Thelma Edna Crowder

September 8, 1923 - June 8, 2020


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Bob and Malver Haynes
Bob and Malver Haynes
4 years ago

To the Crowder Family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during these hours of sorrow. May God continue to bless each of you as you face each day. Gain your strength these days with the many fond memories of time spent with Thelma. She is now at PEACE.

Emma Cotton
Emma Cotton
4 years ago

SUNRISE: September 8, 1923​​
SUNSET: June 8, 2020

She remained a faithful servant until the Lord whispered her name on that blessed Monday to call her home to eternal rest. As the poet Emerson said, “its not the length of life, but the depth” and that statement reflects the life that our dear sister. Whereas her Christian upbringing prepared her for a meaningful life.
Father God, we know you hold time within your hands, and see it all from beginning to end. Please keep and carry this precious family in their sadness and loss of their mother, and cover them with Your great wings of love. Today they weep the death of their loved one.
Blessed Father, we can rest assured knowing You are there to comfort them, because You said in Your words, John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, Bless His holy name.
Be it further resolved that this resolution be given to the family, and a copy placed in the archives of Mount Zion Baptist Church.

Humbly submitted on this day of our Lord, Thursday, June 18, 2020.
Sister Emma Cotton, President
Mount Zion Baptist Church Senior Citizen Ministry

Toni Betts
Toni Betts
4 years ago

Dearest Family of Thelma Crowder,

You have my deepest condolences in the passing of your very special loved one. Mrs. Crowder was indeed a jewel. My prayers and thoughts are with you, loved ones and friends – may you be comforted in your grief and find peace in knowing she is at home with The Lord. May you delight in special memories of time spent with her…

She was a dear friend for over 25 years and I adored her from the first time we sat together in church! I will miss our talks. What a wonderful example of God’s love and faithfulness, along with a terrific wit! How beautiful to know she is at rest with God and reunited with Mr. Crowder and Daryl. She will definitely be missed.