group. She said that you didn’t want to be talked about – a very smart move on your part. Remember the Christmas sock you made me – it hangs by my chimney with care. I will never take it down tho. You were great to be around – Love always
Dearest Stephanie,
Hey there girl, it is so hard to believe you were taken from us so early in your life, but I know you made the best of it and had a good time. You are a dear old friend to me and I will never forget you or forget our times in High School! I will miss you very much and think about you often, and just know that you will always be in my heart forever!! I know we lost touch after HS, and have recently met back up again and didn’t have much time together, but we will meet up yet once again. Save a spot for me up there!! I will help your mother thru this difficult time and be by her side… I love you and will see you later…..
Our little pink princess you are so loved, you will be missed so much.
Laurie, we love you and share your grief, but we have great memories of Stephanie and all the wonderful things about her. Her love of life and her beautiful smile and cockiness, what a force she was to reckon with!!! Her presence in this world is a joyous one and we will forever remember her laughter and thoughfulness. She would always make Scott feel welcome every time he saw her. I thank you and her for her love and friendship.
The first time I saw Stephanie she was truly the most beautiful girl in the building. I’m gonna miss her cute, little scratchy voice and her confident attitude. I love and miss u Stephanie.
Dear Stephanie, there’s not enough words to say how much i miss u.I’ll
miss ur smile,the twinkle in your eye,the arguements we used to have.
Don’t cause any trouble in heaven I’ll be with u soon wait for me in heaven i love u and i miss u
I will always remember Stephanie as a thoughtful and generous person. She was willing to help when someone needed a hand weather it was homework or lunch money she wouldn’t hesitate to offer up help.
Our Love and Prayer are with you at this time of your loss.
May God watch over you and keep you close! You will be greatly missed! Love,
Uncle Mike & Family
Hey stephanie;
you will always be in my thoughts and prayers.I know you always goin to be around everyone. You need to kick robin’s bummper when she slags at school. so keep waching her, I know you will alys be with your Mom. you were her best friend forver.Just know love that we will all be together again soon. love you, miss you.I know you will always have a epecial plce in everyones’s heart and never be forgotten.
We are saddened by Stephanie’s untimely passing, but we feel good that in her short life she was much loved and had many friends and family members who cared about her deeply.
Praise the Lord that Stephanie was a part of your life for as long as she was. She was a great companion, best friend and a wonderful daughter for you and you have tons of memories to charish and to laugh to. She was a fiesty girl that had a strong will. We will miss her but never forget her. Ours prayers and love to you!
dear Stephanie, this is so very hard to do. i feel like i’ve lost one of my own. You and I had some fun with and without your mom,. I’ll never forget the beautiful voice i awoke to on a certain Christmas morning, “OUR VERY OWN STEPHANIE, SINGING AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS,HEADPHONES ON , I THINK WERE ALONE NOW”, BY TIFFANY. just one of our many highlights of your life. Oh, and all the itty bitty pieces of paper you tore up in the car, oh what a mess, and all your giggles. i am truly going to miss all those moments, . I love you stephanie , just keep on loving your mom, because she loves you with all of her being. Laurie, i love you and miss you, and i share your sorrow. love to you both always vickie roles and family.
Hello my love. I just needed to tell you again how much I love you and that “You are my Heart” and you forever will be. You were not only my daughter, you were also my very best friend. I am going to miss you so much and I am going to try real hard not to cry because I know how much you hated that. Dollbaby, you will forever and a day be with me. I love you baby. Mom
Hey girl, Some of my funest memories of you is when you and your mom had your verbal discussions and every once in a while, the button on your mom’s phone would get pushed and my number happened to be the one it automaticly dialed. MAN! where you sassy! No matter how much I yelled, you two could not hear me telling you to turn me off. But then there were our lunch/brunch dates of which I would never trade. I learned so much about the good young people from you. AND of course there was all the SMUTT talk! Loved it! I totally enjoyed my time with you. Thanks for accepting me as a friend. Love, Bernie
well little missy!! or I should say princess, we love you so much and we will all miss your cute smile. You were and always will be a gift to your mom and all who loved you! When I see her I see you when I saw you I saw her. What an amazing gift I can only hope to have that with my little girl. Thanks for that lesson it’s so beautiful. Look down at us and have a lot of fun up their I know your wings are desighner ones baby!! you will always be little stephie to me. I love you!
Girley girl, oh how i’m going to miss you and that smile of yours! I will always be thankful and hold dear to my heart the time I was able to spend with you. You handled everything with patience and grace, even in the hospital you were always worried about everyone else. You made me promise to follow my dream of going to nursing school because you believed in me. I want you to know I am doing it because I believe in you. You are my inspiration, you reminded me of who I am and what my purpose is, you put me back on track and for that I am and will be forever grateful. I’ll dedicate my degree to you baby girl. I will still get our tatoo we planned and I know you’ll be right there with me. I’m not going to say good bye, you are still with us just in a different way. I’ll talk to you later, I love you Stephi
Dear Stephanie~
You know how much of a talker I am, but this time I don’t know where to start. I really can’t believe you are gone. Too young, too soon. In my heart, I always hoped the best for you, even when times weren’t the brightest for us. Somehow we always managed to get back in touch. I learned so much from you, especially in the most recent months. What a kind hearted, strong willed person you are. And even when I was down on myself, you always said it would be ok and not to worry. You were the only person I could ever really talk to, tell things without judgement. I’ll miss you and the fun times we shared. I’m trying to protect you now, even that you are gone. Please protect me now, and watch over everyone who loved you.
Forever your Best Friend~
p.s. We’ll all help your mom through this, please know she is not alone.