Thomas S. Fucilla

Thank you for the gift of Tommy. He has been both a delight and a challenge to his friends and family for nearly 98 years. We know you have been with him in a special way during these last difficult years, and that his pain and suffering were not in vain, and that you have now welcomed him into your kingdom where he is with his beloved mother and father and can rejoice with his Creator forever.
The gifts you gave him at his conception, from his superb heart, both physical and loving, to his determination to succeed enabled him to face all the challenges of his life. His work ethic was intense from childhood, when most children only wanted to play or have time to themselves to when he realized retirement was necessary. He swept floors for the Felix Rosaia Florist shop at age 11 soon after he arrived in Seattle from Italy, and saved money so his parents could have a house built. His boss was a difficult taskmaster and Tommy was determined to buy that store and scrimped and saved and bought it, turning it into one of the most highly regarded floral shops in Seattle. The shop was located on Third Ave. across from Seattle City Light, who was a loyal customer. Always independent, he once refused to make a lei for the wife of the Shaw of Iran who was making an official visit to Seattle, as he received the call in the middle of the night and they wanted it on Sunday, his only day off!
After his father died, for many years he cared for his mother who was chronically ill until she passed away. Then he was free to travel and enjoyed trips all over the world. He kept up his house and garden until well after he retired, then moved into First Hill Plaza condominium for several years. There he could enjoy the on site gym and pool and even had parties in the party room.
Eventually he moved into an apartment at Providence Mount St. Vincent and enjoyed his last years there with all the help he needed. He called it “Paradise”!
Thank you, Lord for allowing us to be a part of Tommy’s life. He made the most of it and never wasted a moment. Even when he was relaxing it was after a good days work and part of his routine. He loved good music and theater and never visited anyone without a gift. We could all take a lesson from his determination and dedication.
Tommy leaves behind his nieces Louise Arntson, Eileen Davis, Sharon Nelson and Gina Giovinazzo, and his good friends, Tom Harmon and Joanie Johnson-Harmon.
His Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, August 18th at 9:30am at Providence Mt. St. Vincent, 4831 35th Ave. SW, Seattle, WA 98126, 206-937-3700.
I had the privilege of meeting this fine man at Mt St. Vincent through my friends, Joanie and Tom Harmon. He passed on my birthday so I will always remember to commemorate this wonderful person.
Carolina is deceased, 1/27/07 – she was a second cousin. Her father was born in Rogliano, Cosenza, Calabria; her mother’s parents,too. We visited with both Salvinos and Rotas in Italy in the ’80’s after learning who to contact from Tommy. Unfortinately, we didn’t realize that he was still alive or we surely would’ve visited!
Tommy was a wonderful and loyal friend and member of the family. We enjoyed his stories of world travel,his beautiful flowers and his undying love for family. We could always count on his appearance every holiday with a beautiful floral arrangement for the table! Tommy will truly be missed. Just knowing he’s reunited with his family and all his good friends, after all these years, brings a smile to my face.
will miss you Tommy, the times you would share with the family, the parties and visits at grandma and Grandpa’s house, now you get to visit with them again! love jacque
I know this is random, but I am now the caretaker of his 1971 Dodge Dart Swinger, as I purchased it this year. I have been repairing it, and plan to put many miles on the road while enjoying it. I appreciate now having a bit of story of the man who drove my car originally. Rest In Peace, Mr. Fucilla.
I’m Thomas’s great niece, Lynn. We called him Uncle Tommy. Our Italian grandfather, Louis was his older brother.
Tommy was a huge part of our lives, attending every Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner at our home or at the home of Louis and Elizabeth’s (Lily) home every year.
He was the sweetest and most debonair Uncle, bringing us gifts of plumeria perfume and mumu dresses after his many trips to Hawaii.
I remember trips to the flower shop when I was a tiny girl. He would always make me a special corsage to wear every time.
He made me feel so special.
I miss and love him very much.