Timothy Stuart Wennberg

November 19, 1956 - January 28, 2015


Tim S. Wennberg.  
Born in Renton, Washington on November 19, 1956 in a small hospital that is now a hardware store, Tim Wennberg passed January 29, 2015 at his North Beacon Hill home in Seattle, a small house he continued to renovate and would happily say kept McLendon in business.  Tim himself needed no improvement – he was an inspiration, a confidant, and a blessing to those he knew well and to those whom he’d only just met; a loving son, brother, uncle, cousin, friend, and devoted partner.  
Preceded in death by his father Earl William Wennberg, Tim is survived by his loving spouse Andrew McCullough, his mother, Arlis Wennberg of Kennewick, Washington; brother, Paul (Jackie) Wennberg of Redmond , Washington; sisters: Dawn (Edward) Largé of Hermiston, Oregon; and Carrie (Christopher) Bryant of Holly Springs, North Carolina.
Uncles and Aunt:  Uncle and godfather Gaylord (Bev) Oak of Renton, Washington;  godmother Viva (Granley) Bush of Seattle, Washington; Duane Oak of Littleton, Colorado; niece and nephews Melissa Day, John Wennberg, Eric Wennberg, Matthew Hensel, Kristopher Largé, David Largé, Grayson Bryant, Matheson Bryant. 
Cousins: Lori Brenna, Oregon; Jon Brenna, Oregon; Brian Oak, Washington; Susan Oak, Washington; Becky Wildmo, New Mexico; John Wildmo, Minnesota; David Oak, Illinois; Jerry Oak, Colorado; Ronnie Oak, Colorado; Karen Armer, Texas
Tim’s natural charm and persuasive enthusiasm were among his greatest assets, creating opportunities for adventures that would cement bonds for eternity through his encouragement and empowerment.  His impact on lives was immediate and indelible.  
These are just a few of the memories that will keep him with us forever:
From his mother, Arlis:  
“Tim’s dad’s cousin visited the family in Seattle when Tim was a little boy.  He heard Tim liked boats.  His advice to a young Tim was ‘If you like boats meet people who have boats!’  With Tim’s outgoing spirit and desire to follow through with his passions he certainly took that advice to heart.  Every yearly family camping trip found Tim being the self appointed ambassador of the campground.  He would introduce himself to everyone, helping all the camp sites set up, haul wood – whatever was needed-all the while endearing himself to all who owned boats.  How could they turn down a kid with such spunk.  By the first dawn’s light of the first day of camping he would be out on the water in someone’s boat with a great big smile – so happy, bringing joy to his new-found friends and catching all the awaiting fish!”

From his sister, Dawn:
“Tim brought such happiness to his family.  As a little boy he was full of positive energy, as a teenager – he was full of positive energy; in his early adult years  -he was full of positive energy; in his later visits to his parents’ house – he was, of course, full of positive energy.  Tim was and always will be the one who brought such joy to our family.  Always supportive to all of us no matter our circumstance, ingenious in solving whatever unusual situation someone found themselves in and persevering through his pain to meet all his obligations gladly.  He was a dreamer, a hard worker, and a genuine connoisseur of life!  He knew good food, good friends, true love and good times… life was an exciting roller coaster and he took the ups and downs with the zeal of an adventurer.  Wow Tim.  Wow!  You lived a first-class version of your own life’s making.  Wow!”

From his sister, Carrie:
“Just had a facebook friend, a high school classmate of mine, Debbie Wychoff, write to me.  Her brother, Dale, also sends his condolences and has fond memories of Tim (he graduated with Tim).  Tim taught him to snow ski and water ski!  Tim affected probably more lives than we could ever imagine (some we won’t even hear about, but knowingly he no doubt had a lasting and loving impression on SO MANY lives)!”

From his cousin, Jon:
“As far back as I remember there were really three Tim’s that I knew. The first of course was the present Tim, the Tim in the room, the one right there in front of you. That would be the Tim I could say that I knew, my cousin. Only that would not say enough simply because it would not include the second Tim, one I consider the Tim Experience. You had to experience Tim, there is really no other way for me to say it. These two wrapped into one by and large are the Tim that fill me with the love and memories of time with Tim when I was young.  So what of the third Tim? That was the Tim that walked out the door. The Tim I didn’t know. I always had the sense that you never really knew what Tim was up to when he left the house. It’s been well over 30 years since I had any adventure on the high seas with Tim but I know he brought everyone that same sense of energy, adventure and joy.”
The family will be gathering at one o’clock in the afternoon of Saturday, February 21st at Café Artemis, 201 Elliott Avenue West, in Seattle for an opportunity to meet friends and share stories of Tm’s conquering spirit.  He will be laid to rest in the presence of his dear father in Kennewick, Washington on Monday, February 23rd.  
For any who wish to stop by, an open house celebration of Tim will be held throughout the afternoon and, in true Tim fashion, well into the evening of Saturday, March 14th at his home.

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Ed Large ( Brother in law)
Ed Large ( Brother in law)
5 years ago

Tim’s First Love

Tim’s first love was boats,until he found another first love,his love of family,and meeting new people,until he found another first love,his love of cooking,until he found another first and final love, His Love For Andrew. Tim just wanted to share life.

My thoughts of Tim:

Tim would say don’t mourn for me but find your first love and truly enjoy life, it’s like a party full of joy and happiness but it’s over too quickly.

Kevin Dillon
Kevin Dillon
5 years ago

Tim will be missed by all of us that knew and loved him. But he will always be with us in our thoughts, hearts and the lifetime of memories that we will share. He remains in the friendships he helped bring together and the Timisms we will all see in ourselves. I’ll will think of him often and the tears I shed today will soon turn to smiles remembering my good friend.

Scott Walker
Scott Walker
5 years ago

I have so many fond memories of Tim. He was such a great friend and human being. My most recent rememberece is going to the Cher and Condi Pauper concert at Key Arena with Tim and Andrew — he was so excited we were so close and could see back stage! Camping trips, going to Costa Rica, backyard BBQs, Tim always made life fun. I will miss him greatly.

robert warzyski
robert warzyski
5 years ago

My Buddy Tim, I lost a great friend, more like a brother. He was the best, he was one of a kind. He was the most compassionate, eager, helpful, and honest person I knew !!!

You will be missed by all and especially me !! Love you and hope your at rest now !!!

Mark Poeschl
Mark Poeschl
5 years ago

Tim was one of the sweetest people I have ever known. Not an angry or hateful bone anywhere in his his body. When I think of Tim I can only think croquet, croquet, croquet!

Abby Wade
Abby Wade
5 years ago

Dear Wennberg Family,

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you find comfort in the scripture Revelation 21:4, “and He will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be no more. Neither will mourning, nor outcry, or pain be anymore. The former things have passed away”. If you would like to find more comforting words, please visit jw.org.

My sincere condolences.

Williams Family
Williams Family
5 years ago

Condolences to the Wennberg family. May Jehovah the “God of Comfort” bring you comfort and peace at this difficult time (2 Corinthians 1:3 & 4). Your family are in our prayers.